
jì niàn yóu piào
  • commemorative stamp
  1. 这是新发行的纪念邮票。

    This is a newly issued commemorative stamp .

  2. 请给我一张1元的纪念邮票。

    Please give me a one-yuan commemorative stamp .

  3. 他们特别发行了一套纪念邮票。

    They issued a special set of stamps to mark the occasion .

  4. 新的纪念邮票将于下星期发售。

    The new commemorative stamps will be put on sale next week .

  5. 新纪念邮票全卖完了。

    The new commemorative stamps are all sold out .

  6. 你上邮局的话,捎带给我买几张纪念邮票。

    If you happen to be going to the post office , please get me some commemorative stamps .

  7. 套纪念邮票包括八角、两元、五元三种票额。

    This set of commemorative stamps is issued in denominations of80 fen , 2 yuan , and5 yuan .

  8. 我已收集一套纪念邮票

    I have accrued a set of commemoration stamps .

  9. 我要买一套纪念邮票。

    I 'd like to have a set of Commemorative Stamps .

  10. 没错啊,很多国家在圣诞的时候都会发行纪念邮票。

    A number of nations have issued commemorative stamps at Christmastime .

  11. 负责纪念邮票的选题和图案审查;

    To examine the theme selection and pattern of commemorative stamps ;

  12. (印在纸片上的)纪念邮票邮戳是印于邮票上的官方戳记。

    Postmark is an official mark printed over a postage stamp .

  13. 你不是还送给我一套这后的纪念邮票吗?

    You have given me a set of commemorative stamps about it .

  14. 它们被称作纪念邮票,是因为它们是为纪念某一主题而发行的。

    Commemorative stamps are so named because they commemorate a certain theme .

  15. 龙年纪念邮票:这是条怎样的中国龙?

    What Does a New Dragon Stamp Say About China ?

  16. 纪念邮票有特殊设计,而且非常漂亮。

    Commemorative stamps have special designs and are especially colorful .

  17. 请给我两张航空邮简和三张纪念邮票。

    Two aerogrammes and three commemorative stamps , please .

  18. 外国发行与中国建交的纪念邮票

    Foreign stamps issued to celebrate diplomatic relations with China

  19. 负责审定纪念邮票和特种邮票年度计划。

    To examine and approve the annual plans of commemorative and special stamps ;

  20. 人们正在排队购买纪念邮票。

    People are lining up to buy commemoration stamps .

  21. 中国邮政集团也已发行了“年娃”和“春妮”纪念邮票。

    China Post has released a collection of commemorative stamps featuring the two mascots .

  22. 我想要一些奥运纪念邮票。

    I want some Olympic Games stamps .

  23. 民国纪念邮票中国近代历史的一段缩影

    The Stamps of the Republic of China

  24. 顺便说一下,我想买些纪念邮票。

    A : By the way , I 'd like to buy some commemorative stamps .

  25. 你想要纪念邮票吗?

    Do you want Memorial stamps ?

  26. 从此丘吉尔的这张照片出现在世界各种出版物以及纪念邮票上。

    The Churchill portrait has since appeared in publications and on commemorative stamps all over the world .

  27. 它一般每年发行六套新纪念邮票,只在12个月内销售。

    Usually six new commemorative issues are released each year and remain on sale for12 months only .

  28. 如果你要纪念邮票,请到下一个柜台去买。

    If you would like to have some commemorative stamps , Please go to the next counter .

  29. 世界上第一套奥林匹克纪念邮票哪个国家发行,共几枚?

    In which country was the Olympic commemorative stamps issued ? And how many stamps in a set ?

  30. 为庆祝威廉王子和凯特米德尔顿大婚,英国皇家邮政将会发行纪念邮票。

    The Royal Mail will publish stamps commemorating the engagement GetWord (" engagement "); of Prince William to Kate Middleton .