
  • 网络traditional aesthetics
  1. 逸是中国传统美学中一个很重要的范畴。

    Yi is a very important category in Chinese traditional aesthetics .

  2. 在这种现实背景下,中国传统美学思想重新得到重视。

    In this reality background , the traditional aesthetics get attention .

  3. 关于全球化时代中国传统美学现代化问题的质疑

    Queries on the Modernization of Chinese Traditional Aesthetics in the Globalization

  4. 作为天台文化的组成部分的天台美学,因具有人生美学的内容,而成为中国传统美学(人生美学)的一个组成部分。

    Tiantai culture is an indivisible part of Chinese traditional culture .

  5. 论古代论画诗表达的中国传统美学观点

    Traditional Chinese Aesthetic Points Expressed in Painting Poems in Ancient China

  6. 试论川端康成作品的日本传统美学特征

    Characteristics of Japanese Traditional Aesthetics of Kawabata Yasunari ′ s Works

  7. 浅析传统美学对广告受众认知的影响

    The Impact of Traditional Esthetics on the Public Acceptance of Ads

  8. 论张艺谋电影的中国传统美学表征

    The Research of Chinese Traditional Esthetics Token of Zhang Yimou 's Film

  9. 在中国传统美学中,很多艺术都是相通的。

    Different art forms are interlinked with traditional Chinese aesthetics .

  10. 费斯克的大众文化理论与传统美学又有着密切的内在关联,特别是席勒和尼采的美学思想,更是被费斯克当作为我所用的重要理论资源。

    Fiske 's Popular Culture Theory is closely related to traditional aesthetics .

  11. 中国传统美学对现代设计美学的影响

    The significance of Chinese Traditional Aesthetics to Modern Aesthetical Design

  12. 中国传统美学观对当代设计的启发

    Enlightenment of Traditional Chinese Aesthetic Outlook to Modern Design

  13. 传统美学观与现代招贴艺术

    Traditional Aesthetic Point of View and Modern Poster Art

  14. 中国传统美学中的美与善

    Beauty and Goodness of Traditional Chinese Aesthetics and Ethics

  15. 当代声乐美学应属传统美学研究的范畴。

    The contemporary vocal music esthetics should belong to the traditional esthetics category .

  16. 传统美学中的和谐理念在景观设计中的应用研究

    Research of the Applied to Traditional Aesthetic Concepts of Harmony in Landscape Design

  17. 浅论日本能乐中的传统美学趣味

    Shallowly Discuss Esthetic Interest of Noh Play in Japan

  18. 意境,是中国传统美学的核心范畴。

    Artistic conception , is the core category of the Chinese tradition esthetics .

  19. 从传统美学角度看武术套路运动

    On Wushu Routines from the Aspect of Traditional Aesthetics

  20. 融传统美学精华于现代教学之中

    Combining the Essence of Traditional Aesthetics with Modern Teaching

  21. 传统美学观对现代广告招贴设计的影响

    Traditional Aesthetics Has Influence on the Modern Advertising Poster

  22. 《周易》:中国传统美学思维的源头

    Zhouyi : the source of traditional Chinese esthetic thought

  23. 中国传统美学与康德美学比照诠释

    Comparison of the Ancient Chinese Aesthetics and Kant 's

  24. 从儒家诗教到超功利说&西方启蒙美学对中国传统美学的矫正

    From Confucian Doctrine to Utilitarianism & Correction of traditional Chinese Aesthetics by Western Aesthetics

  25. 现代广告设计中的传统美学理念

    On Traditional Aesthetic Idea of Modern Advertisement Design

  26. 东方自然观与中国传统美学精神

    Eastern Natural View and Traditional Chinese Aesthetic Spirits

  27. 在他的作品中,深深渗透了大和民族特有的传统美学观念。

    His films are deeply infiltrated the national characteristic of the traditional aesthetic concept .

  28. 中国传统美学的现代意义

    The Modern Sense of the Chinese Traditional Aesthetics

  29. 味觉与中国传统美学

    Sense of Taste and Chinese Classic Aesthetics

  30. 试论中国传统美学思想对现代艺术设计教育的影响

    To the Influence of the Chinese Traditional Esthetics Thought in the Modern Art Design Education