
xuān chuán fèi
  • publicity expenses
  1. 后来有报道称,某些最初似乎不被看好,但最终获得最佳影片奖的影片受益于堪比制作成本的数百万奥斯卡宣传费,比如《恋爱中的莎士比亚》(ShakespeareinLove,1998)和《拆弹部队》(TheHurtLocker,2008)。

    Certain winning films , which at first seemed like underdogs for best picture - such as " Shakespeare in Love " ( 1998 ) and " The Hurt Locker " ( 2008 ) - were reported later to have benefited from multimillion-dollar Oscar campaigns that rivaled their production budgets .

  2. 2013年,数据分析师埃德蒙·赫尔墨(EdmundHelmer)计算出奥斯卡获奖影片的相对票房价值为300万美元,这通常不到电影公司奥斯卡宣传费的一半。

    In 2013 , the data analyst Edmund Helmer put the relative box-office value of an Academy Award win at $ 3 million & often less than half of what a studio spends in its Oscar promotion .

  3. 还有国内跟欧洲市场的宣传费。

    A consortium will handle domestic and european .

  4. 这四部电影每部的总宣传费在530万美元至830万美元之间。

    Campaigns for the four films ranged in total cost between $ 5.3 million and $ 8.3 million .

  5. 增值税税负较高,广告费和业务宣传费投入不能全额在税前扣除支出。

    The value added tax is high , for the advertisement expenses and propaganda expenses can not be deducted totally before paying the tax .

  6. 当克林顿举债的时候,奥巴马能够支付每一站的选举宣传费。4月初他有4200百万美元用于选举。

    Obama can afford to shower every contest with campaign dollars from the $ 42 million he had at the beginning of April , while Clinton is in debt .

  7. 这类名字的酒店的经营者是最为幸运的,集团几十年的品牌效应,让酒店一开业即路人届知,省却了许多广告宣传费。

    The name of the hotel such operators is the most fortunate , the Group 's brand for decades , making the hotel an opening session of the passers-by know , save a lot of advertising costs .

  8. 参展费:开展前2个月先付展品标价的2%,作为行政及宣传资料印刷费(不退还)。

    Participation Fee : Participant has to pay2 % of the selling price as administration fee and catalogue printing on2 months before fair .