
  1. 丹尼很爱吃醋,对我的占有欲很强。

    Danny could be very jealous and possessive about me

  2. 优秀新书《可以预见的非理性》(predictablyirrational)的作者、行为经济学家丹艾瑞里(danariely)曾经在一项聪明的实验中展示了这种占有欲。

    The behavioural economist Dan Ariely - author of an excellent new book , Predictably Irrational - once demonstrated this possessiveness with a clever experiment .

  3. 没有谁因为占有欲而发狂

    not one is demented with the mania of owning things ,

  4. 白羊和水瓶不一定都有很强的占有欲与嫉妒心。

    Nor is either of you possessive or prone to jealousy .

  5. 过度的对财富(通常是较大的数目)的占有欲。

    An excessive desire for wealth ( usually in large amounts ) .

  6. 我一直知道她有颇强烈的占有欲。

    I had always been aware of the possessive streak in her .

  7. 然而她也是一个占有欲强、有点强迫症多疑的人。

    But then she also is possessive and compulsively cross-checks .

  8. 要是你那样做了,他们会认为你占有欲太强、太苛刻。

    If you do , they think you 're possessive and exacting .

  9. 比如说妒忌、占有欲、冒犯、权力、支配

    jealousy , possessiveness , aggression , power , dominance ,

  10. 八十年代雅皮士的一个重要特质就是他们肆意的占有欲;

    Unbridled acquisitiveness was the central trait of the " 80s yuppie ;

  11. 伊丽莎白的百万子民对她产生了强烈的占有欲

    millions of Elizabeth 's subjects , who become jealously possessive

  12. 你的占有欲会束缚白羊热爱自由的天性。

    Your possessiveness will cramp the Aries free-loving nature .

  13. 他们有一个嫉妒的性质,但他们并不特别的占有欲。

    They have a jealous nature , though they are not particularly possessive .

  14. 在爱情方面,你非常强势,占有欲很强。

    In love , you are assertive and possessive .

  15. 我们的占有欲也同样变得毫无理性,而这不仅体现在住房方面。

    We also become irrationally possessive , and not only of our homes .

  16. 占有欲是指尽可能多地占有财产的欲望。

    Acquistiveness is the wish to possess as much as possible of goods .

  17. 明白吗她的占有欲很强。

    See ? She was very possessive that way .

  18. 对丈夫的占有欲亦愈来愈强。

    And became increasingIy possessive of her husband .

  19. 你占有欲太强,有时候我都喘不过气来。

    You get too possessive and I feel that I can 't breathe sometimes .

  20. 和占有欲一样,嫉妒也不是爱。

    Like possession , jealousy doesnt equal love .

  21. 他对自己的妻子有很强的占有欲。

    He 's very possessive towards his wife .

  22. 他有强烈的占有欲。

    He has a strong possessive instinct .

  23. 男人有着很强的占有欲而女人则较为温顺

    Men are possessive and women are submissive

  24. 他对女人有强烈的占有欲。

    He 's really possessive about women .

  25. 你的伴侣不应该占有欲那么强,以至占用你所有的时间和精力。

    Your partner shouldn 't be possessive and take up all your time and energy .

  26. 但是有时候她太关心我了,不,是占有欲太强了。

    But sometimes she 's too caring Well No She 's just possessive And Uh .

  27. 小孩子总是有很强的占有欲,所以他们不让别人玩他们的玩具。

    Small children are so possessive they will not let others play with their toys .

  28. 你是一个占有欲很强的人。

    You are such a possessive guy .

  29. 一个占有欲强的妈妈?

    A clinging , possessive mother ?

  30. 试着对你的朋友和家庭内心不要如此的恐惧、嫉妒和充满占有欲。

    Try not to be so fearful , jealous and possessive with your friends and family .