
  • 网络aesthetic enjoyment;aesthetic pleasure
  1. 艺术品对那些能够从审美享受方面获得很大回报的人来说,是非常合理的选择,鲍莫尔总结道。

    Works of art are a very rational choice for those who derive a high rate of return in the form of aesthetic pleasure , Mr Baumol concluded .

  2. 艺术品“对那些能够从审美享受方面获得很大回报的人来说,是非常合理的选择,”鲍莫尔总结道。

    Works of art are " a very rational choice for those who derive a high rate of return in the form of aesthetic pleasure , " Mr Baumol concluded .

  3. 由为人们提供以观赏的方式满足其审美享受的竞技体育服务产品生产者构成的竞技体育产业系统。

    Elite sport sector , which provides the service for the esthetic enjoyment of the spectators .

  4. 音乐欣赏是一种很高级的精神活动,它可使人得到无限的审美享受。

    Music appreciation is one of the high level spiritual activities . People can get limitless aesthetic enjoyment from it .

  5. 更重要的是,空白蕴含着无限的意蕴,言有尽而意无穷,使读者可以得到无穷的审美享受。

    What is more important , the implications of blank is profound , which can make readers get infinite aesthetic enjoyment .

  6. 读者不仅从中认识了当时的历史,也得到了较强的审美享受。

    In addition to reading the history of the time , the reader can also enjoy the beauty of the writings .

  7. 茌这类作品中,艺术家用的色彩都很鲜艳和明亮,给人以阳光灿烂、明朗和自然清新的审美享受。

    In these works , artists use very bright colors to give us a sunny , clear and natural fresh aesthetic enjoyment .

  8. 专业读者阅读《西游记》除获得审美享受外,会更专注于把握作品的内涵,探讨其艺术创作的规律,力图诠释出作品的本质。

    Aside from getting aesthetic enjoyment , professional readers pay more attention to grasping the meaning of works and exploring the rules of art creation .

  9. 在音乐欣赏中,作为欣赏主体,可以通过丰富音乐基本知识,扩充综合知识,提高情操和素养来培养想象力;如果合理运用想象,则可在欣赏中获得审美享受,得到美感的升华

    In appreciation , an appreciator can cultivate his imaginative power through understanding basic music knowledge and comprehensive knowledge . Aesthetic enjoyment of Big Buddhism in Leshan

  10. 围绕其本质特征去读史品画,我们能感受到文人画具有的独特艺术风格和审美享受。

    Around its essential characters with the reading of history and the feeling of the painting , we can feel unique artistic style which has some literati and aesthetic enjoyment .

  11. 大学校园是学生和教师的精神家园,应该让师生在其中获得最大的审美享受。

    As a spiritual resort of students and teachers , the campus of a college or university should be designed as where students and teachers can get maximal aesthetical enjoyment .

  12. 通过相互比较研究,有助于艺术家和鉴赏者运用不同的艺术观念和方法,创造和鉴赏不同民族的绘画艺术,获得各不相同的思想启迪和审美享受。

    The comparison of the two painting styles aims to help the artists and appreciators to appreciate painting arts of different races with the respective art conceptions and in respective approaches .

  13. 剖析她的性格肌质,发掘她的价值内涵,不仅能获得松活愉快的审美享受,而且还有助于我们对小说的主题意蕴作出准确而明确的诠释。

    It is not only enjoyable but also helpful for us to better understand the implicit taste of the theme of the novel to analyze her characteristic and her inner value connotation .

  14. 正因为文学有了空白才更加美,更能给人以独特的、回味无穷的审美享受,进而体现文学所独有的审美价值和社会价值。

    Because literature with blanks is more beautiful , literature with blanks can give person the unique , aesthetic enjoyment enjoying endless aftertastes even more , and then reflect literature unique aesthetic value and social value .

  15. 虽然镜头语言一直被公认为电影中的当家花旦,但影片中各种声音因素所带来的审美享受也是不可替代,不容忽视的。

    Although the language of lens has long been recognized as a main actor in a movie , the aesthetic enjoyment brought from each kind of sound factors in the movie cannot be substituted and neglected .

  16. 中国经典诗词之所以能给我们带来很强的审美享受,在很大程度上应归功于中国古代诗人对赋、比、兴三种表现手法的灵巧运用。

    The reason why classical Chinese poetry can bring us great aesthetic enjoyment should be , to a large degree , attributed to the ancient poets ' skillful use of the three expressing techniques-Fu , Bi and Xing .

