- 名recent memory

The only member of the household on Downing Street to be spared the indignity of one of the fastest political transitions in recent memory will be Larry the Cat , a tabby who holds the title of chief mouser to the cabinet office .
It was one of the most baffling C-suite resignations in recent memory .
Conclusion : The oxidative damaged model could not only express the clinical characteristics ( short-term memory impairment ), but also partially reflex the pathological changes ( A β deposition ) of AD , is an economical and practical analogous AD model .
As First Lady , she was the target of more scurrilous journalism than any figure in recent memory .
Tensions between many US police forces and African Americans are as heightened today as at any time in recent memory .
Conclusion : Stereotactic neurosurgical treatment did not cause patient 's intelligence and brain function damage , recent memory damage can resume in 4-5 months .
Conclusion : The critical problems in thalamic amnesia are retention impairment for recent memory and the recall disorder for both of recent and remote memory .
However , for a small group of savvy traders the pricing discrepancies at their widest led to one of the most successful hedge fund trades in recent memory .
The only similar experience in recent memory was during the 1980s , when the kingdom slashed its own oil production in a failed attempt to prop up the price .
Not only was it one of best sushi dinners I 've had in recent memory , but it was among the cheapest - a difficult-to-hit sweet spot that every frugal traveler seeks out .
Methods : The remote and recent memory components before the onset were examined in twelve patients with thalamic stroke and the ability to preserve recent memory and format remote memory after stroke were investigated .
Imagination inflation had provided a new paradigm for the false memory research . Afterwards many researchers had conducted extensive research on the autobiographical memory , the recent memory as well as the simple action memory .
It 's like there 's holes in my memory lately .
It 's the recent memories that disappear first .
Nothing brings people together like sports , and 2014 had one of the biggest athletic events in recent memory .
The simulations were performed on VAX 11 / 750 computer , and showed that the model have temporal and long term memory .
The MLP network is employed as a real-time pattern classification and the Elman network is employed to restore the memory of past events . The outputs of MLP network is the inputs of the Elman network .