
  • 网络quota valuation;fixed quota pricing
  1. 浅谈传统定额计价与工程量清单计价存在的问题

    Discussion on Existing Problems of Traditional Quota Valuation and Bill of Quantity Pricing

  2. 传统定额计价与现行清单计价在声学工程中的应用与分析

    Application Analysis of Traditional Quota Valuation and Present List Valuation in Acoustics Engineering

  3. 加入WTO后,在2003年我国工程造价改革终于迈出了实质性的一步,从传统定额计价模式到工程量清单计价模式的转变,进一步向国际惯例接轨。

    After entering WTO , in 2003 , construction cost reform exceeded one substantial step finally in our country . It transfers from the conventional ration value to the bill of quantities and further connects with the world trend and the international practices .

  4. 我国于2003年正式推出《建设工程工程量清单计价规范》(GB50500-2003),初步实现了从传统的概预算定额计价模式到工程量清单计价模式的转变。

    《 Code of Valuation with Bill Quantity of Construction Works 》( GB50500-2003 ), which initially realized the change from traditional budget normal figure model to the list figure model , came into being in our country in 2003 .

  5. 谈清单计价与定额计价的异同

    Similarities and differences between engineering bill pricing and fixed quota pricing

  6. 工程量清单计价;定额计价;区别。

    Bill of Quantities , Fixed pricing , Difference .

  7. 定额计价与清单计价的区别与联系

    On the Differences and Relations of Quota Pricing and Bill of Qualities Pricing

  8. 工程量清单计价模式与定额计价区别及优越性

    Differences and Advantages of Bill of Quantities Pricing Mode and Quota Valuation Pricing Mode

  9. 谈定额计价如何向工程量清单计价转变

    Measures to prompt the transformation from fixed quota pricing to engineering bill pricing mode

  10. 浅谈清单计价与预算定额计价模式的区别

    About the difference between the list figure model and the budget norm figure model

  11. 定额计价在工程量清单计价模式下的过渡作用

    Discussion on the transition function of fixed quota pricing in engineering quantity list quotation mode

  12. 浅析定额计价制度的改革

    Analysis of quota valuation reformation

  13. 定额计价模式在市场经济发展的过程之中越来越不适应社会的需求。

    But , the fixed pricing model becomes increasingly unsuited to the needs of society with the development of market economy .

  14. 从工程费用组成的角度分析定额计价和工程量清单计价模式浅析建筑安装工程人工费组成内容的调整

    Quota and BQ valuation model in construction cost composition The Analysis about Adjustment of Construction and Installment Current Labor Wage Contents

  15. 计价模式的转换,导致以前的定额计价模式下的评标理论已不再适用。

    As a result of the transition of valuation method , the bid evaluation theory based on quota valuation method was no longer appropriate .

  16. 跳出传统的定额计价模式,建立一种全新的计价模式,依靠市场和企业的实力通过竞争形成价格,使业主通过企业报价可直观的了解项目造价。

    This paper establishes a new valuating mode , unionizes price according to the competition of market and corporation according to the traditional quoting valuating mode .

  17. 对比分析了工程量清单计价的特点和优点以及定额计价和工程量清单计价的区别。

    Then the author comparatively analyzed advantage and disadvantage of BOQ valuation model , also pointed out difference between norm valuation model and BOQ valuation model .

  18. 定额计价与工程量清单计价模式的概念,在应用时经常发生混淆,文章通过实例和实践总结,从多方面阐述了这两种计价模式的不同之处。

    This paper defined the concepts of quota valuation and a valuation inventory with amount of works and explained the difference between them through extensive practice .

  19. 传统的定额计价方法主要用于为政府投资主体服务,显然已经不适应这种外部环境的变化。

    The traditional ration valuation model was used to serve the government investment , but now it has not accommodated to the environment of market economy .

  20. 我国建设工程计价模式主要有定额计价模式和清单计价模式两种。

    There are mainly two kinds of pricing models in construction project in china : the pricing mode of construction bill of quantities and fixed pricing model .

  21. 本文论述了实行工程量清单计价模式的重要性及其优越性;探讨了它与传统的定额计价模式的区别与联系。

    The paper expounds the importance and superiority of the mode of evaluation with bill of quantity , and discusses the difference and relationship with traditional quota mode .

  22. 工程量清单计价模式是对原有定额计价模式的改进,也是公路施工项目成本管理改革的必然结果。

    The bill valuation mode had improved the conventional ration valuation mode , and it is also the inevitable consequence of reforming the cost management of highway construction project .

  23. 工程量清单计价法从原理、内容及方法上与原有定额计价模式相比有很大差别。

    In principle , content and method , the valuation method of engineering volume list ( EVL ) is quite different from the previous one which adopted quota valuation mode .

  24. 土地开发整理预算定额计价方式是近几年国家新投资土地开发整理资金的一种有效管理形式。

    The land development and consolidation budget quota valuation method is an effective form of management for the land development and consolidation of national new investment funds in recent years .

  25. 指出传统的建设工程造价定额计价方式存在的问题,介绍了新的工程量清单计价方式的内容和要求。

    The Paper points out some issues existing in the conventional quota valuation mode of construction cost and introduces the contents and requirements of the new valuation mode of bill of quantities .

  26. 为此,我国建设工程计价模式逐步从定额计价模式向清单计价模式转变。这种转变是历史的必然。

    So , our pricing model changes step by step from the fixed pricing model to the pricing mode of construction bill of quantities . Clearly , this change is a historical necessity .

  27. 分析了传统定额计价模式与市场经济不相适应之处,其主要表现为它不能反映企业的技术、管理水平等企业整体实力。

    This paper analyses the conflict between traditional evaluating pattern of quota and market-oriented economy , which expresses itself in inability to reflect such overall capacities as the proficiency of technology and management .

  28. 由定额计价模式到工程量清单计价模式是我国建设工程造价管理工作与国际接轨的重大改革。

    It is an important reform for our country to change from the mode of quota valuation to the mode of engineering , inventory voluation in internationalization of the management in construction valuation .

  29. 因此在建设市场的交易过程中,传统的定额计价模式与市场主体要求拥有自主定价权之间发生了矛盾和冲突。

    Therefore , in the transaction process in constructing market , there are contradictions and conflicts between the traditional fixed pricing model and the main requirements of the market entities about their own pricing .

  30. 我国2003年7月1日正式推行的工程量清单计价模式,彻底改变了传统定额计价量价合一和政府定价的弊端,适应了我国经济体制改革的需要。

    The bill of quantity valuation model was carried out on July 1 , 2003 in China , which changed defect of the traditional ration pricing model thoroughly and adapted to economic system reform .