
rónɡ yù xūn zhānɡ
  • medal of honor
  1. 在EA洛杉矶荣誉勋章开发团队已经手工挑选出来的总经理肖恩戴克,执行制片格雷格古德里奇和丰富的资深创意总监法雷利工作室领导。

    The Medal of Honor development team at EALA has been hand-selected by the studio leadership of General Manager Sean Decker , Executive Producer Greg Goodrich and Senior Creative Director Rich Farrelly .

  2. 在内战期间白宫宣布阿龙佐·H·库欣获得了荣誉勋章。

    During the Civil War the White House says Alonzo H. Cushing earned his Medal of Honor .

  3. A.是我的荣誉勋章,我睡觉都不愿意脱下来。

    A. Is a badge of honor . I wear it to sleep .

  4. 上世纪50年代,“hacking”一词最早出现在与麻省理工学院(MIT)一个电脑俱乐部有关的语境。当时它只是指鼓捣电脑,带有荣誉勋章的涵义。

    Back in the 1950s , when the word " hacking " first emerged in connection with an MIT computer club , it simply meant tinkering with computers and was a badge of honour .

  5. 但是,他们并未到此为止,相反他们让一部分参加试验的志愿者玩了一种名叫“荣誉勋章&奇袭太平洋(MedalofHonour:PacificAssault)”的动作射击视频游戏,要求连续玩上10个小时。

    However , they did not leave it at that . Instead , they asked some of their volunteers to spend ten hours playing an action-packed , shoot - 'em-up videogame , called " Medal of Honour : Pacific Assault " .

  6. 陆军上士Giunta是第八个获得荣誉勋章的人。这是对在阿富汗和伊朗服役的军人的最高奖赏。

    Staff Sergeant Giunta is the eighth person to receive the Medal of Honor . It is the military 's highest award for service in Afghanistan and Iran .

  7. 炸弹爆炸了,Flo受伤严重,他的四位战友也牺牲了。但更多的人因为Flo而得救。Flo身上所体现的正是美国精神,本周,我向他授予荣誉勋章,以表彰他的行为,我自己也深感自豪。

    and four of his comrades were killed.But many more were saved because of Flo 's sacrifice.Flo represents the very best of America - and this week , I was proud to present him with the Medal of Honor for his actions .

  8. 我推荐威廉科斯提根作为荣誉勋章候选人。

    I 'm recommending William Costigan for the medal of merit .

  9. 由于勇敢,他后来获颁荣誉勋章。

    For his bravery he was awarded the Medal of Honour .

  10. 因她在战火中的表现而被考虑授予荣誉勋章?

    For the medal of honour for her performance under fire ?

  11. 我们把他的佩剑和十字荣誉勋章带了回来准备交给他的太太做纪念。

    We bring to his widow his sword and cross of honor .

  12. 我弟弟刚得到国会荣誉勋章。

    My brother just got the Congressional Medal of honor .

  13. 荣誉勋章关于什么的?

    Oh , merit badges . What are those for ?

  14. 在玩家达到下士或者更高军衔后,可以得到更多的冬握荣誉勋章。

    Players will receive additional Marks of Honor at Corporal or higher rank .

  15. 他还获得了荣誉勋章。

    He has just received the Legion of honour .

  16. 在八月曾颁发了五枚荣誉勋章。

    Five medals of Honor were awarded on August .

  17. (福勒斯特将他的荣誉勋章递给珍妮。)

    Forrest hands his Medal of Honor to Jenny .

  18. 1928年的今天,查尔斯·林德柏格因其首次跨越大西洋的飞行而获得一枚荣誉勋章。

    1928-Charles Lindbergh is presented the Medal of Honor for his first trans-Atlantic flight .

  19. 乔治·“巴德”·戴上校在1976年获得荣誉勋章。

    Colonel George " Bud " Day won the Medal of Honor in 1976 .

  20. 李中士将获得荣誉勋章!

    He 'll get the medal of honor !

  21. 我就是荣誉勋章。

    I 'm the Medal of Honor .

  22. 卡特是第二位因在此次战斗中表现出色而获得荣誉勋章的士兵。

    Carter is the second soldier from this fight to receive the Medal of Honor .

  23. 他拒绝了共和国总统授予他的荣誉勋章。

    He refused the Order of Merit , which the President of the Republic awarded him .

  24. 对于一些共和国而言,新货币被视为一枚独立的“荣誉勋章”。

    For some republics , a new currency was seen as an independent badge of honour .

  25. 它们能获得荣誉勋章。

    They get medals of honor .

  26. 好莱坞传奇人物克林·伊斯威特加冕法国声名显赫的荣誉勋章。

    Hollywood legend Clint Eastwood has been made a commander in France 's prestigious Legion of Honour .

  27. 她是第一个被提名因英勇作战而获得荣誉勋章的女性。

    She 's the first woman ever to be nominated for a Medal of Honour for combat .

  28. 问题13.托尼从森林火灾营救了几个家庭被授予了荣誉勋章。

    Question 13 . Tony was awarded a medal for rescuing several families from the forest fire .

  29. 路西德至今仍为唯一获得美国国会太空荣誉勋章的女性。

    Lucid remains the only woman to have been awarded with the Congressional Space Medal of Honor .

  30. 易博士则获颁授荣誉勋章,表扬他对社会服务界的重大贡献。

    Yick is awarded the Medal of Honour for his dedicated service to the social welfare sector .