
chāo qián
  • speed-up;outstrip;lead;get ahead
超前 [chāo qián]
  • (1) [lead]

  • (2) 超越目前正常条件的

  • 超前消费

  • (3) 在交流电路中,电流相位对产生它的电动势的提前

超前[chāo qián]
  1. MATLAB环境下基于频率法设计超前补偿器

    Design of Lead Compensator Based on Frequency in MATLAB Environment

  2. 超前校正器的根轨迹法设计及其MATLAB实现

    The Design of Lead Compensator Based on Root Locus Method and Its MATLAB Realization

  3. 这一年结束,他们的排名比当地竞争对手超前六个名次。

    They finished the year six places above their local rivals .

  4. 我们的设计往往流于传统而没有超前意识。

    We tend to be traditional rather than fashion-forward in our designs .

  5. 自行车选手们原本胶着在一起,直到转弯处泰勒才超前领先。

    The cyclists were together until the bend , when Tyler pulled ahead .

  6. 他坚持认为,他仅有的根本性错误是他比时代超前了20年。

    His only fundamental mistake , he insists , is that he was 20 years before his time .

  7. 愿景家总在不断挑战传统思维,因为他们是用超前的眼光看待这个世界的。

    Visionaries are constantly fighting conventional wisdom because they see the world ahead in terms of what it can be

  8. 他被他右边的一辆车挡住了而无法超前。

    He was boxed in by a car to his right .

  9. 当然,在二十世纪三、四十年代,大多这种论断还是超前的,因为当时在以实用性为基础进行服装调整方面,人们几乎毫无经验。

    Of course , much of this argument in the 1930s-40s was advanced because there was little or no experience in justifying apparel on the basis of utility .

  10. 对他们而言,超前消费是一种时尚。

    Ahead-of-time consumption is regarded fashionable among them .

  11. “拼孩”,是妈妈们之间的比拼,比谁的孩子看上去更好、更聪明,或比别人的孩子更超前,并且努力在这一竞争中抢占上风。

    Mompetition is the one-up rivalry that moms play making their child seem better , smarter , and / or more advanced than yours .

  12. 在古时候,盐不是那么容易得到的东西(而且那时候用盐调味也是一种超前的生活方式),罗马士兵会领到一笔钱(salarium)专门用来买盐。

    In ancient times , because salt wasn 't always easy to come by ( and because it was a leading way to improve flavor even back then ) , Roman soldiers were given a sum of money -- a salarium -- with which to purchase salt .

  13. K步超前输出预报、闭环极点配置和控制信号计算。

    The computing of control signals .

  14. 本文选择还X就Y超前夸张格式作为研究对象,着重对其进行三个平面的分析。

    We choose this kind of format for researching and focus on analyzing it from three grammatical aspects .

  15. 地质雷达在胶州湾海底隧道F(4-5)含水断层超前预报中的应用

    Application of ground penetrating radar to the geological forecast for water-bearing faults in the Jiaozhou Bay subsea tunnel construction

  16. 在PID校正中着重加强微分超前调节作用,缓解了系统相位滞后的问题,从而使系统得到较好的稳定度和响应速度。

    It focuses on differentiation in PID adjustment , amends the phase lag problem and gets better systematic stability and response speed .

  17. 它采用了电压闭环负反馈以及有效的PID调节环节和相应的超前校正环节,能保证很小的失真率和快速的动态响应能力。

    The control circuit used very efficient PID modulation and anticipatory control so the power amplifier had little distortion and fast dynamic response .

  18. 全球副热带高压强度的变化与超前3个月SST的正相关最为显著。

    Sub - tropical high intensity correlates to the 3 months leading SST maximally .

  19. 提高TSP超前地质预报精度的方法研究

    Research on the Method of Improving the Precision of the TSP in Beforehand Geological Forecast

  20. 客运专线铁路大断面隧道TSP地质超前预报原理及应用

    Principle of TSP Geology Prediction and Its Application in Construction of Large Cross-section Tunnels on Passenger-dedicated Railways

  21. 如果SPI大于一,项目是比计划超前的。

    If the SPI is greater than one , the project is ahead of schedule .

  22. 基于钻机的TBM隧洞施工超前地质预报系统开发研究

    Research on the System Design for Advance Geological Prediction in TBM Construction Tunnel Based on Drilling Machine

  23. 全桥移相软开关电源超前和滞后桥臂实现ZVS的研究

    The Research of the Leading-Bridge and Lag-Bridge 's Difference of Full-Bridge Phase-Shifted ZVS Converter

  24. 建立层次清晰、结构简单、接线规范、冗余度合理、技术适度超前的电网框架,实现城市电网N-1准则。

    An electric network for of clear layer , simple structure , standard connection , rational redundancy and appropriate advance technology is set up ," N-1 " standard of city network is realized .

  25. 本文针对这种有普遍意义的传感器超前检测的自动控制系统结构特点,分别设计了最少拍数字控制器、数字PID控制器以及一种实用型的数字控制器。

    The following three types of digital controllers have been built and analyzed for the welding tracking system with a leading sensor : minimum step digital controller , digital PID controller and so-called practical digital controller .

  26. 提出了一种零电压零电流开关PWMDC/DC全桥变换器,该变换器实现了超前桥臂的零电压开关和滞后桥臂的零电流开关。

    Proposes a Zero-Voltage and Zero-Current-Switching ( ZVZCS ) PWM DC / DC full-bridge converter , which realizes ZVS for leading leg and ZCS for lagging leg . The operation principle and parameter design is analyzed .

  27. 对于传统的单频段PSS,只要调整超前滞后环节时间常数,就能够获得较宽的补偿频段,可以影响到更多的模式。

    For the conventional single band PSS , a wider compensation band can be acquired by adjust time constants of the lead-lag stages , to affect more modes .

  28. 介绍在隧道严重塌方段,采用管棚实现一次20m超前支护的实践经验。

    The present paper passes on experiences in practice of advance pipe lodgepole steel tunnel support 20m at a time in a serious collapse sector .

  29. 说明了TSP超前预报技术在客运专线铁路隧道大断面开挖信息化施工、确保施工安全中的重要性和实用性。

    It is demonstrated that TSP geology prediction technology has great importance and practicability in the information-aided construction of the large cross-section tunnels on passenger-dedicated railways so as to guarantee construction safety .

  30. 概述了该项技术的基本原理,介绍了该项技术的精髓&LiuZhigang公式,阐述了应用该项技术实施隧道断层超前地质预报过程中的关键技术,并以实例论证了该项技术的应用效果。

    The principle and quintessence , Liu Zhigang formula , and the key technique of this method are presented for advanced geologic forecast .