
jìn qī jì yì
  • recent memory
  1. 这是人们近期记忆中最快的政治过渡事件之一。住在唐宁街的一家人中,唯一没有卷入尴尬的成员就是猫咪拉里(LarrytheCat)了。他是一只拥有内阁办公室首席捕鼠官头衔的虎斑猫。

    The only member of the household on Downing Street to be spared the indignity of one of the fastest political transitions in recent memory will be Larry the Cat , a tabby who holds the title of chief mouser to the cabinet office .

  2. 这是近期记忆中最令人匪夷所思的高管辞职事件。

    It was one of the most baffling C-suite resignations in recent memory .

  3. 结论:氧化损伤模型既能较好地表达AD的临床特征(近期记忆损害),又能部分反应AD的病理变化(Aβ沉积),是一经济实用的氧化损伤类AD大鼠模型;

    Conclusion : The oxidative damaged model could not only express the clinical characteristics ( short-term memory impairment ), but also partially reflex the pathological changes ( A β deposition ) of AD , is an economical and practical analogous AD model .

  4. 作为第一夫人,她受到的舆论诽谤比我们近期记忆中的任何人物都要多。

    As First Lady , she was the target of more scurrilous journalism than any figure in recent memory .

  5. 如今美国警方和非裔美国人之间的紧张关系,严重程度与近期记忆中的任何时候没有两样。

    Tensions between many US police forces and African Americans are as heightened today as at any time in recent memory .

  6. 结论:手术戒毒未造成患者智力明显下降及脑功能障碍,近期记忆下降可在4~5个月内恢复。

    Conclusion : Stereotactic neurosurgical treatment did not cause patient 's intelligence and brain function damage , recent memory damage can resume in 4-5 months .

  7. 结论:丘脑遗忘症的核心问题是近期记忆的保持障碍和近期及远期记忆的回忆障碍。

    Conclusion : The critical problems in thalamic amnesia are retention impairment for recent memory and the recall disorder for both of recent and remote memory .

  8. 然而,对于一小群精明的交易商而言,最严重时期的定价偏差已经让他们实现了近期记忆中最成功的对冲基金交易之一。

    However , for a small group of savvy traders the pricing discrepancies at their widest led to one of the most successful hedge fund trades in recent memory .

  9. 在人们近期记忆中,唯一与此类似的体验发生在上世纪80年代。当时,沙特大幅降低自己的石油产量,却未能撑起油价。

    The only similar experience in recent memory was during the 1980s , when the kingdom slashed its own oil production in a failed attempt to prop up the price .

  10. 它是我近期记忆里最美味也最便宜的寿司正餐之一——这是穷游旅行者都在追求的难得的平衡点。

    Not only was it one of best sushi dinners I 've had in recent memory , but it was among the cheapest - a difficult-to-hit sweet spot that every frugal traveler seeks out .

  11. 方法:对12例丘脑卒中病人的病前远、近期记忆内容进行测查,并观察病人病后对近期记忆的保持及形成远期记忆的能力。

    Methods : The remote and recent memory components before the onset were examined in twelve patients with thalamic stroke and the ability to preserve recent memory and format remote memory after stroke were investigated .

  12. 想象膨胀范式为错误记忆的研究提供了一种新的思路与方法,随后许多研究者都运用此范式对自传体记忆、近期记忆以及简单行为记忆进行了广泛的研究。

    Imagination inflation had provided a new paradigm for the false memory research . Afterwards many researchers had conducted extensive research on the autobiographical memory , the recent memory as well as the simple action memory .

  13. 就好像我近期的记忆里有空洞

    It 's like there 's holes in my memory lately .

  14. 最先消失的是近期的记忆。

    It 's the recent memories that disappear first .

  15. 没有什么能像体育一样可以把全世界的人聚集到一块,在近期的记忆里,2014年迎来了最盛大的体育赛事之一。

    Nothing brings people together like sports , and 2014 had one of the biggest athletic events in recent memory .

  16. 在VAX11750上进行计算机仿真、仿真证明模型有近期及长期记忆功能,破坏模拟海马的部分。

    The simulations were performed on VAX 11 / 750 computer , and showed that the model have temporal and long term memory .

  17. MLP神经网络实现了一个实时的模式分类器,而Elman神经网络以MLP神经网络的输出作为输入,并实现了对近期的事件的记忆功能。

    The MLP network is employed as a real-time pattern classification and the Elman network is employed to restore the memory of past events . The outputs of MLP network is the inputs of the Elman network .