
  • 网络Cisco;Cisco System;Cisco Systems Inc
  1. 全球电子产品生产巨头思科系统公司的主席约翰·钱伯斯说“我们和市场转型竞争,而不是和对手竟争。”

    John Chambers , chairman of Cisco Systems Inc. , a worldwide leader in electronics products , says that " we compete against market transitions , not competitors . "

  2. 思科系统公司(CiscoSystems)正在“转化”为一家更多以软件和服务为重心的公司,然而这一进程还远未完成。

    Cisco Systems ' " transformation " into a more software - and services-centric company is far from complete .

  3. 不久前,人们以为国际商业机器公司(IBM)、思科系统(CiscoSystems)、英特尔(Intel)和甲骨文(Oracle)在科技领域是不可打败的。

    Not long ago people thought IBM , Cisco Systems , Intel and Oracle were unbeatable in tech ;

  4. 目前的情形让人回想起2007年,当时苹果首次宣布推出iPhone,而该名称的使用权为思科系统公司(CiscoSystems)所有。

    The situation is reminiscent of 2007 , when Apple first announced the iPhone and Cisco Systems owned the rights to the name .

  5. 参会人员还有许多旧科技公司的首席执行长,包括国际商业公司(IBM)的罗曼提(VirginiaRometty)和思科系统(CiscoSystems)的钱伯斯(JohnChambers)。

    And there will be plenty of old-tech CEOs , like Virginia Rometty at IBM and John Chambers from Cisco Systems .

  6. 会议的另一位参与者是思科系统公司的人才发展部经理PatrickTse。

    Also on the panel was Patrick Tse , Talent Development Manager , Cisco Systems , Inc.

  7. 互联网设备制造商思科系统(CiscoSystem)发布报告指出,互联网对于年轻人的重要性不亚于生命。

    A study by Cisco Systems ( CSCO ) , which makes equipment that runs the Internet , concludes that the Internet , to many young people , is as important as life itself .

  8. 成立于1988年的华为迅速崛起为阿尔卡特朗讯(Alcatel-Lucent)和思科系统(CiscoSystemsInc。)等老牌网络设备供应商的强敌。

    Founded in1988 , Huawei has grown rapidly to become a major competitor to established network-equipment vendors like Alcatel-Lucent and Cisco Systems Inc.

  9. 思科系统、埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)、通用电气(GeneralElectric)、英特尔(Intel)和微软等公司的市值都曾逼近或超过5000亿美元。

    Companies including Cisco Systems , Exxon Mobil , General Electric , Intel and Microsoft at one time had market caps that approached or topped $ 500 billion .

  10. 思科系统(CiscoSystemsInc.)万物互联(InternetofEverything)咨询服务的负责人布拉德利(JosephBradley)说,如果没有重要的判断力,大数据绝对是毫无价值。

    ' Big data is worth absolutely nothing without big judgment , ' says Joseph Bradley , director of what Cisco Systems Inc. calls its ' Internet of Everything ' consulting practice .

  11. 波拉特还说,由此付出的代价可能会很高:2007年,网络设备制造企业思科系统公司(CiscoSystemsInc.)估计失礼行为每年在该公司造成的损失超过了830万美元(约合人民币5063万元),这个数字的计算包括了人员流动、

    And the costs can be steep : Networking-equipment company Cisco Systems Inc. in 2007 estimated the cost of incivility in its organization topped $ 8.3 million annually , Ms. Porath says .

  12. 购买思科系统(CiscoSystems)的高端视频会议解决方案&思科网真(Telepresence)的似乎都是财力雄厚的公司,如商务软件公司SAP(SAPAG)和美国银行(BankofAmerica)等。

    Buyers of Cisco Systems ' ( CSCO ) high-end videoconferencing solution , telepresence , tend to be deep-pocketed enterprises like sap ( SAP AG ) and Bank of America ( bank ) .

  13. 思科系统(CiscoSystems)首席执行官约翰•钱伯斯(JohnChambers)警告说,美国与中国和俄罗斯的两国的政治紧张形势意味着,在这两个原本最有增长潜力的市场,美国高科技企业正面临长期压力。

    Political tensions with China and Russia mean that US tech companies are facing protracted pressure in what had been two of their most promising growth markets , the chief executive of Cisco Systems has warned .

  14. 华为也试图转战进入网络设备市场,向政府和企业出售路由器和其它硬件及服务,这使它与思科系统(CiscoSystems)以及惠普公司(Hewlett-Packard)成了竞争对手。

    It is also trying to shift into network equipment , competing with Cisco Systems and Hewlett-Packard to sell routers and other hardware , as well as services , to governments and businesses .

  15. 思科系统公司(Cisco)是达文波特作为韬睿惠悦公司咨询顾问在2010年服务的客户之一。达文波特介绍说,思科系统公司在中层管理工作方面进行了大刀阔斧的改革。

    Cisco ( CSCO ) made major changes in how their middle managers operate , says Davenport , who consulted for the company in2010 as part of Towers Watson .

