
  • 网络Chinese Mercantile Bank;Chinese Commercial Bank;china mercantile bank
  1. 并对华商银行的培训政策、培训方式、培训内容、培训机构等方面进行挖掘,深入分析培训体系产生的原因。

    From training policy , training methods , training content and training institutions , the chapter analyses the causes of the training system in depth .

  2. 上海银行公会是上海银行家自发组织的银行同业组织,以维护银行业利益,推动银行业发展为基本宗旨,会员来自上海华商银行。

    The Shanghai Bankers ' Association ( S.B.A ) was the banking same line organization hold by the Shanghai Chinese bankers . The basic purpose of the assassination was to safeguard the banking interest and to push forward the development of the banking .