
  1. 定位手机的一种方式是通过GPS全球定位系统,前提是手机具备这项功能而且身在户外。

    One way to locate a cell phone is through GPS , assuming the phone has one and it 's outdoors .

  2. 利用酷米客网络平台提供的服务,本次设计的定位手机功能包括:手机定位导航,SOS报警,在线微博,网络相册,天气预报。

    We designed five features for the mobile phone this time , including : location and navigation , SOS alarm , the online microblog , Web Albums and Weather Forecast .

  3. 然而,可定位手机位置的技术会披露此类热门区域的电话,从而终止此类非法操作。

    Technology that can pinpoint handsets ' locations , however , allows calls in hot areas renowned for such illicit operations to be blocked .

  4. 据美国法院文件,涉案专利涉及视频编码、延长电池寿命,以及远程定位手机等应用。

    According to US court documents , the patents at issue relate to video coding , increasing battery life and remotely locating phones , among other applications .

  5. 在精确定位手机电视受众需求的基础之上合理整合、布局体育节目内容资源,同时拓展、创新市场盈利模式与推广模式,最终以构建完善的手机电视体育节目市场产业价值链条为发展目标。

    Conformity , layout sports programs content resources reasonably , at the same time-develop , innovate the profit mode and promotion mode . aim to build perfect industry value chain of mobile phone TV sports program .

  6. 通过GPSGPRS定位和手机回发短信,完成车辆监控调度和车辆的警情处理。

    Return through the GPS_GPRS localization and the handset sends the short note , completes the vehicles monitoring dispatch and vehicles police sentiment processing .

  7. 申请许可证定位他手机,我们得找到他

    Get a warrant to ping his cell . We have to find him .

  8. 直到不久前,智能手机一直被定位为手机市场的高端产品。

    Smartphones have until now been positioned as a premium product within the handset market .

  9. 你能定位他的手机吗

    Did you track his phone ?

  10. “从技术上讲,有或没有这个信息平台,在一个多天线区域内定位任何手机都是可行的,”他解释。

    " Technically , with or without this information platform , locating any cell phone in a multi-antenna region is feasible ," he noted .

  11. 从3G终端的角度,分析了3G的业务与市场,并且指明移动运营商的市场决策定位会影响手机厂商的3G手机生产策略。

    To analyze the 3G market and point that marketing strategies of mobile operators would effect the handset production .

  12. 系统的构成主要由终端井深测量仪、数码相机模块、中心管理计算机、GPS卫星定位模块、手机短信收发模块等组成。

    The sys-tem is composed of terminal depth meter , digital camera module , management computer , global position system module and mobile SMS module , etc.

  13. 从多方面来说,P9与其他高端Android手机十分类似。不过,考虑到华为在智能手机中低端市场的传统定位,该手机本身意义重大。

    In most respects , the P9 is much like other high-end Android devices but that in itself is significant given Huawei 's traditional position at the low - or mid-end of the smartphone market .

  14. 蜂窝移动通信网络中的无线定位技术废旧手机电池的回收利用

    Technology of Cellular Phone Position Recycling of Disused Battery for Mobile Phone

  15. 移动定位与基于手机的位置服务系统

    Mobile Positioning and LBS Based on Cellphone

  16. 文章分为绪论、手机依赖现状分析、设计定位和学生手机依赖行为信息设计实践四部分,其中设计定位和设计实践为本文的研究重点。

    Article is divided into introduction ," mobile phone rely on the " status quo analysis , design , location and students " mobile phone rely on " information design practices in four parts , including the design orientation and design practice as the research emphasis in this paper .

  17. 福克斯饰演原版中的沃巴克老爹(DaddyWarbucks)这个角色,在影片里名为威尔·史塔克(WillStacks),被重新定位成一个手机业亿万富翁,半心半意地竞选纽约市长职位

    Mr. Foxx is the Daddy Warbucks character , here renamed Will Stacks and refashioned as a cellphone billionaire halfheartedly running for mayor of New York .

  18. 不过,A-GPS最主要的问题是用户对于使用移动定位业务必须更换手机难以接受。

    However , A-GPS users is the key issue for business use of mobile location must be difficult to accept the replacement phone .

  19. 本月由这家中国电信设备制造集团投放的广告为P9的一系列推广活动拉开了帷幕。华为把自己定位为高端智能手机消费品牌进行大力宣传。

    The advertisement , released this month by the Chinese telecoms equipmentgroup , was the opening salvo in a barrage of publicity planned for the P9 asHuawei accelerates efforts to promote itself as a premium smartphone consumerbrand .

  20. 我定位了斯考特·梅森的手机,他的定位系统最后显示在坎德尔道上

    I pinged Scott Mason 's phone . His gps shut off near the end of Candle Drive .

  21. 移动宽带、全球定位技术、智能手机、云计算和人工智能都在不断升级互联网。

    It has been constantly upgraded by mobile broadband , global positioning technology , smartphones , cloud computing and artificial intelligence .

  22. 三星将这两款新手机定位为中端手机,并表示也会在其他特定市场发售,但是并未透露价格。

    Samsung classified the new phones as mid-tier , and said they will be launched in other select markets , without disclosing the pricing .

  23. VCTs可以预定车辆,但不能在路上随意载客,随着使用全球定位系统的智能手机应用的出现,这就意味着车能很快出现。愤怒的出租车工会指责他们扭曲规则。

    VTCs work on reservations and cannot be hailed in the street . But the advent of smart phone applications using global positioning means cars can turn up almost at once , enraging taxi unions which accuse them of bending the rules .

  24. 当然,每隔一段时间查看你的应用程序管理,以便确定正在使用定位功能的程序是否确实需要GPS这一功能倒是个不错的习惯。因为通常来讲,这些定位服务会消耗手机大量的电量。

    Of course , it 's always a good idea to check your app settings every once in awhile to make sure that the apps that are using your location actually need it - as location services tend to use up the most battery .

  25. 接下来,对三种手机定位技术进行了比较,因为GPS定位方式精度高,速度较快,而且GPS的使用是免费的,所以本论文所设计的定位手机是采用GPS技术进行定位。

    After that this paper compares three kinds of mobile phone positioning techniques . During these techniques , GPS is of high positioning accuracy , high speed , and free to use , so that the design of the mobile positioning phone is based on GPS technology localization .