  17. 运用自己的感知、过去已经有的生活经验和文化知识对艺术作品进行感受、体验、联想、分析和判断,获得审美享受,并理解艺术作品与艺术现象的活动。

    They have used their visual perception , the past life experience and cultural knowledge to feel , experience , imagine , analyze and judge in order to get aesthetic enjoyment and understanding of art works and art phenomenon .

  18. 诗歌阅读作为一种艺术欣赏,其行为目的,行为方式等均有别于其他文本的阅读。诗歌阅读的行为目的是为了审美享受;

    The poetry reading differs from the reading of other texts in its purpose , behavior , and manner The purpose of poetry reading lies mainly in the aesthetic enjoyment while the " way-in " to a poem is manifold .

  19. 技术的进一步发展除了应带给人类丰富的物质财富和极大便利外,应该而且必须带给人更多的审美享受,追求人文美。

    Not only should the further development of technology bring abundant material wealth and enormous convenience to the human beings , but also it should and ought to give them more esthetic enjoyment and the pursuit of the humanistic beauty .

  20. 美术鉴赏是个人通过对美术作品的感知、体验、联想、分析和判断,获得审美享受的过程,而美术鉴赏教学则是培养美术鉴赏能力的重要途径,在中学美术教学中具有重要意义。

    Art evaluation is the process of personal apperceiving , tasting , associating , judging and appreciating of one art works . Evaluation teaching is the essential way to cultivate the evaluation ability , which is the most important aim in middle school art evaluation teaching .

  21. 只有这样才能创建打动人心的动画世界,才能让观众得到艺术审美的享受。

    Only through this can it create a heart-striking animation world and let the audience appreciate the beauty of art .

  22. 一个艺术家的责任是去创造艺术作品以迎合人们的审美和享受的需要。

    The responsibility of an artist is to create artworks to cater for people 's needs for aesthesis and enjoyment .

  23. 摘要哲学的功能是通过哲学修养的潜移默化给人们以“爱智”的“审美”享受,从而达到提升人们的灵魂,教化人们情趣的目的。

    The function of philosophy is that it brings people aesthetic enjoyment of " wisdom-loving " through unconscious influence in philosophical mastery , thus obtaining the purpose of purifying people 's souls and educating people 's emotional appeals .

  24. 品读文人画,我们可以得到无穷的审美趣味和艺术享受。

    Through reading paintings , we can get infinite enjoyment of the aesthetic interest and art .

  25. 对日常生活审美化中快感享受的反思&遵从阿多诺的批判维度

    A Reflection on the Pleasant Sensual Enjoyment in Everyday Life Aesthetics & in accordance with Adorno 's critical dimension

  26. 在他那里,我们可以找到许多对当今日常生活审美化中快感享受泛滥进行反思的具有启迪意义的思想资源。

    From him we can find lots of ideological resources with enlightening significance to reflect on the unchecked pleasant sensual enjoyment in the everyday life aesthetics at present .

  27. 短篇小说《板门神》体现了文学创作的创造原则:情感把握的诚挚性和高尚性,并且达到了相当的深度,使读者得到审美和认识的享受。

    The short story 《 BAN MEN SHEN 》 embody the creating principle : the sincerity and nobility of emotional holding to a substantial degree which gives readers aesthetic and cognizant pleasures .

  28. 电视娱乐节目只有具有文化价值,才会把握正确方向,给人以审美体验和审美享受,电视娱乐节目只有具有娱乐性才能使节目做的生动有趣,给人以审美趣味和审美愉悦。

    Entertainment TV only has cultural value , will grasp the right direction , give the aesthetic experience and aesthetic enjoyment , television entertainment is only entertaining to make the program interesting to do , to give aesthetic taste and aesthetic pleasure .

  29. 人们对于服装视觉中心的审美并不只是获得审美享受的过程,更是一种唤起审美主体内心经验的一个过程。

    The aesthetic of garment visual center is not just the process of aesthetic enjoyment , but also a main course of aesthetic experience .

  30. 正是由于相异的文学审美观,中西方读者往往会对同一诗歌作品有着不同的审美理解和享受。

    Chinese and westerners formed different literary aesthetic views , which enables readers have different aesthetic understanding and enjoyment about the same poetry work .