
  • 网络UOB;United Overseas Bank;UOB Bank;United Overseas Bank Limited;United Overseas Bank Ltd
  1. 星展银行、华侨银行、大华银行的私人银行部门管理的资产,规模增速超过了2011年该地区私人财富11%的增速。

    Growth in assets under management at the private banking divisions of DBS , OCBC and UOB outpaced the 11 per cent growth in regional private wealth in 2011 .

  2. 作为协议的一部分,大华银行将在至少12年内,通过其分支网络在三个国家出售保诚的产品,并将剥离其新加坡寿险业务,以3.07亿美元出售给保诚。

    As part of the deal , UOB will sell Prudential products through its branch networks in the three countries for at least 12 years and also divest its Singaporean life assurance unit to the UK group for $ 307m .

  3. 大华银行首席执行官黄一宗(WeeEeCheong)说,大华人寿(UOBLife)过去20年虽然取得了良好进展,但仍然是高度竞争的行业中一个相对较小的业者。

    Wee Ee Cheong , UOB chief executive , says while UOB Life has achieved good progress over the past two decades it remained a relatively small player in a highly competitive industry .

  4. 保诚最近与新加坡最大银行之一大华银行(UOB)达成了一项分销协议,作为交易的一部分,保诚接手了UOB旗下的寿险业务。

    The Pru recently cut a distribution deal with UOB , one of Singapore 's biggest banks , as part of which it took over the company 's own life business .

  5. 中国银行旁边是大华银行。1935年由几个福建商人建立,如今是新加坡第二大银行。

    Next to China Bank is United Overseas Bank , Singapore's2nd largest bank which is founded in1935 by a few Chinese from Fujian .