
  • 网络Harry Elkins Widener Memorial Library
  1. 这个区域还有一座自己的火车站,已被列入国家史迹名录(NationalRegisterofHistoricPlaces),另有一座私人运营的佩洛特纪念图书馆(PerrotMemorialLibrary)。

    The area also has its own train station , which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places , and the privately run Perrot Memorial Library .

  2. 浸会大学今早举行区树洪纪念图书馆扩建工程落成启用礼,以及一幅十九米高「艺壁」的开幕仪式。

    A ceremony was held today to mark the expansion of HKBU 's Au Shue Hung Memorial Library and the opening of a19-metre high Artgallery .

  3. 芝加哥大学的哈珀纪念图书馆24小时开放,并有咖啡、公用场地和辅导中心。

    The Harper Memorial Library is home to the University of Chicago's24-hour study space , as well as a caf é, commons area , and tutoring center .

  4. 中国图书馆学基础理论的艰难重建&纪念《图书馆学基础》出版20周年

    A Difficult Reconstruction of the Basic Theory of Chinese Library Science

  5. 新世纪图书馆事业发展的制高点&纪念《图书馆工作汇报提纲》二十年

    The Outline of Librarianship In New century

  6. 树立科学发展观创造图书馆学灿烂的明天&纪念杭州图书馆学基础理论研讨会二十周年

    Follow the Scientific Development Model , Create a Bright Future for the Library Science & In Commemoration of the 20th Anniversary of the Hangzhou Conference on the Basic Theory of Library Science

  7. 以学科建设为中心发展图书情报档案教育&纪念南开大学图书馆学系建系20周年

    Developing Education of Library , Information and Archives on the Focus of Discipline Construction

  8. 为纪念澳门中央图书馆成立一百周年,第一届国际图书馆专业人员交流会在澳门举行。

    To commemorate the100th Anniversary of the Founding of the central Library of Macau , the First International Meeting of Professional .

  9. 余说,他希望博物馆包括纪念馆,图书馆,功夫电影室和电影资料馆。

    Yu said he wants the museum to include a memorial hall , a library , a kungfu studio and a film archive .

  10. 人去遗文在丹心育门生&纪念我国图书馆学教育家王重民先生王符民本思想的再发现及其价值重估

    In the Memory of Professor Wang Zhongmin , One of the Famous Educationists in Library Science ; Wang Fu 's People-Based Thinking and Its Revaluation Value

  11. 布什总统在这个纪念日参观了设在华盛顿的马丁。路德。金纪念图书馆。

    President Bush marked the occasion with a visit to the Martin Luther King , Junior , Memorial Library in Washington , D.C.