
  • 网络Mass consumer goods;consumer packaged goods;CBS Consumer Products;mass consumer products;Volume Zone
  1. 而乔布斯把Mac当成一种大众消费品

    while Jobs ' sees the Mac as a consumer product

  2. 由于护肤品市场竞争日趋激烈,SPA与百货商店、名牌与大众消费品之间你争我夺,精明的消费者享受免费皮肤清洁和养护的机会比以往任何时候都多。

    Thanks to an increasingly competitive skincare market that 's pitting spas against department stores and prestige brands against mass marketers , savvy shoppers have more opportunities than ever to get their skin cleansed and pampered for free .

  3. 如何外包整个包装流程&浅谈管理大众消费品行业供应商

    Outsourcing the Whole Package & Managing Supplier Partners in the CPG Industry

  4. 在大众消费品行业,我们有一套基本原则。

    In the consumer products industry , we have our own set of first principles .

  5. 大众消费品标签用语

    The Label Wording of Popular Consumer Goods

  6. 我希望中国和以前一样,更多地将牛奶当作药膳来使用,而不是将它当作大众消费品来消费。

    I wish China still used milk more like medicine instead of consuming it as a mass-marketed product .

  7. 汽车变得更加清洁、安全、髙效。比起100年前,现在汽车已成为大众消费品,而不是让我们望而兴叹的东西。

    Cars are dramatically cleaner , dramatically safer , more efficient and radically more affordable than they were 100 years ago .

  8. 除了一般的大众消费品之外,专为特殊族群所设计的产品在人机工程学上也有更多的考虑。

    Besides the goods for general consumers , specifically design for the special group of people need more consideration about the ergonomics .

  9. 近年来,随着电信业和移动通信的迅速发展,手机已由过去的奢侈品成为大众消费品。

    In recent years , with the rapid development of the telecommunications industry and mobile communications , the luxury phone in the past has been become mass consumer goods .

  10. 大众消费品一般在大众化报纸上做广告,汽车、化妆品等商品也应该在专业化报纸上作广告,针对集中的消费者。

    Masses consumer goods advertise at popular newspaper generally , automobile , cosmetics goods should act as the advertisement at the specialized newspaper too , direct against centralized consumers .

  11. 总体来看,这些西方品牌战略理论和本土的品牌管理思想基本上针对大众消费品,对工业品的品牌战略理论深入的研究寥若晨星。

    Overall , the western brand strategy theory and local brand management thinking are basically for the mass consumer market , research on industrial brand strategy theory is very rare .

  12. 不过零售商们却说,在中国城市营销的一个最强有力的武器就是对大众消费品制定高价格,原因是中国消费者的侧重点与美国的雅皮士们不同。

    While retailers say a top marketing weapon in urban China is to charge more for public consumption . That 's because Chinese customers have different priorities than their American yuppie counterparts .

  13. 快速消费品行业是典型的大众消费品市场,这类企业往往通过高覆盖率和多种渠道并存的分销网络来接近消费者,达到高铺货率,利用渠道控制和管理以及分销模式进行销售。

    Fast moving consumer goods industry is a typical mass consumer markets . Such enterprises are often high coverage and by the coexistence of multiple channels of distribution network to reach consumers , to achieve high distribution rate . The use channels to control and management sales and distribute models .

  14. 全日制MBA课程在该地区已经成为一种大众化消费品,而顶尖的EMBA课程却各自有明显不同的定位。

    While the full-time MBA has become a commodity product in the region , these top-notch EMBAs are very clearly differentiated .

  15. 就目前而言,这个设备对于大部分人来说还不是个大众的消费品;目前它只是个“玩具盒”而已。

    This device is , at the moment , not a mass-market consumer item for most people ; it 's a toybox .

  16. 超市定位于大众生活消费品,食品占到了50%以上的比重,绝大多数商品利润率较低,利润增长主要依靠销售量创造。

    Supermarkets normally target on mass consumer goods , especially foods , which account for over 50 % of the whole consumption level , although mostly with low profit , consumer goods contribute to the profit growth by the volume of sales .

  17. 关注大众市场的消费品公司,应考虑纵向延伸其高档品牌。

    Consumer goods companies eyeing the mass market should consider stretching their premium brands vertically .

  18. 家具是一种大众化的消费品,其销售成本直接关系到生产企业的效益。

    As a popular consumable , marketing costs of furniture are directly related to the benefits of manufacturing enterprise .