
bān huì
  • Class meeting;classwide meeting
班会[bān huì]
  1. 各种健身班会照顾到不同身体状况的人。

    Exercise classes cater to all levels of fitness .

  2. 该研习班会帮助格里姆斯比的失业青年。

    This workshop helps young unemployed people in Grimsby

  3. 一天,汤姆的老师麦老师开了一个班会。

    One day , Tom 's teacher , Miss Mak , held a class meeting .

  4. 有些人害怕如果他们不加班会丢掉工作。

    Some people are afraid they will lose their jobs if they don 't work extra hours .

  5. 美联社(AP)报道,塔利班会拦截司机,询问他们的去向,并检查司机的证件。

    The Associated Press ( AP ) reports the Taliban is stopping drivers to ask where they are going and to examine drivers ' documents .

  6. 他们的婚礼会在圣乔治礼拜堂(St.George'sChapel)举行婚礼,该礼拜堂的唱诗班会表演。

    Since they are marrying at St. George 's Chapel , the church 's choir - The Choir of St George 's Chapel - will perform .

  7. 方法采用前瞻性干预研究的方法,对石河子大学2000级新生2437名进行为期2a的性健康教育(包括专题讲座、同伴教育、主题班会和咨询服务等),并在教育前后进行匿名问卷调查。

    Methods A total of 2 437 fresh university students enrolled in 2000 in Shihezi University were randomly chosen . Two years ' sexual health education was conducted to them , which included lecture , peer education , topic class-meeting and counseling .

  8. 这个问题在班会上还将进一步讨论。

    The problem will be further discussed at the class meeting .

  9. 我们需要为班会做准备吗?

    Shall we have to make any preparations for the meeting ?

  10. 我们将召开一次班会来讨论这个问题。

    We will hold a class meeting to discuss this matter .

  11. 你应当和你的老师讨论一下班会的事。

    You should discuss with your teacher about the class meeting .

  12. 一些辅导班会开设两至三天的密集训练营。

    Some organizations offer intensive courses that last two orthree days .

  13. 我不知道什么时候开班会。

    I don 't know when to have the class meeting .

  14. 班会上,杰克猛烈地抨击了约翰。

    In the class meeting , Jack tilted at John .

  15. 他们认为他在另一班会比较好。

    They think he 'll do better in another class .

  16. 班长正在考虑开一次班会的问题。

    The monitor is thinking about calling a class meeting .

  17. 我们将于下周某个时候开班会。

    We shall have a class meeting sometime next week .

  18. 我认为一班会赢得这场篮球赛。

    I think Class One will win the basketball game .

  19. 我们的英语老师被邀请参加我们的班会了吗?

    Was our English teacher invited to attend our class-meeting ?

  20. 每周四下午我们都开班会。

    We have a class & meeting every Thursday afternoon .

  21. 她说她们班下周一将要上一节班会课。

    She said that her class will hold a class meeting next Monday .

  22. 我们已经计划好在今晚七点开班会。

    We have arranged to hold the class meeting at seven this evening .

  23. 你记得老师昨天在班会上说的话吗?

    Do you remember what the teacher said at the class meeting yesterday ?

  24. 我不知道为什么老班会将你从我身边带走(分开)。

    I don 't know why the headmaster would separate you from me .

  25. 老师说这周五要集体开班会。

    The teacher said that we would collectively have a meeting this Friday .

  26. 你觉得速成班会有帮助吗?

    A : Do you think it will help ?

  27. 他们下周二将举行班会。

    They will have a class meeting next tuesday .

  28. 到明年,他预计每个班会有近30名学生。

    By next year , he expects nearly thirty students in a class .

  29. 你待会儿去开班会吗?

    Are you going to the class meeting later ?

  30. 他在那次班会上被选为班长。

    He was made monitor at that class meeting .