
  1. 金融主体应完善金融结构并创造更多更好的金融产品。

    It also presented that financial subjects should perfect financial instruction and create more and better financial goods .

  2. 现代农村金融主体制度创新研究&以农村信用社为中心

    On Innovation of the System of Modern Rural Financial Bodies : Research on the Rural Financial Cooperative Organization

  3. 银行作为传统经济社会中的金融主体,主宰着整个经济的运行与发展。

    Banks as financial main body in the traditional economy , dominates the operation and development of the whole economy .

  4. 其主要表现为金融主体意识,金融安全意识,金融伦理意识等等。

    The main performance are the main body financial awareness , sense of financial security , financial ethical awareness and so on .

  5. 地方政府应该创造并提供这样一种制度环境,既能够充分发挥出微观金融主体的积极性和创造性,同时政府在市场主导作用下适度介入,增强金融业产业集群区域的承载力。

    The local government should create and offer such an institutional environment which can exert the enthusiasm and innovation of the micro financial subjects sufficiently .

  6. 本文从微观金融主体风险管理的角度出发,将商业银行的信用风险管理作为论文的主要研究对象。

    This dissertation , from the point of the microscopic equities ' risk management , deals with the management of the credit risk in commercial banks .

  7. 说明农信社、邮政储蓄银行等农村金融主体的网点设置体现了一定的行政干预,而商业银行网点的设置则受市场的调节较多。

    It indicates that the allocation of Rural credit cooperatives and Postal saving banks is influenced by administrative intervention , while the allocation of commercial banks is dictated by market .

  8. 它不仅有助于金融主体规避风险,保证市场的安全性、流动性和盈利性,同时也是建立国际金融中心的必备条件。

    They help to hedge investment risks and guarantee the security , liquidity and profitability of markets . They are also a necessary condition to establish an international financial center .

  9. 随着我国汇改制度的不断深化,为外汇市场的发展提供机遇的同时,也对金融主体提出了挑战。

    As China continues to deepen the exchange rate system reform , provides opportunities for the development of the foreign exchange market , but also the main challenges to financial institutions .

  10. 经过理论分析,当前对海洋碳汇渔业发展产生主要影响的金融主体依然是银行业信贷,可以将其细分为政策性金融、商业性金融以及合作社金融。

    Through theoretical analysis , a major impact on the development of fisheries on the marine carbon sinks is still banking credit , it can be divided into policy finance , commercial finance and cooperative financial .

  11. 村镇银行作为微观金融主体的一种,其设立的逻辑思路是,为新农村建设注入金融活力,提振农村缺少的金融市场和服务,以启动农村经济。

    As one of the main microscopic financial bodies , The building logical thinking of Rural Bank is injecting fresh vigor into new rural construction , enhancing the financial market and service which are lacked in rural areas so as to stimulate the rural economy .

  12. 无论是从宏观经济运行外部环境的改善、从微观金融主体的市场化还是金融市场的市场化来看,金融工程都可根据出现问题的层次性,提出层次不同的解决方案。

    Whether from the improvement of the exterior environment of the macrocosmic efficiency , or the microcosmic or the marketing economic , the financial engineering can bring up the different solution of level of structure according to the level of structure of the emergence problem .

  13. 同时,由于民间金融主体行为缺失合理的法律规范,它长期游离于金融监管体系之外,造成了一些区域性经济风险,给社会秩序和金融安全带来了一定冲击。

    At the same time , because of lack of civil financial subject behavior the legal standard of reasonable , it long free in the financial regulatory system besides , caused a few regional economic risk , to social order and financial safety brought a certain impact .

  14. 随着我国加入WTO后外资银行的大量涌入,我国的金融市场主体呈现多元化态势。

    After our country acceding to the WTO , a large number of foreign capitals banks pour in . The pluralistic situation appears in the financial market subject in our country .

  15. 考虑到我国金融体系主体是银行,所以实证部分主要从各个地区银行存贷款总额占GDP的比值来衡量金融发展。

    Considering bank is main body of the financial system in China , an Empirical Analysis of Economics mainly consider the total deposit and loan of bank and GDP as an indicators stand for financial development .

  16. 我国的国有商业银行一直是现代经济生活的金融运行主体,在我国加入WTO的条件下,其所承担的公共性职能使其改革面临着两难选择。

    The state-owned commercial bank of our country has been a financial operation subject of the modern economic life all the time . Under the circumstance of the entry of WTO , the public functions born enable its reform facing the awkward choice .

  17. 金融供给主体的缺失。

    The main body of financial supplies flaw .

  18. 金融生态主体博弈行为理论研究与政策建议

    Theoretical Research of the Game Behavior of the Entities of Financial Ecology and Related Policy Options

  19. 上市商业银行作为金融业主体,在经济全球化中担负着关键作用。

    Listed commercial banks as the financial industry body , plays a key role in the process of economic globalization .

  20. 第三方监管理论:金融监管主体角色定位的理论分析

    The Theory on the Third Party 's Supervision : the Theoretical Analysis of the Role Positioning of Financial Supervision Subject

  21. 其具体内涵是(1)金融交易主体享有利率决定权;

    It includes the following contents : ( 1 ) The subjects of financial deal have the right of deciding interest rate .

  22. 从汽车金融服务主体、业务范围、资金渠道、面临的风险等方面出发,分析了我国汽车金融服务体系中存在的问题。

    Discusses the problems in view of the financial service provided and its business scope , funds source and the risks to face .

  23. 不确定性因素给金融创新主体的创新活动的内外部效应带来不确定性。

    This article sets up an economy model about financial product innovation , by analyzing internal and external effect resulting from innovation in uncertainty .

  24. 如何从理论上解释农村金融生态主体与金融生态环境之间的互动机理是金融生态研究中的盲点。

    At present , it 's a blind spot how to explain the interactive mechanism between rural financial ecological principal and financial ecological environment theoretically .

  25. 作为金融业主体之一,保险是经营风险的行业,需要比其他金融行业承担更多而且更加复杂的风险。

    As one of the main financial industry , the insurance is industry operating risk , need to take more risk than other financial sectors .

  26. 农村信用社作为重要的农村金融供给主体,对农村信用社的改革一直是农村金融体制改革的重点。

    As one of the most important rural finance supplier , the reform of the rural credit union has been the emphasis in the rural finance reform .

  27. 而四大国有商业银行是我国金融的主体,也是我国企业进行融资的主渠道。

    The four state-owned commercial banks are the main body of our country 's finance , and they are also the main financial channel of most enterprises .

  28. 本文通过从对西方的微观银行理论的综述出发,得出银行这一金融中介主体的重要性的理论支持,然后针对中小银行的具体情况分析其生存和发展的理论和实证研究结果。

    This paper is beginning from the western theory of microeconomics of Banks for the purpose of analyzing and finding the theories for supporting the existence of the Banks .

  29. 再加上金融监管主体多元化所产生的种种问题,使得该法律制度更加难以应对国内外金融业日益复杂的发展趋势。

    Coupled with the financial regulatory generated by the diversity of the various problems , making the legal system more difficult to cope with the increasingly complex domestic and international financial industry trend of development .

  30. 首先是对农村金融生态主体的作用,农村金融生态主体主要包括政府、农户和中小民营企业、正规金融机构和民间金融四个部分。

    First , the principal of the rural financial ecological role of the principal rural finance major ecological including the government , farmers and small and medium-sized private enterprises , the informal financial institutions and civil financial four parts .