
  • 网络british disease;english disease;English malady
  1. 这就把我们带到英国病这个话题。

    Here we come to the British disease .

  2. 但法国和荷兰等国都患上了英国病。

    But the French , the Dutch and others have caught the British disease .

  3. 那个男孩的了英国病。

    The boy suffered from English disease .

  4. 德国已染上了英国病,如果这种疾病持续的话,欧洲的末日就会来临。

    Germany has caught the British disease . If the affliction keeps hold , Europe is doomed .

  5. 英国病在减弱,但公民享受的服务也大为削减。

    The illness of Britain was relieved , while the services enjoyed by citizens were cut down greatly .

  6. 工会权力特别大,经常爆发产业冲突,&这就是这种英国病的特有症状。它象征着英国煊赫的帝国盛世已经没落下来。

    The disease , characterized by unusual union power and frequent industrial strife , is symptomatic of Britain 's decline from its height of imperial glory .

  7. 但至少伦敦并非是一个停滞的、灰暗的、阴郁的都市,虽然“英国病”等词汇常常给人们以这样的联想。

    But at least London is not a stagnant , dark , gloomy city , although the " British disease ", often for people to think of this .

  8. 研究结果刊登于《英国皮肤病学杂志》。

    The findings appear in The British Journal of Dermatology .

  9. 病例的确定按照英国帕金森病诊断标准来执行。

    Cases were defined using the UK Parkinson 's Disease Society Brain Bank criteria .

  10. 针对英国足病医师的一项调查表明,从他们的患者可以看出,不舒服的鞋子是导致足部疾病的首要原因。

    A survey of UK podiatrists revealed that unsuitable footwear is the leading cause of foot problems they see in their patients .

  11. 英国皮肤病学会去年发布报告:有三分之一的纹身者事后后悔,此举导致去除纹身的激光新技术问世。

    Last year the British Academy of Dermatology reported a third of people regretted their tattoo , which has led to new laser technology to remove them .

  12. 研究人员在英国皮肤病杂志上发表的一篇文章中称,胡椒碱的这种作用在联合紫外线照射的光照疗法时效果尤好。

    Piperine was particularly effective when combined with phototherapy treatment using ultraviolet radiation , the researchers said in a study to be published in the British Journal of Dermatology .

  13. 使用紫外线灯的检测结果显示,吃西红柿酱的那组研究对象的皮肤防晒能力在研究结束时比开始时增强了三分之一。该研究结果在英国皮肤病学研究学会的年度研讨会上公布。

    Tests using ultra-violet lamps showed the tomato-eaters were a third better protected against sunburn at the end of the study than at the start , the British Society for Investigative Dermatology 's annual conference heard .

  14. AcneApp销售商说《英国皮肤病学》杂志上的一项研究显示蓝红光疗法(如他们的应用程序发出的)可以消除痤疮76%的细菌和减少皮肤瑕疵。

    The marketers of AcneApp said that a study in the British Journal of Dermatology showed blue and red light treatments ( such as were emitted from their app ) eliminated bacteria and reduced skin blemishes from acne by 76 % .

  15. 目前尚无研究证实两者之间存在必然的关联,但是这并没有打消某些著名的怀疑论者的疑虑,英国的精神病学家戴维·希利博士(DavidHealy)正是其中之一。

    No definite link was confirmed , but that did not end the concern of some prominent skeptics , like a British psychiatrist , Dr. David Healy .

  16. 英国经济的病有多重?

    How ill is the UK economy ?

  17. 渥太华太阳报“报导,1996年在英国”精神病治疗进展“的报告称,一个”重要的少数“患”网络成瘾“。

    The Ottawa Sun reports that a1996 report in the UK " Advances in Psychiatric Treatment " claimed that a " significant minority " suffer from " Internet addiction " .

  18. 2009年,一项由一流的心理健康研究人员进行的荟萃分析发现,尽管认知行为疗法治疗常见疾病的有效性已经过大量试验证实,但美国和英国的精神病患者却很少接受这一疗法。

    In 2009 , a meta-analysis conducted by leading mental-health researchers found that psychiatric patients in the United States and Britain rarely receive C.B.T. , despite numerous trials demonstrating its effectiveness in treating common disorders .

  19. 1938年最早报道英国流行该病,此后,美国、新西兰、瑞典、加拿大、日本等国相继报道了有关钼中毒病的流行及研究状况。

    The disease was reported in England in 1938 by the first time . Since then , the disease and its studies were successively reported in America , New Zealand , Sweden , Canada and Japan etc.

  20. 据参与英国地方心脏病研究项目的研究人员报道,老年人身高变矮多于3厘米(1.18英寸),其心脏病发作和死亡风险则明显增加。

    An elderly man who loses more than3cm , 1.18 inches , in height has a significantly greater risk of having a heart attack and dying , say researchers involved in the British Regional Heart Study .

  21. 据最近调查显示,许多英国人患心脏病。

    According to the latest survey many briton suffer from heart disease .

  22. 在英国,现在疯牛病病例数目已在下降;在美国,到目前甚至一例报告也没有。

    The number of bovine cases is now falling in britain & and the United States has yet to even report one .

  23. 这种病在美国称路格里克氏症,在英国称运动神经元病,或MND。

    The disease is also known as Lou Gehrig 's Disease in the United States and motor neuron disease , or MND , in Britain .

  24. 英国是欧洲心脏病发生率最高的国家,部分原因应归咎于含过多脂肪和糖分的饮食习惯。

    Britain has one of the highest rates of heart disease in Europe , a fact blamed in part on a diet high in fat and sugar .

  25. 在英国爆发的疯牛病归因于已感染的牛材料饲养其他牛。这促使大多数国家禁止用牛材料饲养其他牛,因为该疾病是很容易在同一物种传播。

    An outbreak in England attributed to infected beef prompted most countries to outlaw feeding rendered cow material to other cattle because the disease is so easily spread within the same species .

  26. 自1987年英国首次报道疯牛病以来,重大传染病疫情的阴云就已从欧洲扩展到世界各地。

    Since mad cow disease was first reported by the United Kingdom in 1987 , the shadow of outbreak of communicable diseases had been extended from Europe to the rest of the world .

  27. 屡屡发生的食品安全事件使食品安全问题日趋成为人们关注的焦点,并发展成为一个世界性的问题:例如1996年英国爆发的疯牛病、2001年欧洲爆发口蹄疫等。

    Repeatedly occurring food safety affairs make food security become an attention focus , which turns into a world issue , e.g. BSE burst out in England in 1996 and jaws-hoof epidemic disease in Europe in 2001 , etc.

  28. 从1996年英国爆发的疯牛病到2008年国内三鹿等知名奶粉的三聚氰氨等一系列的食品安全事件的发生,更使食品安全成为公共健康面临的面主要的威胁之一。

    A series of food safety incidents , such as outbreak of mad cow disease in 1996 and famous domestic Sanlu " melamine " in 2008 , make food safety threat become one of the main public health threats .