
  • 网络Documentary director;Documentary film directors
  1. 提醒你别忘回电戴维?阿滕伯勒(DavidAttenborough,著名BBC纪录片导演——译者注)的便签就那么随意粘在电话上。

    That note reminding you to return David Attenborough 's phone call should be casually tacked to the phone .

  2. 阿什顿·库彻(AshtonKutcher)2013年出演了电影《乔布斯》(Jobs)。今年,纪录片导演亚历克斯·吉布尼(AlexGibney)执导了批判乔布斯的纪录片《史蒂夫·乔布斯:机器人生》(SteveJobs:TheManintheMachine)。

    There was also " Jobs , " the 2013 movie starring Ashton Kutcher , and , this year , " Steve Jobs : The Man in the Machine , " the documentarian Alex Gibney 's critical take on Mr. Jobs .

  3. 他办不到他是个纪录片导演

    He can get them . He 's a documentary filmmaker .

  4. 等等,你们找的是纪录片导演?

    Wait . You got us a documentary filmmaker ?

  5. 本片记述的是纪录片导演阿德安·格兰尼试图与他疏远了的父亲和好的过程。

    Documentary Filmmaker Adrian Grenier documents his attempt to reunite with his estranged father .

  6. 他是一位严谨的纪录片导演。

    He was a strict documentarist .

  7. 麦克·摩尔,一个共和党人十分厌恶的纪录片导演,向他发出挑战书,医疗保险的辩论。

    Michael Moore , a documentary film maker loathed by conservatives , challenged him to a debate on health care .

  8. 尼克·布鲁姆菲尔德,英国著名纪录片导演,因为拍摄热点事件和话题人物而名声大震。

    Nick Bloomfield , the famous British documentary film director , having fame for shooting hot issues and the topic characters .

  9. 所以,从某种意义上说,我可以说纪录片导演通常也是个学者,至少是半个学者。

    So in a way , I can say a documentary film director is usually a scholar , at least semi-scholar .

  10. 但她在电影界的名誉和地位是无可撼动的今年的最佳纪录片导演奖将颁发给…

    her place in any cinematic hall of fame is secure . And this year 's award for best documentary director goes to ...

  11. 张献民是一个纪录片导演,并且是在南京已成功举办到第七届的中国独立影像年度展的发起人之一。

    Zhang is a documentary filmmaker and one of the founding organizers of the Chinese Independent Film Festival in Nanjing , now in its7th year .

  12. 他的作品不仅在国内受到其他纪录片导演的推崇,而且在国际上也得到较高的赞誉。

    His works not only in the country by other documentary directed by respected , but also in the international arena has also been a high praise .

  13. 赫尔佐格作为一个纪录片导演,他不喜欢在工作室有限的空间里拍电影,他喜欢外景拍摄所带来的未知和危险。

    Being a documentarian , Herzog doesn 't like the confines of studio spaces to shoot his films and prefers the unpredictability and danger of shooting on-location .

  14. 承担这一责任的纪录片导演们,试图通过自己的艺术力量,指责社会的不公,公开表达政见,并以此来努力改变社会生活的现状。

    Directors who shooting the social issues documentaries try to through their artistic power accuse of social injustice , express political opinions , and to change the current social situation gradually .

  15. 那部电影名叫《没事找事》,科斯-瑞德在片中饰演一名美国纪录片导演,跟拍一群幻想破灭的放荡不羁的文化人。

    In the movie , called " Mei Shi Zhao Shi " ( " Looking for Trouble " ) , Kos-Read plays an American documentary filmmaker following around a group of disillusioned bohemians .

  16. 为了制作出高质量的美食纪录片,导演组使用了全新的设备,包括4K摄影机,高速近距离捕捉每一个细节。

    To make a high quality food documentary , the directorial team used brand new equipment , including 4K video cameras to capture every detail at high speed and at extremely close distances .

  17. 葡萄牙影片《现在怎么办?告诉我》(WhatNow?RemindMe)似乎注定无法晋级:它是一部时长2小时45分的纪录片,导演华金·平托(JoaquimPinto)记录了自己与艾滋病病毒的抗争以及他与丈夫的生活。

    Portugal 's " What Now ? Remind Me " seems destined not to advance : it is a two-hour-45-minute documentary in which the director Joaquim Pinto chronicles his own struggles with H.I.V. and his life with his husband .

  18. 傅涵是这部纪录片的导演,也是伊莎白的十年老友。

    Fu Han , director of the documentary , is also Isabel 's personal friend for nearly a decade .

  19. 中国纪录片在50多年的发展中孕育了一大批优秀的纪录片导演,康建宁导演正是其中最重要的成员之一。

    Chinese documentary in 50 years , nurtured the development of a large number of excellent documentary director , Kang Jianning director , is one of the most important member .