
shěn chá qǐ sù
  • review and make a decision of prosecution
  • review and prosecution
  1. 审查起诉中未成年人年龄证据的审查判断

    Evidence Examination and Judgment of Junior 's Age in Review and Prosecution

  2. 审查起诉中有关证据问题的探讨

    On the Issue of Evidence in Review and Prosecution

  3. 七是,发往少年检察机关审查起诉。

    7 , sent to juvenile prosecution for examination and prosecution .

  4. 律师在审查起诉阶段不能阅看全部案卷材料;

    The rejection of reading materials in the prosecute stage ;

  5. 审查起诉阶段诉讼模式的重构

    The Reset of Lawsuit Model in Investigation and Prosecution stage

  6. 未成年人犯罪案件审查起诉方式的改革

    On Reform of the Methods of the Examination and Prosecution of Adolescent Crimes

  7. 刑事审查起诉程序之重构

    The Reconstruction of the Criminal Prosecution Censor Procedure

  8. 论非法刑事证据的排除在审查起诉阶段的适用

    On the Exclusion of Evidence of Illegal Criminal Prosecution Stage of the Review Application

  9. 审查起诉程序研究

    Study on Procedure of Review and Prosecution

  10. 被害人对审查起诉的制约问题初探

    A Brief Discussion on the Restriction Question of the Victim to the Examination before Prosecution

  11. 刑事和解可以在侦查、审查起诉和审判阶段中运用。

    Criminal Reconciliation in the investigation , use of the review of the prosecution and trial stages .

  12. 此案由江苏省人民检察院交由南京市人民检察院审查起诉。

    The case was transferred to Nanjing Municipal People 's Procuratorate from Jiangsu Provincial People 's Procuratorate .

  13. 第二部分是各国审查起诉制度比较,第三部分是我国审查起诉制度的构建。

    The second part gives a comparison of the different systems of criminal examination and prosecution in other countries .

  14. 审查起诉作为一种制度存在,具有独特的价值。笔者从公正和效率的角度,对此加以阐述。

    The third part is to set up a structure of the system of examination and prosecution in our country .

  15. 审查起诉阶段是检察机关应用自由裁量权最集中的诉讼阶段。

    The examining and sue phase is the most concentrative phase for the procuratorate to apply the right of discretion .

  16. 审查起诉是连接侦查和审判的中间环节,起着承上启下的重要作用。

    Criminal examination and prosecution is the intermediate link , which plays an important role in joining investigation with trial .

  17. 三是借鉴国外立法例设立人大审查起诉制度和准起诉制度作为不起诉的制约机制。

    Third , to set up the system of review and prosecution as the checking mechanism by taking foreign legislative examples .

  18. 从整体上看,应转变我国的刑事追诉政策,把审前程序分流的重点放在审查起诉阶段。

    Overall , we should change the policies of the criminal prosecution in China and put pre-trial procedure diversion in prosecution stage .

  19. 由此可见,在审查起诉阶段,检察机关的提起公诉权至为重要。

    Therefore , during the course of examining and prosecuting , it is important that procuratorial organ brings the right of prosecution .

  20. 恢复性司法适宜适用的阶段,认为侦查阶段不能适用恢复性司法,审查起诉阶段才可适用。

    Restorative justice can not be applied in the investigation stage ; it only can be applied in the examination and Prosecution stages .

  21. 将起诉权做两个层面的划分有利于我们更清楚地认识审查起诉程序。起诉权分为起诉请求权和起诉决定权。

    We can better understand the procedure if we do two levels of classification to the prosecution power : prosecution claims and prosecution decisions .

  22. 经过侦查、审查起诉、审判,加害人得到应有的惩罚,却鲜有关注被害人的利益保护。

    The inflicter should be punished after investigation 、 prosecution and the trial , yet few focusing on the interests of the victim protection .

  23. 检察机关在审查起诉中审查判断证据有特别的价值和意义。

    Examining and judging the evidence is of special value and significance in the process of review and prosecution for investigating and prosecuting apparatus .

  24. 根据二者的运作状况,审查起诉程序可分为垄断模式(检察控权模式)和分权模式。

    Correspondingly , we can see two models of the examination procedures : the Monopoly model ( Attorney-controlled model ) and the Decentralized model .

  25. 除此之外,审查起诉阶段系统的分流机制的建立也有利于完善我国刑事诉讼理论,构建合理的刑事诉讼程序,因此对此问题进行深入研究也具有很强的理论意义。

    In addition , building up systematic case diversion mechanism is also contribute to perfect our criminal procedure theory and construct reasonable criminal proceeding .

  26. 借鉴各国的立法和司法实践,健全我国的审查起诉制度,具有极强的现实意义。

    It is strongly meaningful to learn from the relevant legislation and judicature practice in order to complete the system of criminal examination and prosecution .

  27. 据此,律师在审查起诉阶段所应选择的辩护方案按最优到次优顺序依次是不起诉方案、轻罪起诉方案、减轻处罚起诉方案以及从轻处罚起诉方案等;

    Accordingly , the choice for defending strategies at the trial stage ranks down from non prosecution to misdemeanor prosecution , penalty reduction and mitigation .

  28. 本章是对退回补充侦查制度尤其是审查起诉阶段的该项制度作概括性论述。

    This chapter is added back to the detection system , especially the prosecution phase of the review for a general discussion of the system .

  29. 战时公诉制度应当改进战时审查起诉和提起公诉的方式;

    The ways of examining prosecution at wartime and the institution of public prosecution should be bettered with the system of public prosecution at wartime ;

  30. 疑罪不诉证明标准之理论分析&从检察机关审查起诉的视角人类能不能继续存在,已经成为疑问了。

    A Theoretic Analysis of the Evidence Standards of No Proceedings on In-doubt Crime & From the Perspective of the Inspective Sue of the Procuratorate ;