
  • 网络Excess reserve
  1. 国有商业银行具有降低超额准备率的倾向。

    The state-owned business banks tend to diminish the rate of excess reserves .

  2. 由于存在行政关系,通过控制商业银行贷款规模,中央银行也参与超额准备率的决定。

    For the reasons of administration , the Central Bank also plays an important role in deciding the rate of excess reserves through controlling the loan size of business banks .

  3. 当前我国金融运行中存在着银行流动性过剩的突出问题,其主要表现为存差持续扩大、超额准备金居高不下、M2与M1持续背离、货币市场利率持续走低等。

    A prominent issue in present China 's financial operation is that there exists excessive liquidity within banking industry , the main exhibitions of which are : Enlarging loan-deposit gap , high excessive reserve , deviated M2 and M1 , and decreasing interest rate of money market , etc.

  4. 商业银行的流动性过剩主要存在商业银行存差持续扩大、超额准备金居高不下、货币供应量增长过快和商业银行信贷反弹过快等四大表现。

    Excess liquidity of commercial banks is believed to be attributable to four factors like widening gap of balance between deposit and loans , high level of super reserves , quick growth of money supply and speedy rebound of credit extended by commercial banks .

  5. 其中:资本扣除项主要指向金融业交叉持股、交叉持债以及超额减值准备等内容。

    Capital deduction points to the financial sector cross-shareholdings , cross-holding debt and the excess impairment and so on .

  6. 简而言之,尽可能完善你的计划准备工作并搞好你的动画剧本!你永远都不应该有“我都超额完成准备计划任务了”这种想法。

    In short , get as much planning worked out in the beginning as possible and get the script right ! You can never be over prepared .