
shěn yì
  • consider;consideration;deliberation;discussion;examination and approval
审议 [shěn yì]
  • [examination and approval] 审查评议

  • 提交人大会审议

审议[shěn yì]
  1. 已提出八项备选方案供审议。

    Eight options were presented for consideration .

  2. 我国1996年《合伙企业法》(草案)第八章规定了有限合伙(LimitedPartnership),但是经立法机关对该草案审议后,取消了整个第八章。

    The limited partnership abolished from the Partnership Law with the consideration by the legislative body was prescribed in the 8th chapter of the partnership law in 1996 for the draft of the law .

  3. 合同条文正在审议。

    The terms of the contract are under review .

  4. 委员会的审议过程是绝对保密的。

    The deliberations of the committee are completely confidential .

  5. 这些文件须公之于世,交由公众审议。

    The documents should be available for public scrutiny .

  6. 当然,他会汇报整个审议过程的情况。

    He would , of course , report back on all deliberations

  7. 会员申请书于9月提交部长会议审议。

    The membership application came before the Council of Ministers in September

  8. 法官的裁决是最终裁决,再写信也不会予以审议。

    The judges ' decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into

  9. 但是经过近一周的审议,陪审团仍然僵持不下。

    But after nearly a week of deliberations , the jury remained deadlocked .

  10. 他批准了提请审议的法案。

    He gave his assent to the proposed legislation

  11. 刑事上诉法院审议他的案子已经快两周了。

    The Court of Criminal Appeals has been deliberating his case for almost two weeks .

  12. 他们的审议几乎没有得出什么结论。

    Their deliberations were rather inconclusive .

  13. 儿童保育款项将被追加到参议院正在审议的预算方案中。

    The childcare bill is to be tacked on to the budget plan now being worked out in the Senate .

  14. 他们开始对这项议案进行长时间的审议。

    They fell into a long discussion on the bill .

  15. 委员会审议了这个问题。

    The committee has considered this matter .

  16. 你的建议将提交董事会的下次会议审议。

    Your suggestion will be set before the board at their next meeting .

  17. 他们请求大会重新审议这项决议。

    They desire the conference to reconsider the decision .

  18. 这个纲要草案已发给你们,请审议。

    The draft outline ( of the plan ) is now submitted to you for review .

  19. 这项决定必须再次提交审议,因为现在有新的情况要考虑。

    The decision must be referred back , as there is now fresh information to be considered .

  20. 查看一下联合国组织和发展小组起草的报告,其中一些是为今年的千禧年规划审议这类会议准备的,你会发现环境保护与经济发展的联系是个共同的主题。

    Hunt through the reports prepared by UN agencies and development groups — many for conferences such as this year 's Millennium Goals review — and you will find that the linkage between environmental protection and economic progress is a common thread .

  21. 国际海事组织将在本周举行的一次会议中审议这一提议,目前一些业内人士表示支持。

    A meeting of the International Maritime4 Organization in London this week will consider the proposal with some in the industry now supporting the idea .

  22. 今年两会期间审议的以国内大循环为主体、国内国际双循环相互促进的“双循环”发展格局将是中国未来5到15年发展蓝图的指导理念。

    The " dual circulation " development paradigm for China 's development in the next five to 15 years , which is under review at the " two sessions . "

  23. 反倾销纠纷案是WTO争端解决机构审议的重中之重。

    The anti-dumping dispute settlement is the most important thing in WTO reviews .

  24. 首次审议应在《WTO协定》生效后不超过5年进行。

    The first such review shall take place no more than 5 years after the entry into force of the WTO Agreement .

  25. 根据WTO秘书处对美国贸易政策和措施的审议报告,开放而透明的贸易体制是美国经济以高效著称的要素之一。

    The openness and transparency of the US trade regime have been key contributing factors to the efficiency that characterizes the US economy .

  26. 委员会应在《wto协定》生效之日起5年后审议本规定的运用情况。

    The committee shall review the operation of this provision five years from the date of the entry into force of the WTO agreement .

  27. 投资大幅减少,提高了人们对印度央行(reservebankofindia)在3月15日下一次政策审议会议时削减基准放贷利率的预期。

    A collapse in investment has increased expectations that the Reserve Bank of India may cut benchmark lending rates at its next policy review meeting on March 15 .

  28. 附件1A中国在过渡性审议机制中提供的信息2

    Annex 1A information to be provided by China in the context of the transitional review mechanism

  29. 经过对发展援助资金的审议,欧盟(eu)计划停止向中国、印度、巴西及其他快速增长的经济体提供的所有双边资金援助。

    The European Union is to stop all bilateral aid payments to China , India , Brazil and other fast-growing economies as a result of a review into development spending .

  30. GACVS审议了有关全球范围内正在开展的“消灭脊髓灰质炎规划”的安全性问题。

    GACVS considered safety issues pertaining to the poliomyelitis eradication programme worldwide .