
  • 网络Near Field Communication;NFC
  1. 用户无需再记忆越来越冗长的密码,而可以使用身体特征或者已有设备认证其登录信息,通过蓝牙、USB接口或近场通信技术直接完成在线身份认证。

    Instead of having to remember an increasingly long string of characters , users can authenticate their login with their body or something they have in their possession , communicating directly with the website via Bluetooth , USB or NFC .

  2. 本文在分析射频识别和近场通信的基础上,指出它们同属射频通信,而且列举了射频通信的其他技术。

    After analyzed RFID and NFC technology , they are considered as radio frequency communication and listed up some examples of other radio frequency .

  3. 采用RF射频芯片、微控制器和简单的外围器件,便可以构成具有无线传输功能的近场通信模块。

    Using wireless communication chip , micro-controller and some peripheral circuits can constitute a wireless communication system .

  4. 经过几周的传闻之后,Google终于宣布了自己的近场通信(NFC)支付系统:GoogleWallet(钱包)。

    After weeks of rumors , Google finally announced its near field communication payment system , christened Google Wallet .

  5. 这个研究小组修改了被称为近场通信标签的NFC标签。

    The research team modified what are called near-field communication tags , or NFC tags .

  6. 与近场通信的RFID系统相比,超高频RFID(UHFRFID)系统具有更远的通信距离和更快的数据传输速率。

    Compared with near field RFID systems , ultra-high frequency RFID ( UHF RFID ) system has the advantages of a longer communication distance and a higher data rate .

  7. InfoQ:您觉得接下来数年内将会有哪些重要的技术进展呢(3D、新型感应器、近场通信技术)?

    InfoQ : What are some of the cool device evolutions you think will be important over the next few years ?( 3D , new sensors , near field comm * )

  8. 这项移动钱包技术将采用NFC,也就是利用无线电来发射数据的近场通信技术(nearfieldcommunications)。该技术已被越来越多的销售终端系统所采用。

    Apple 's mobile wallet will be based on NFC , or near field communications , a technology that uses radio communications to transmit data and that works in a growing number of point-of-sale systems .

  9. 该工作室利用基于近场通信技术(NFC)的内部连网方式来实现这个功能。

    The studio used internal magnets with near field communications ( NFC ) technology to make it happen .

  10. 近场通信技术借助非接触智能卡和RFID标签载体,使随时随地、随身便携的离线移动电子商务成为可能。

    By using the carrier of contactless smart card and RFID tag , the near field communication technology makes the " anytime , anywhere , and portable " offline mobile e-commerce possible .

  11. 使用iPhone6、某些型号的iPad以及AppleWatch且搭载近场通信的用户,将可以在中国指定的商店使用这套系统购买商品。

    Users of the iPhone 6 , certain iPads , and Apple Watches equipped with near field communication , or NFC technology , will be able to use the system to buy items in certain stores in China .

  12. 例如,许多电子安检设备,如EAS(商品防窃检测)、RFID(射频识别)读写设备等,都要应用高效的近场通信天线。

    For example , both the EAS ( Electronic Article Surveillance ) system and the RFID ( Radio Frequency Identification ) system need high effective the short-range radio communication antenna .

  13. 在美国和欧洲,近场通信(NFC)支付(把手机在芯片读取器上刷一下)比二维码更受欢迎。

    There and in Europe , near field communication ( NFC ) payments , which involve swiping a phone over a chip reader , are preferred to QR codes .

  14. 除了新的操作系统,两款新机型都将配备NFC近场通信,消费者凭借这一功能可以用手机支付。

    Besides a new operating system , both will come equipped with NFC , or Near Field Communication , which will allow consumers to make payments with their phones .

  15. 10年前,NTTDoCoMo便推出了具有“手机钱包”(osaifu-keitai)功能的手机。手机钱包所依赖的索尼FeliCa卡技术,是近场通信(NFC)技术的一种早期版本,NFC技术如今也将应用到ApplePay上。

    Ten years ago , NTT DoCoMo introduced phones dubbed osaifu-keitai , or mobile wallets , running on Sony 's FeliCa technology , an early form of the near-field communication technology that will be used by Apple Pay .

  16. NFC(近场通信)技术以其在实现移动支付方面的作用而闻名,它面向近距离交互交易,特点是安全、快捷,适用于传输银行、财务或个人信息等敏感数据。

    Near Field Communication ( NFC ), well-known for its role in implementing mobile payment , applies to short-range exchanging important data like bank , financial and personal information with the properties of safety and convenience .

  17. 在享受着人人都能参与的移动互联网的同时,我们正经历着近场通信技术为人们生活所带来的变迁。

    When enjoying the mobile internet of " everybody can participate ", we are experiencing the changes brought about by the near field communication technology .

  18. 近场通信技术是可以在电子设备间通过非接触的方式实现数据点对点的交换和传输的一种无线高频短距离通信技术。

    Near field communication technology is a high-frequency , wireless , short-range communication technology which realizes data exchange and transmission of point to point by a non-contact way among the electronic devices .

  19. 近场通信环境中的离线安全协议研究也因此面临诸多传统协议安全研究所未见的新挑战。

    As a result , the research of the offline security protocol in the near field communications environment faces many new challenges that have not seen in the traditional security protocol research .

  20. 在近场通信环境中,便携的硬件载体、脱机的后台系统和现场的信息交互对离线安全协议设计提出了更高的要求。

    While in the near field communication environment , the portable hardware , the offline back-end systems and the interaction at the scene put forward a higher request to the offline security protocol design .

  21. 近场通信业务改变了用户使用移动电话的方式,使用户的消费行为逐步走向电子化,建立了一种新型的用户消费和业务模式。

    The near-field communications business has changed the way of using mobile phones , users of consumer behavior gradually moving towards electronic , the establishment of a new type of user consumer and business model .

  22. 布朗系昆虫学和植物病理学,密西西比州立大学的题为“近场声通信的蚂蚁”。

    Brown , Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology , Mississippi State University entitled " Nearfield acoustic communication by ants " .