
  • 网络the Global Hawk
  1. 联合国观察员和西方情报机构之间密切合作。

    The UN inspectors work hand in glove with the Western intelligence agencies .

  2. 巴勒斯坦常驻联合国观察员代表团

    Permanent Observer Mission of Palestine to the United Nations

  3. 某些国家主张派联合国观察员而不是维和部队到那个地区。

    Certain countries favour sending UN observers rather than peace-keeping troops to that area .

  4. 非洲联盟常驻联合国观察员泰特安东尼奥:马里正处于十字路口。

    African Unions Permanent Observer to the UN , Antonio Tete : Mali is at a crossroads .

  5. 27、我们欢迎巴勒斯坦成为联合国观察员国。

    27 . We welcome the admission of Palestine as an Observer State to the United Nations .

  6. 总统建议应该派一队联合国观察员参加中东和平谈判。

    The president suggested that a team of UN observers should be sent to the Mid-east peace talk .

  7. 在叙利亚的联合国观察员进入了位于哈马市附近的本周屠杀事件现场。

    United Nations observers in Syria have visited the site of this week 's killings near the city of Hama .

  8. 联合国观察员表示,有越来越多的顿涅茨克和卢甘斯克平民被武装组织和乌克兰政府之间的战火所围困。

    UN monitors say civilians in Donetsk and Luhansk increasingly are caught in the crossfire between armed groups and the Ukrainian government .

  9. 西方国家非常关心是否存在联合国观察员不知情的可能使用浓缩铀的隐蔽项目。

    The West is very concerned that there not be any covert program somewhere that might be able to use this enriched uranium without U.N. inspectors knowing .

  10. 马云华身兼多职,既是“战争与和平报道”协会的编辑,“互联新闻”吉尔吉斯斯坦地区的执行主任,也是一名联合国观察员,还是“国际危机监察机构”的资深分析师。

    Worked as Central Asia editor for the Institute for War and Peace Reporting , Internews Kyrgyzstan Country Director , UN observer , and Senior Analyst for the International Crisis Group .

  11. 非洲联盟常驻联合国观察员泰特安东尼奥:“马里正处于十字路口。时间至关重要。我们需要迅速采取行动,并且发出明确、强有力的信号,表明国际社会有决心,并且支持非洲主导的努力。”

    African Union 's Permanent Observer to the UN , Antonio Tete : " Mali is at a crossroads . Time is of essence . We need to act fast and to send a clear and strong message ( on the resolve of international community and its support to the African-led efforts . ) "

  12. 联合国军事观察员和武装部队预备队;

    Reserve of military observers and armed forces of the United nations ;

  13. 今天,联盟正在考虑复兴这项使命,加入联合国的观察员及是否把叙利亚大使从阿拉伯首都驱逐。

    Today , the league is considering reviving the mission , adding United Nations monitors and whether to expel Syrian ambassadors from Arab capitals .

  14. 据丽萨·斯莱恩从日内瓦带来的报道,联合国人权观察员表示,许多人在近期的斗争中死亡,其中包括一名五岁的女孩。

    Lisa Sline reports from Geneva that UN human rights monitors say numerous people , including a five-year-old girl have been killed in recent days .

  15. 在我担任特使的初期,我们在这件事上赢得了国际社会的支持,安理会通过决议授权联合国军事观察员进驻叙利亚。

    Early in my mandate we won international backing for this , with Security Council resolutions , which authorised UN military observers to deploy in Syria .

  16. 四月份安理会在成立了联合国叙利亚观察员使团,但暴力事件持续增加,300名军事观察员中有一半人员6月份就离开了。

    The Security Council established a U.N. observer mission in Syria in April . But the violence increased , and half of the three hundred military observers left in July .

  17. 以色列和叙利亚部队脱离接触协定关于联合国脱离接触观察员部队的议定书;

    Protocol to agreement on disengagement between Israeli and Syrian forces concerning the United Nations Disengagement Observer force ;

  18. 法院现已获得了在联合国大会的观察员地位,将其工作纳入到联合国和平解决争端的体系中去;

    The Court has gained the permanent observer status at the UN Assembly and integrated itself into the United Nations system of peaceful settlement of international disputes .

  19. 这些选票将在喀布尔市中心进行审核,过程由联合国、国际选举观察员以及双方选举团队进行监督。

    And at the center in Kabul they will all be audited under the supervision of the United Nations , international election monitors and teams from both compaigns .

  20. 这至少似乎是一个有实际行动的领域:今年夏天签署了一份协议,根据该协议,伊朗核计划要接受联合国和其他机构观察员的监督,以换取西方解除制裁。

    This at least seems to be one area of real action : this summer a deal was signed for Iran to place its nuclear programmes under the surveillance of inspectors from the UN and other agencies , in exchange for a withdrawal of western sanctions .

  21. 联合国召开闭门会议讨论以色列对加沙地带的军事打击,之后巴勒斯坦常驻联合国观察员提出以上要求。

    The Palestinian permanent observer to the UN has made the appeal following a closed-door session called to discuss the Israeli offensive in Gaza .

  22. 自1979年被逐出联合国(un)以来,台湾在今年早些时候首次参与联合国活动,以观察员身份参加世界卫生组织(who)年度大会。

    Earlier this year Taiwan participated in its first United Nations event since being expelled from the organisation in 1979 , becoming an observer to the annual assembly of the World Health Organisation .

  23. 联合国大会重申了同意在巴勒斯坦土地上建立一个独立的主权国家,给予巴解组织联合国观察员地位。

    At the United Nations General assembly , the UN reaffirmed its commitment to an independent sovereign state in Palestine and gave the PLO observer status at the United nations .

  24. 联合国支持的叙利亚和平计划昨日陷入混乱。此前,叛军表示,他们将不再遵守停火协议。叙利亚当地一些抗议者也要求联合国观察员离开该国。

    The UN-backed peace plan for Syria was in disarray yesterday after armed rebels said they would no longer abide by a ceasefire and a local network of protesters demanded the departure of UN observers .