  16. 全球最大的网络交换机和路由器生产商思科系统(CiscoSystems)预计,将在今后5年内在华支出160亿美元,为过去5年的近两倍。

    Cisco Systems , the world 's biggest maker of internet switches and routers , expects to spend $ 16bn in China over the next five years , nearly double its expenditure in the country over the past half decade .

  17. 《华尔街日报》同时指出,有报道称总部位于美国马萨诸塞州霍普金顿的EMC公司还与戴尔(Dell)进行了合并谈判。另外,思科系统公司和甲骨文公司也曾被指有意跟EMC联姻。

    EMC has also reportedly held deal talks with Dell , while Cisco Systems and Oracle Corporation have also been cited as potential suitors for the Hopkinton , Massachusetts-based company , WSJ says .

  18. 为了推广自己的电视操作系统,阿里巴巴还说其已经与美国的思科系统(CiscoSystemsInc.)联手,但阿里巴巴发言人没有提供思科如何与阿里巴巴合作的细节。

    To promote its own TV operating system , Alibaba also said it has formed an alliance U.S. - based Cisco Systems Inc. , though an Alibaba spokeswoman didn 't provide details on how Cisco would be working with Alibaba .

  19. 过去3年里,许多企业宣布改革(或者已经改革了)它们的绩效考核系统,其中包括通用电气(GeneralElectric)、微软(Microsoft)、德勤(Deloitte)、埃森哲(Accenture)和思科系统(CiscoSystems)。

    In the past three years , General Electric , Microsoft , Deloitte , Accenture and Cisco Systems are among many that have announced reform of , or actually reformed , their performance systems . Ratings are in the line of fire .

  20. 该机构的巴尔特(LaurenceBalter)在给客户的报告里写道:炒作令我们担忧。他认为眼下这股投资苹果的热潮有点像微软和思科系统(CiscoSystems)登顶市值冠军宝座时受到的礼遇。

    The hype concerns us , Oracle 's Laurence Balter wrote in a note to clients , as he compared the current frenzy to when Microsoft and Cisco Systems previously were market-cap kings .

  21. 美国的思科系统(CiscoSystems)和瞻博网络(JuniperNetworks)、法国的阿尔卡特朗讯(Alcatel-Lucent)和瑞典的爱立信(Ericsson)都使用中国生产的零部件,并且设备的最终组装至少有部分是在中国进行的。

    Cisco Systems and Juniper Networks in the U.S. , Alcatel-Lucent in France and Ericsson in Sweden , all use Chinese-made parts and carry out at least some portion of the final assembly of their equipment in China .

  22. 华为的竞争对手包括思科系统(CiscoSystemsInc.,CSCO,简称:思科)和瞻博网络(JuniperNetworksInc.,JNPR),但华为在美国市场处于劣势。出于安全因素考虑,美国基本上禁止华为向电信公司出售网络设备。

    Huawei competes with Cisco and Juniper , but has a weak position in the U.S. , where the Chinese firm is virtually banned from selling network gear to telecommunication firms due to security concerns .

  23. Box是一家文件存储与协作公司,该公司表示其用户数量已超过500万,其中包括思科系统(CiscoSystems)、戴尔(Dell)和梦工厂动画(DreamWorksAnimationSKG)等企业。

    Box , a file storage and collaboration company , says it has over five million users , including enterprise customers like Cisco Systems ( CSCO ) , Dell ( DELL ) and DreamWorks Animation SKG ( DWA ) .

  24. 思科系统公司(也成立于1984年)制造互联网路由器。

    Cisco Systems ( also 1984 ) makes Internet routers .

  25. 思科系统(中国)网络技术有限公司。

    Cisco Systems ( China ) Networking Technology Co. , Ltd.

  26. 思科系统的巴西总部当做关于逃税的调查一部份被突袭。

    The Brazilian headquarters of Cisco Systems is raided as part of an investigation into tax evasion .

  27. 思科系统开辟了使用自身研发的视频技术改善员工沟通的先河。

    Cisco Systems is pioneering the use of its own video technology to improve communications between its employees .

  28. 苹果目前并没有在其主营领域处于支配地位,而微软、英特尔或思科系统都曾在巅峰时期获得过这一地位。

    Apple also doesn 't dominate its broad sector like Microsoft , Intel or Cisco did at their peaks .

  29. 由于过去曾参加过来自不同供应商的零星的领导力培训,思科系统公司并不打算再尝试新的培训课程。

    Having already utilized various non-integrated leadership development offerings from diverse vendors , the client was not looking for yet another training program .

  30. 国际电信联盟和计算机网络公司思科系统公司共同开办网络培训中心。首都洛美的一家电信公司也正在为之付出努力。

    The International Telecommunication Union and the computer-networking company Cisco Systems launched the center . A telecom company in Lome is also taking part in the effort .