
róng yào
  • glory;honour;privilege;bright;splendid;laurel;lustre
荣耀 [róng yào]
  • (1) [glory]∶应得或能够赢得崇高称誉,光荣;光彩或赞赏的习性

  • (2) [honour]∶良好的名声或社会名望

  • (3) [bright]∶花木茂盛鲜艳

荣耀[róng yào]
  1. C罗曾4次获得年度足球先生,2016年他带领葡萄牙队夺得欧洲杯冠军,C罗铜像本该是一种象征“卓越典范”的荣耀。

    It was supposed to be an honour befitting of an " example of excellence , " the four-time footballer of the year who led Portugal to victory in last year 's European Championship .

  2. 她偷了我的生活我的荣耀我的名字

    She stole my life , my honour and my name !

  3. 她尽情地享受她女儿的成功带给她的荣耀。

    She basked in the reflected glory of her daughter 's success .

  4. 她长长的黑发是她的无上荣耀。

    Her long black hair is her crowning glory .

  5. 她似乎不通人事,拿自己的前科当荣耀。

    She seemed perversely proud of her criminal record .

  6. 这是我生命中最荣耀的时刻。

    This is the proudest moment of my life .

  7. 沃尔沙姆夺得20公里比赛冠军的那一刻无比荣耀。

    Walsham had his moment of glory when he won a 20km race .

  8. 哈里被任命担任如此要职,这是件荣耀的事。

    Harry 's appointment to this important post was a feather in his cap .

  9. 能和德国战车乐队相提并论是极大的荣耀。

    Being compared to Rammstein is a great compliment .

  10. 但是要是我们象白痴农奴那样去耕地,我们永远也看不到这样的荣耀!

    But we will never see that glory if we till the soil like oafish farm hands .

  11. 在儿子当上流行歌手之后,卡萝沉浸在儿子的荣耀之中。

    When her son became a pop star , Carol basked3 in the glory of his achievements .

  12. 有一天,一位智者向他走来并告知他关于钻石的荣耀,以及随之而来权力。

    One day a wise man came to him and told him about the glory of diamonds and the power that goes along them .

  13. 但是,我的工作并不仅仅是研究,还包括寻找我的梦想所在,那就是我为什么会成为谷歌科技展大奖的得主,很漂亮的照片,是吧,对于我来说是无比的兴奋,无比的荣耀。

    But my work wasn 't just about the research . It was about finding my passion . That 's why being the grand prize winner of the Google Global Science Fair -- cute picture , right -- it was so exciting to me and it was such an amazing honor .

  14. 金永吉是世行(WorldBank)行长美国提名候选人,这是无数人梦寐以求的荣耀。

    Kim is the recipient of the coveted U.S. nomination for World Bank president .

  15. 约翰·塞巴斯蒂安·巴赫(JohannSebastianBach,1685-1750)是音乐领域里最伟大的音乐大师,也是一位虔诚的新教基督徒,他一生平淡艰辛,为音乐也为寻求和荣耀上帝而毕生劳苦工作。

    Johann Sebastian Bach , 1685-1750 , is one of the greatest masters in music field , also a religious protestant . He seeks & unto glory of God in his whole wateriness life by hard working on music .

  16. 自强不息展示特殊的荣耀!

    Exert and strive without stop to display the special honor !

  17. 但愿从这些分享当中神得到荣耀。

    May He receive glory in these words that I say .

  18. 你多年来应得的荣耀,终于被众人所瞩目。

    You are finally getting the attention you have long deserved .

  19. 勇敢的义怒是要荣耀神的;

    There is a courageous anger that seeks to glorify God ;

  20. 当我们奉耶稣的名服事,主便因此得荣耀。

    When we serve in Jesus'name , He gets the glory .

  21. 当斯巴达斯的荣耀为世人所知!

    When the glory of Spartan is known to the others .

  22. 耶稣现在以灵体住在至高的荣耀里。

    Jesus now lives in the spiritual state of exalted glory .

  23. 我必搭救你,你也要荣耀我。

    I will rescue you , and you will honor me .

  24. 这将是他无比荣耀的事。

    That 's something that he is very honored to do .

  25. 最后,我们更可以分享基督的荣耀。

    Fifth , we will get to share in Christ 's glory .

  26. 在他们的会堂里施教,受众人的荣耀。

    And he taught in their synagogues and was glorified by all .

  27. 不过,无论在哪里,你都要荣耀我。

    But wherever you are , you must glorify me .

  28. 荣耀性消费不必然甚至没有必要消耗大量的物质资源。

    Glorified consumption would not consume a great deal of natural resources .

  29. 他们赞美别人,和别人分享荣耀,为别人的成功喝彩。

    They praise , share credit and enjoy other people 's successes .

  30. 却没有为单亲家长带来任何荣耀。

    Without getting any credit for being a single parent .