
  • 网络medal of honour;The Medal of Honor
  1. 这些电脑设计人员当时正在开发一种叫做“荣誉奖章:战争斗士”的电脑游戏。

    The designers were developing a game known as Medal of Honor : Warfighter .

  2. 这名军士因朝鲜战中的功绩而赢得了荣誉奖章。

    The sergeant won the Medal of Honor for his exploits during the Korean War .

  3. 为表彰他的奉献精神,市长授予他荣誉奖章。

    For his dedication the Mayor awarded him a medal of merit .

  4. 这位士兵被授予一枚荣誉奖章。

    The old soldier was given a medal of honor .

  5. 周三,共有14位杰出人物获得了荣誉奖章,阿里是其中之一。

    Ali was one of14 luminaries to receive the award on Wednesday .

  6. 对沃兹来说,被电击就好像是获得荣誉奖章一样。

    Getting shocked was a badge of honor for Woz .

  7. 我会把这当作荣誉奖章.

    I shall wear this like a badge of honor .

  8. 勘误补遗:密苏里荣誉奖章与中国新闻界

    The Missouri Honor Medal and China 's Journalism

  9. 香港惩教事务荣誉奖章

    Hong Kong Correctional Services Medal for Meritorious Service

  10. 金质奖章是国会授予的最高荣誉奖章。

    The gold medal is the highest expression of national appreciation congress can give .

  11. 在上个月召开的一次州级大会上,安玛丽被授予一枚荣誉奖章。

    At a statewide convention last month , they presented Ann-Marie with the Medal of Honor .

  12. 请列出您曾获得的所有荣誉奖章或奖学金的名称。

    C2 Please list any prizes , or similar distinctions in scholarships gained during your academic career .

  13. 俄国总统德米特里梅得韦杰夫于本周一向一批情报人员颁发了国家最高荣誉奖章。

    Russian President Dmitry Medvedev awarded the group of spies the country 's highest state honors on Monday .

  14. 把缎带结成玫瑰花形作为办事处或者荣誉奖章的象征。

    An arrangement of ribbons in a rose-shaped design worn as a badge of office or medal of honor .

  15. 奥巴马总统亲自将荣誉奖章戴在每一位获奖者的脖子上,一名军事助手在旁宣读了他们的成就。

    The president placed a medal of honor around each of the recipients'necks as a military aide noted their accomplishments .

  16. 从1983年到目前,中国有15位女性获得国际护士最高荣誉奖章&南丁格尔奖。

    From 1983 till now , 15 Chinese women have won the Nightingale Medal , the world 's top honor for nurses .

  17. 在布拉格城堡的特殊典礼上,105岁高龄的温顿被捷克总统颁发了最高荣誉奖章白狮勋章。

    Winton , now 105 , was presented with the Order of the White Lion by the Czech president in a special ceremony at Prague Castle .

  18. 在延续10分钟以上的战斗结束后,失败一方也可获得一枚荣誉奖章。

    Battles must now last at least ten minutes after the start of the battle in order for the losing team to receive a mark of honor .

  19. 法国在1987年授予她最高荣誉奖章,英国伊丽莎白在2000年封她为贵妇人,相当于爵士爵位。

    France awarded her the prestigious Legion of Honor in1987 and Britain 's Queen Elizabeth made her a dame , the female equivalent of a knight , in2000 .

  20. 从战场获得的荣誉奖章不再能用来换声望。他们现在被用于和荣誉点数一起来采购奖励物品。

    Marks of Honor earned from battlegrounds are no longer turned in for reputation or honor . They are now used in addition to honor points in order to purchase rewards .

  21. 这就要求我们不要满足于自己目前取得的成绩,不满足于刚刚获得的金星荣誉奖章,因为我知道这样的事业是永无止境的。

    It 's about not being satisfied with the latest achievement , the latest gold star , because the one thing I know about a body of work is that it 's never finished .

  22. 在2007年,吉耶尔莫•冈萨雷斯先生被格拉纳达大学授予荣誉奖章,以表彰他对该大学创造和发展室内乐团做出的重要贡献。

    In2007 , the University of Granada awarded Guillermo Gonz á lez an honorary doctorate for his important contributions in the founding of the " Orquesta de C á mara " of this institution .

  23. 国会将表彰平民荣誉的最高奖章国会金质奖章授予美国土著民,他们在一战和二战期间用部落语言翻译敌人无法破解的信息。

    Congress has awarded its highest civilian honor , the congressional gold medal , to native of American who use their tribal languages to translate message the enemy could not decipher during the World War One and Two .

  24. 他在音乐考试中获得了荣誉称号(或奖章)。

    He had a distinction in his music exam .

  25. GB/T8560-1988荣誉称号和荣誉奖章代码

    Code of title and medal of honor