
  • 网络occupied area;Area of occupancy
  1. 中国日降水量与其占有面积的函数关系

    Function Relationship between Daily Rainfall in China and Its Area in Horizontal Region

  2. 尉犁县实施退耕还林工程,提高了土地利用率以及人均林地占有面积,产业结构进一步得到调整,资源配置趋于合理。

    By the implementation of Yu-Li County returning farmland to forest project , the utilization of land and people occupation of forest are improved , the industrial structure is further adjusted , the allocation of resources is rationalized .

  3. 城市绿化覆盖率达35.3%,人均占有绿地面积7.9平方米。

    The green coverage rate reaches 35.3 % , which allows the per capita green area up to 7.9 square meters .

  4. 本实用新型完全不用考虑增加机房占有的面积,极大地节省了占地。

    The utility model does not increase the possession area of the computer room , thus it can save land occupation greatly .

  5. 灰棕紫泥水稻土是四川盆地的主要水稻土,在川东地区占有较大面积。

    The gray-brown-purple paddy soil is a main soil in Sichuan basin , accounting for the most of areas in the eastern region of Sichuan .

  6. 国家所有的森林和林木以国有林业企业事业单位、农全国人均占有森林面积为0.128公顷,相当于世界人均森林面积的1/5;

    The per capita forest area is 0.128 hectares in the whole country , about one fifth of the per capita forest area in the world .

  7. 田边水沟和道路边沟的螺情很严重(阳性螺占有螺面积的62%),是最危险的易感地带。

    The ditches beside paddy fields and roads were the most dangerous susceptive zone because of serious Oncomelania , area of Positive Oncomclania is62 % of Oncomelania area .

  8. 即不同的降水历时与其占有的面积之间和不同的降水强度与其占有的面积之间都遵从负指数关系。

    Namely , the relationship between the different precipitation duration and its area and the relationship between the different precipitation intensity and its area both obey all the negative-index relation .

  9. 在此基础上分析了两种摩托车交通方式转移结构下的交通增量对道路交通量的影响,同时分析了摩托车交通转移量占有道路面积的情况。

    It discusses the impact of the increment of traffic volume upon the traffic flow under the two different motorcycle transfer conditions . Then it gives a further analysis of road area occupancy .

  10. 我国目前人均占有耕地面积仅为0.08hm2,不足世界人均耕地占有面积的1/3,而耕地面积却以每年400000hm2的速度减少。

    0.08hm ~ 2 plowland occupied by per person in China is less than 1 / 3 of that in the world and the plowland acreage in China reduces at the speed of 400000hm ~ 2 per year .

  11. 平面问题等价边界积分方程的三次边界轮廓法全国人均占有森林面积为0.128公顷,相当于世界人均森林面积的1/5;

    THE BOUNDARY CONTOUR METHOD WITh CUBIC ELEMENTS BASED ON EQUIVALENT BIE FOR 2-D PROBLEMS The per capita forest area is 0.128 hectares in the whole country , about one fifth of the per capita forest area in the world .

  12. 我国人口众多,人均占有绿地面积极少,随着城市化进程的加快,城市的热岛效应日益突出,我国的城市用绿地严重紧张。

    Our country has a large population that with few green land for each person . Followed by the rapid urbanization , heat island becames more and more serious and the greening land in the urban appear to be in short supply .

  13. 园林是反映社会意识形态的空间艺术,植物作为园林中重要的组成部分,在园林建设中占有的面积最大、数量最多,还具备改善生态环境、创造优美景观等多重功能。

    Landscape is an art of space that reflects social ideology , as an important part of landscape , plant has the most quantity , the biggest proportion , at the same time , it also can improve ecological environment and create beautiful landscape .

  14. 每浆果占有的叶面积对浆果重及白利糖度的影响呈显著正相关。

    The leaf area per berry was related positively to berry weight and ° Birx .

  15. 地下商场人均占有的使用面积宜采用《公共建筑节能设计标准》的推荐值。

    The occupant density in an underground store should be determined based on the Design standard for energy efficiency of public buildings .

  16. 但是这种利用强度像均值的背景抑制算法要求目标区占有较大的面积,对于小目标图像其抑制效果变差。

    Also the previous algorithm claims the object to have relatively larger area , which means a worse effect to small object images .

  17. 主要结论如下:1节水省肥高产群体中,非叶器官占有较大的绿色面积,对产量具有突出贡献。

    In the population of water-saving , fertilizer-reducing and high-yielding , green area of non-leaf organs was larger than leaf blade , which contributes much to yield .

  18. 建筑的南部向内缩进,以减少阳光直射的面积,附带有占有绝大部分裸露面积是服务设施和流通核心。

    To the south , the building is indented to reduce the area of the building most vulnerable to direct sunlight , with the services and circulation cores occupying most of the remaining exposed areas .