
  • 网络FINANCE;the financial environment
  1. 中国作为WTO的正式成员,面临着复杂多变的国际经济和金融环境。

    China facing the complex international economic and financial environment has been the formal member of WTO .

  2. 一国的金融环境对于FDI发展质量和引资政策的制订都具有重要影响。

    The financial environment of one country has important influence on FDI development quality and the policies involved .

  3. 因此,营造良好的金融环境,培育较高的金融信贷市场,有助于FDI溢出效应的发挥。

    Therefore , to create a favorable financial environment , fostering a high financial and credit markets , help FDI spillover effect of the play .

  4. 美联储(Fed)主席本伯南克(BenBernanke)4月份表示:在最近这次危机高度压力下的金融环境中,全球的结算所普遍运行良好。

    Ben Bernanke , chairman of the Federal Reserve , said in April : Clearing houses around the world generally performed well in the highly stressed financial environment of the recent crisis .

  5. 宏观金融环境变化与银行微观应对

    The Change of Financial Macro - environment and Banks ' Micro-countermeasures

  6. 东西部地区金融环境比较分析

    Analysis of Financial Environment Between the East and the West in China

  7. 浅谈西部金融环境的现状及其优化思路

    Analysis on the present condition and optimizing plan of western financial environment

  8. 在我国现有的金融环境下,银行依然是中小企业外源融资的主要途径,因而本文以中小企业的银行信贷融资为研究范围。

    And so bank financing is the study object of this thesis .

  9. 打造良好金融环境加快龙江经济振兴

    Creating Better Financial Environment , Quickening Heilongjiang Economic Soaring

  10. 风险投资的金融环境分析

    Analysis of the Financial Environment of Venture Capital

  11. 继续优化农村金融环境。

    Continue optimizing the rural financial environment .

  12. 金融环境与现代市场经济、知识经济的发展不相适应;

    The financial environment , modern market economy and development of knowledge economy are incompatible ;

  13. 为有源头活水来&农村金融环境审视与重构

    Examination and Restructuring of Rural Financial Surroundings

  14. 在优化金融环境时,要把发展风险投资放在重要的位置。

    Risk investment should been placed to an important position when improving the financial environment .

  15. 印度金融环境对其吸引外资及本土企业发展的影响&兼与中国比较

    India 's Financial Environment and Its Implications for FDI and Native Enterprises : Compared with China

  16. 在全球金融环境变化的同时,你是否看到了新兴国家面临的新机遇?

    Do you see any new opportunities for emerging countries as the global financial landscape changes ?

  17. 商业银行业务经营的方向随着经济金融环境的变化而发生改变。

    The direction of business running of commercial banks varies with the change of economic financial environments .

  18. 但是,宏观政治金融环境对房地产业的影响是不可估量的,它不仅仅能够决定楼市的崛起,亦能在瞬间让整个市场瘫痪。

    However , the influence of the macro-political and financial environment on real estate industry is great .

  19. 银行业的扩张应当在稳定的金融环境得到控制和评估。

    The expansion of the banking sector shall be controlled and evaluated in a stable financial environment .

  20. 区域金融环境与科技创新相关性评价&基于江苏常州、苏州、泰州、宿迁的实证分析

    Evaluation on Correlation between Financial Environment and Technology Innovation & Empirical Analysis on Four Cities of Jiangsu Province

  21. 开放式的金融环境为我国金融改革与发展带来了新的问题。

    The opening circumstances of finance have brought about some new problems in our financial reform and development .

  22. 如今,国内银行业赖以生存的金融环境正在发生深刻变化,变革使大多数银行面临新的挑战。

    The financial environment for banking is undergoing profound changes , which make most banks face new challenges .

  23. 一般认为,宽松的金融环境将通过三个渠道提振经济增长(可能存在时滞)。

    With a bit of a lag , these easier financial conditions are supposed to boost growth through three channels .

  24. 产业集群的形成依赖于一定的外部坏境,在这当中金融环境尤为重要。

    The formation of industrial agglomeration depends on some external environment , in this financial environment which is particularly important .

  25. 是否仍有人坚持在当前混乱的金融环境下仍会有发生上述情况?

    Is there anyone out there who still sees this scenario coming to pass in today 's muddled financial environment ?

  26. 必须在严格监管的基础上对监管制度进行调整和补充,以适应变化的金融环境,提高监管效果。

    The adjustment and supplement based on strict control should be made to suit the changing environment and increase control effect .

  27. 他承认不断恶化的全球金融环境给资金流通带来了不确定性,并使国际收支平衡受到影响。

    He admitted the worsening global financial environment had brought uncertainty to capital flows and affected the international balance of payments .

  28. 即使在美国、日本等高度发达的金融环境下,政策性金融仍然是一个不可或缺的重要组成部分。

    History of agricultural policy finance . Even though the financial environment is very developed , policy finance is an important part .

  29. 近年来,对处于变化的金融环境中货币需求行为的研究逐渐增多起来。

    The behavior of a money demand function in changing financial environment is a subject that has received increasing attention in recent years .

  30. 与此同时,金融环境的快速变化也对现代商业银行的财务管理提出了新的要求。

    At the same time , the rapidly changing financial environment has set forth new requirements to modern commercial banks ' financial management .