
xuān zhàn quán
  • right to declare war;war making power
  1. 在美国,参议院拥有宣战权。

    In the United States , the power to declare war is vested in the Senate .

  2. 他要求宣战权应属议会,而不再是皇室的特权。

    He called for the power to declare war to be a decision of Parliament and no longer part of the Royal prerogative .

  3. 他憎恶小布什,在伊拉克问题上,布什越过了国会的宣战权,而参议院还在可怜地等待。

    George Bush junior he detested , a reckless and arrogant man who , on Iraq , overrode the war-declaring powers of Congress while the Senate stood pitifully by .