
  1. 所有学生都必须参加英语考试,无一例外。

    All students without exception must take the English examination .

  2. 英语考试不及格后,他完全不再傲慢自负。

    After failing the English test , his conceitedness completely evaporated .

  3. 这次英语考试我要是通不过就惨了。

    It will be a calamity if I fail my English exam .

  4. 别说傻话!你英语考试应当能及格。

    Don 't be such an ass ! of course you 'll pass your English exam .

  5. 例句:他英语考试虽不及格,却满不在乎。

    He wasn 't bothered at all after failing the English exam .

  6. 我以为英语考试很难,但是不过就是小菜一碟。

    I expected the English test to be difficult but it was a piece of cake . 3 COOL AS A CUCUMBER1

  7. 利用Authorware5.0开发基于Internet的多媒体英语考试系统

    An Exploiture of Multimedia English Test System Based on Internet by Authorware 5.0

  8. 高等学校入学英语考试(MET)使用的统计方法

    Statistical procedures of Matriculation English Test

  9. 许多学生只是为了通过全国公共英语考试(PETS)而被动学习英语听力,有的学生甚至放弃了对听力的学习。

    For many students , learning English is just for passing Public English Test System ( PETS ) .

  10. 从2005年6月起,全国大学英语考试(CET)在进行着重大改革。

    From June , 2005 , great reform has taken place in CET .

  11. PTE学术英语考试的成绩两年内有效。

    PTE Academic scores are valid for two years .

  12. 托业即TOEIC(TestofEnglishforInternationalCommunication),中文译为国际交流英语考试,是针对在国际工作环境中使用英语交流的人们而指定的英语能力测评。

    The TOEIC ( Test of English for International Communication ) Test is a standardized test designed to measure a person 's ability to understand English as it is used in international business situation .

  13. 主持人:PTE学术英语考试,它的名称为什么叫做真正的学术英语考试?

    SINA Host : Why do students call PTE Academic a real academic English test .

  14. 在瑞士,FCE考试被用于职业类学校学生的毕业英语考试。

    In Switzerland , FCE is recognised as part of the school leaving examination in the vocational sector .

  15. 作为一个新型的留学语言考试,PTE学术英语考试自从登陆中国以来受到中国学生广泛好评。

    PTE Academic , a new English test for people applying to study overseas , was launched at the end of2009 .

  16. PTE学术英语考试是总部位于伦敦的教育集团&培生语言考试中心推出的一种基于计算机的新型学术英语考试。

    PTE Academic is a new computer-based academic English language test from Pearson Language Tests ( PLT ), a part of the London-based education company .

  17. 谈到PTE学术英语考试,可能很多考生都已经有一定的了解,关于PTE学术英语考试整体介绍及考试流程、报考的方式,请二位做一个简单的介绍。

    Some of our Chinese test takers may know something about PTE Academic already , and some would like to know more about it , would you please give us a brief introduction to PTE Academic ?

  18. 剑桥小学英语考试(YLE)是可靠和持续的英语水平测试,能有效地评估考生在英语聆听、会话、阅读和写作方面的能力。

    Young Learners English ( YLE ) is a reliable and consistent measure of how well your child is doing in the skills of listening , speaking and reading and writing .

  19. 这五个男孩儿上学期的英语考试不及格。

    These five boys failed in their English exam last term .

  20. 竟有十名学生英语考试不及格。

    No less than ten students haven 't passed in English .

  21. 此页将提供我们所有考试的详细资料。你可以参加普通英语考试或商务英语考试。

    You can sit exams in general English or Business English .

  22. 恭喜你在英语考试中取得成功。

    Congratulations to you on your success in the English examination .

  23. 明天的英语考试你能帮我作弊吗?

    Can you help me cheat on tomorrow 's English test ?

  24. 在这次英语考试中他得了第二名。

    He was ( the ) second in the English exam .

  25. 有些同学英语考试没及格。

    Some of my classmates haven 't passed the English exam .

  26. 我父亲很生我的气,因为我英语考试不及格。

    My father was very me because I my English test .

  27. 他化学考试得中,英语考试得良。

    He got a C in chemistry anda B in english .

  28. 还去了趟南京参加英语考试。

    And then I went to Nanjing for an English exam .

  29. 老师继而谈到英语考试的详细情况。

    The teacher descended to particulars of the examination in English .

  30. 好的,各位。现在要进行英语考试了。

    Ok , everybody . it 's time for your English exam .