
  1. 中国/波斯湾航线是全球一条非常重要的次干航线,也是C公司的一条传统集装箱班轮航线,C公司一直非常重视中国/波斯湾航线的经营。

    China / Persian Gulf service is one of the important trade lanes for all global carriers and is also supposed to be one of the long-established service loops for C Container Lines Company .

  2. 本文正是在这种情况下,试图对C公司的中国/波斯湾航线进行系统的探讨和研究,以得出最优航线方案,进而为集装箱班轮航线优化问题提供普遍的思路和优化方法。

    This paper tries to make a systematic study and research to obtain the optimization scheme for the China / Persian Gulf service of C Container Lines Company , and this study can also provide a general method of the issue of international container trade lane optimization .

  3. 班轮航线集装箱合理配备与使用问题的研究

    A research on rational container equipment and usage on liner routes

  4. 集装箱班轮航线配船模型的优化研究

    Optimization Research about Fleet Deployment Model for Liners Container Marine Lines

  5. 班轮航线配船模型的分析与改进

    Analysis and improvement on the vessel allocation model of liner service

  6. 大陆北方/台湾班轮航线方案优化研究

    Research on Optimization of Liner Routing Plan between North PRC and Taiwan

  7. 国内班轮航线配船研究

    AIRLINE Research on assignment of domestic liners

  8. 对于一家开辟并经营若干条集装箱班轮航线的船公司而言,每条航线的经营效果,直接关系到其主营业务的效益。

    It is critical to its core business for a container line company to ensure the profit from its operated container lanes .

  9. 需求的不确定将对班轮航线配船产生很大的影响,考虑需求不确定因素能够提高航线配船决策的科学性。

    Demand uncertainty will have a huge impact on the fleet deployment , and considering the demand uncertainty can make decision-making about fleet deployment more scientific .

  10. 本文首先分析了班轮航线的特点、变化现状,然后运用系统分析的方法,研究运输网络的整体最优。

    This thesis first gives an analysis of the characteristics of liner shipping route and changing state , and then studies the system optimization of transportation network by adopting the method of system analysis .

  11. 锦州港拥有许多家船公司开设的多条集装箱班轮航线,已经构成了贯通南北沿海主要港口、全面辐射珠江水系和长江水系的两个T型集装箱运输网络。

    Jinzhou Port has many of the company opened container liner routes , constitute the two T-type container transportation network through the main port in the north and south along the coast , full radiation of the Pearl River and Yangtze River .

  12. 将天津港和黄骅港之间的竞争作为案例进行测算,得出黄骅港目前不适宜投资集装箱码头,因为其无法满足开辟集装箱班轮航线的最小箱量。

    Competition between Tianjin Port and Huanghua Port is used as the examining case . It is found out that , under all scenarios , Huanghua Port is not suitable to invest container terminals in that it does not attract sufficient containers to provide feeder services .

  13. 集装箱班轮公司航线配箱问题研究

    A Study on Container Allocating in Shipping Routes for Liner Company

  14. 集装箱班轮运输航线结构模式选取研究

    Study on the Route Structure Model Decision of Container Liner Transportation

  15. 据相关数据显示,集装箱管理费用在班轮公司航线营运成本中所占比重较大的一部分,而集装箱空箱调运问题所涉及到的调运费用和租箱费用占航线集装箱管理费用的一半以上。

    According to related statistics , container management cost is a large cost in the total cost of shipping line operating , and more than half of container management fee is resulted from empty container distribution problem which is related to the reposition expenses and leasing cost .

  16. 内河班轮运输的航线设置优化

    Optimization of Freshwater Liner Shipping Routes

  17. 所谓航线结构模式的利润平衡点即为在该点下采用两种结构模式经营该航线所得到的利润是一样的,这对于班轮公司合理选择航线的结构模式具有重要的意义。

    The profit of route shall be at the point of balance between two structural models used under the operation of the route , the profit is the same , and that a reasonable choice for the liner route structure model of great significance .

  18. 我国集装箱班轮运输中日航线负运费价格竞争分析运输费用的核实应仅与销售合同中列明的、出口国中运输方式的议定价格有关;

    Study on the China s Container Shipping Route between China and Japan " Negative Freight " Price Competition ; The verification of transportation charges shall relate only to the agreed price of the mode of transport in the country of exportation as indicated in the sales contract ;

  19. 而且随着世界经贸形势、市场环境、企业经营战略、竞争对手情况等各方面因素的不断变化,班轮公司必须对航线作出适时的调整与优化,不断保持航线的竞争力以谋求经营效益最大化。

    To adapt to the situation of the continuous changes of the world economy , market , development strategy of enterprise 's , situation of competitor 's , a container line should timely adjust and optimize its container services to maintain its prior competition and obtain better benefit .

  20. 论文提出的解决航线优化问题的基本思路与基本方法、程序与手段,对班轮公司的集装箱班轮航线优化具有一定的理论意义与较强的实际指导意义。

    The paper puts forward the general views , principles , models , methods and procedures , which can be served as guidelines to the practice of a container trade lane optimization .

  21. 班轮公司为使货主了解班轮航线,以便托运,一般都事先制定自己所经营航线的船期表。

    To make the consignor known about the line for shipment , liner company always make line schedule for next voyage in advance .

  22. 随着国际集装箱班轮运输事业的发展,班轮航线配箱问题逐步得到班轮运输经营者以及相关学者的重视。

    Following the development of international liner shipping business , the operators of liner shipping and related experts are paying more attention gradually to the problem on container allocating in shipping routes .

  23. 一方面,集装箱班轮运输体现了明显的规模经济效应,所以成本控制是班轮公司营运航线是否成功的关键因素所在。

    On the one hand , container liner reflects the significant economies of scale , so cost control is the key for shipping companies to operate shipping line .

  24. 最后分析了东亚区域集装箱海运网的发展趋势,并从班轮公司的角度出发,提出了提高网络效率的改进策略,对于班轮公司改进运营航线网络具有一定的指导意义。

    Finally analyses the trends of East Asia regional container shipping network development . And put forward to strategy for liner companies .