
sǎn fánɡ huā xù
  • corymb
  1. 花白色,2-8朵组成伞房花序,生于侧枝顶端;

    Grey is lubricious , 2-8 comprise corymb , be born at side branch top ;

  2. 欧亚草本植物,伞房花序末端开白色或淡紫色花。

    Eurasian herb with white or pinkish flowers in a terminal corymb .

  3. 美洲的一种结红果的山楂属植物,伞房花序,花粉红色。

    American red-fruited hawthorn with dense corymbs of pink-red flowers .

  4. 复伞房花序,花序梗、花柄都有长柔毛;

    After an umbrella room , stems , flower inflorescence inflorescence handle all have pilose ;

  5. 俄勒冈南部和加利福尼亚的一种矮生灌木,有刚毛和匍匐根茎,通常为伞房花序。

    Low-growing bristly shrub of southern Oregon and California with creeping rootstocks and usually corymbose flowers .

  6. 具有柔软且长有绒毛叶片和长有珍珠白苞片伞房花序的美洲蜡菊。

    American everlasting having foliage with soft wooly hairs and corymbose heads with pearly white bracts .

  7. 美国东部的一种普通灌木或小乔木,几乎无刺,花美丽、白色、伞房花序,果实为鲜桔红色。

    Common shrub or small tree of the eastern United States having few thorns and white flowers in corymbs followed by bright orange-red berries .

  8. 本属的进化趋势为冬芽芽鳞由数枚减少到2枚,花序由总状圆锥花序→复伞房花序→伞房花序→伞形花序。

    This genus ' evolutionary direction : the number of winter bud scale is from many to two , inflorescence : compound raceme → compound corymb → corymb → umbel .

  9. 花序为伞房状聚伞花序,花黄色,花径3~3.8mm,花期6月30日~9月10日,果期7月25日~10月5日。

    The inflorescence of Potentilla cryptotaeniae is corymbose cyme ; its color is mainly yellow , its flower diameter is from 3 to 3.8mm ; its florescence is from June 30th to September 10th ; its fruit period is from July 25th to October 5th .

  10. 伞房式聚伞花序,腋生或顶生,疏散,有极多花。

    Umbrella room type cyme , axil is born or the top is born , scattered , slue is spent .