
  • 网络malaga;Málaga;Malaga, Spain;AGP;Malaga CF
  1. 另一个非常不错的短途旅游是去18英里以外的马拉加。

    Another pleasant excursion is Malaga , 18 miles away .

  2. 霍金斯在马拉加和米克会合,然后两个人到乡间游玩去了。

    Hawkins joined up with Mick in Malaga , and the two went touring around the countryside

  3. 保罗·加索尔,放松地躺在巴士上,这是去年秋天他在西班牙马拉加的一次推广活动中的一张照片。他是NBA的全明星球员,同时在西班牙国家队也是绝对的核心。

    Pau Gasol , relaxing on a bus in Malaga , Spain , on a promotional tour last fall , is an NBA All-Star and a stalwart on Spain 's formidable national team .

  4. 坐落在一个绿树成荫的街道Valmonte住宅区,步行距离马拉加湾,但感觉就像是你在乡村中。

    Located on a tree-lined street in the Valmonte neighborhood of Palos Verdes Estates , walking distance to Malaga Cove , yet feels like you are in the middle of the country .

  5. 我想问马拉加妻子来自何方?

    I want to ask where does Cains wife came from ?

  6. 他们有一只队伍在马拉加待命。

    They have a team standing by in malaga .

  7. 我想到马拉加;一场令人震惊的败仗!

    I thought of malaga : a stunning defeat !

  8. 数小时之后,他们已在马拉加啜饮饭前的开胃酒了。

    A couple of hours later , they were sipping aperitifs in malaga .

  9. 现在我们在马拉加机场等候飞往慕尼黑的航班。

    Now we were waiting for our flight to Munich at Malaga airport .

  10. 我们的酒店公寓坐落于马拉加海滨附近。

    Our apartment was located in Malaga , just very close to the coast .

  11. 斋月,一名穆斯林男子在马拉加的一间清真寺内祷告。

    A Muslim man prayed during at a mosque in Malaga , southern Spain , Monday .

  12. 在派卜罗出生地马拉加主管博物馆的工作。

    Was in charge of the museum in Malaga , the town where Pablo was born .

  13. 我们从西班牙出发,去了巴勃罗·毕加索的出生地马拉加市。

    We started in Spain and went to the city of Malaga , the birthplace of Pablo Picasso .

  14. 在马拉加机场营运的航空公司提供各式各样的飞机往返目的地全世界。

    Airlines operating at the Malaga airport offer a wide variety of flights to and from destinations around the world .

  15. 虽然马拉加是欧洲最受欢迎的机场,马拉加本身正在越来越看,现在作为旅游地点。

    Although Malaga is one of Europe 's most popular airports , Malaga itself is being seen more now as tourist location .

  16. 也有不少主要城市或者首都几乎互为对跖点,比如新西兰奥克兰的对跖点大致是西班牙的塞维利亚以及马拉加。

    Other major or capital cities that are close to being antipodes include Auckland , New Zealand , and Seville and Malaga in Spain .

  17. 这批新货的目的地是卢加沿岸,货物几乎全都是哈瓦那雪茄,白葡萄酒和马拉加葡萄酒。

    This new cargo was destined for the coast of the Duchy of Lucca , and consisted almost entirely of Havana cigars , sherry , and Malaga wines .

  18. 亚历克西斯在马拉加的青年队成长,并且本赛季舒斯特尔的球队里有个出色的开局,虽然他现在刚从伤病中恢复过来。

    Alexis grew up in the Malaga youth team and had an excellent start of the season with Bernd Schuster 's side , although he is now recovering from an injury .

  19. 暴雨和狂风在过去两天冲击了西班牙大部分地区,像位于西班牙南部加那利群岛和马拉加的特内里费岛这样的一向阳光明媚的旅游景点受到了影响。

    Torrential rains and gales have lashed much of Spain over the past two days , affecting normally sunny tourist destinations such as Tenerife in the Canary Islands and Malaga in southern Spain .