
dìnɡ qī chǔ xù
  • fixed savings deposits
  1. 工作期间定期储蓄将有助于保证晚年不受贫困之苦。

    Saving money regularly during one 's working years will help to safeguard one 's age from want .

  2. 韩国的定期储蓄计划(RegularSavingsPlan)允许韩国投资者进行小规模定期投资,如今正被普遍用作通往股票投资和多样化的门户。

    The Regular Savings Plan vehicle , which allows Korean investors to make small , regular investments , is now being widely used as a gateway to equity investment and diversification .

  3. 不过,Halifax辩称,对于构建投资组合而言,它的服务是一种节约成本的途径。此外,通过定期储蓄,这也是消除市场波动的有效方式。

    Still , Halifax argues that its service is a cost - effective way to start a portfolio , and an effective way to smooth out market fluctuations , through regular savings .

  4. 然后,再写上您定期储蓄账户上的账号。

    Followed by the number of your savings account .

  5. 您是想要开一个活期账户和一个定期储蓄账户吗?

    Did you want to open up a checking account and a savings account ?

  6. 定期储蓄存单:在某银行中的有息定期储蓄存款单。

    Certificate of deposit : Certificate of an interest-Bearing time deposit with a Bank .

  7. 整存整取定期储蓄存款可以部分或全部提前支取,也可以办理异地托收。

    Partial or full amount withdrawal in advance and collection from other places are permitted .

  8. 我认为定期储蓄的平均收益率将会和基金的差不多。

    I think the Interest rate of the fixed deposit is very close to that of funds .

  9. 只要你没有债务而且定期储蓄的话,你就不会有问题的。

    As long as you are out of debt and putting money into savings each month , you 're going to be just fine .

  10. 同样,康礼贤也指出,该地区在定期储蓄计划和更全面投资建议方面取得“长足进步”,特别是在日本。

    Similarly , Mr Konyn points to " strong developments " towards regular savings plans and more comprehensive advice in the region , particularly in Japan .

  11. 其资金主要来源于成本较高的定期储蓄存款;经营结果表现为资产质量低,不良资产比例高,经营亏损严重。

    Their capital mainly comes from high-cost time deposit , which results in poor quality of assets , high rates of adversely classified credits and heavy losses .

  12. 台湾和韩国定期储蓄计划的发展也将受到更多关注,因为情况越来越明显:亚洲投资者除了单纯的投机,还有更长期的投资愿望。

    The development of regular savings plans in Taiwan and Korea will come into greater focus as it becomes more evident that Asian investors have a longer term investment appetite beyond mere speculation .

  13. 用于质押的存单仅限于中国银行一级分行及直属分行本辖区内各储蓄网点所开具的定期储蓄存单。

    CDs used for hypothecation are limited to certificates of time deposits issued by the savings outlets in the local administrated area of the tier-one branches of and branches under the Bank of China .

  14. 大部分中产阶级对于商业投资会表示犹豫而只是简单地把他们的钱存到银行,或是投资到公共基金,定期储蓄还有炒股(有时候资金的迅速增长也意味着要担负更大的风险)。

    Majority of the middle class population hesitates to practice business and just simply invests their money in banks , mutual funds , fixed deposits or play the stock market ( to grow their capital fast sometimes taking huge risks ) .

  15. 本外币活期、定期存款等储蓄存款业务已实现全国通存通兑。

    Nationwide different-areas automatic banking of local and foreign currency current and time deposits has been realized .

  16. 股票市场价格的涨跌会引起活期存款和包含证券公司客户保证金在内的其他存款的同向变动、引起定期存款和储蓄存款的反向变动。

    The changes of stock market prices caused demand deposits and other deposits change in the same direction , while causing time deposits and savings deposits reverse change .

  17. 我们有活期和定期两种个人储蓄帐户。

    We 've got current account and fixed account for individual savings .

  18. 为未来做打算设定可达到的目标,比如花的比赚的少一点,并且定期把一部分储蓄投资基金。

    Plan for the future-set achievable goals such as spending less that you earn each month , and making regular deposits into an investment fund .