
bǎng shǒu
  • Top of the list;first place;the top candidate of an examination
榜首 [bǎng shǒu]
  • [first place] 科举时代对乡试第一名的美称。泛指第一名

  • 该队异军突起,一跃而居大赛的榜首

榜首[bǎng shǒu]
  1. 他们打完这个赛季之后积分高居联赛的榜首。

    They finished the season at the top of the league .

  2. 赛季结束时他们在联赛中排名榜首。

    They finished the season at the head of their league .

  3. 人们说这支乐队将位居榜首。

    The band is being tipped for the top .

  4. 这支乐队的第一张单曲唱片有五个星期高居最畅销流行音乐唱片榜榜首。

    The band topped the charts for five weeks with their first single .

  5. 这张新的歌曲专辑一举登上了周销售量榜首。

    The new album went straight to number one .

  6. 两场比赛之后意大利队排名榜首。

    Italy heads the table after two games .

  7. 这些乐队经常相互耍手段以谋取榜首位置。

    The bands are constantly jockeying with each other for the number one spot .

  8. 她已有三张唱片曾经名列周销售量排行榜榜首。

    She 's had three number ones .

  9. 阿森纳队如果赢得这场比赛,就会登上积分榜首。

    If Arsenal win this game they 'll go to the top of the table .

  10. 那不勒斯队追平了AC米兰队,并列意大利联赛排行榜的榜首。

    Napoli have drawn level with AC Milan at the top of the Italian league .

  11. 这本书预计会占据畅销书排行榜的榜首。

    The book is expected to dominate the best-seller lists

  12. 这家石油公司和埃索公司角逐英国市场销量的榜首位置。

    The oil company jousts with Esso for lead position in UK sales .

  13. 中国队以最高分位居榜首。

    China headed the table with maximum points .

  14. 他们同时荣登美国单曲榜和专辑榜榜首。

    They topped both the US singles and album charts at the same time .

  15. 葆拉是唯一的首张唱片4次荣登排行榜榜首的艺人。

    Paula is the only artist to achieve four number ones from a debut album .

  16. 来看足球,阿斯顿维拉队将在英格兰甲级联赛重登榜首。

    Football , and Aston Villa will reclaim their lead at the top of the English First Division .

  17. 德斯·奥康纳预计会飙升至圣诞畅销唱片排行榜的榜首,这将让他的批评者都笑不出来。

    Des O'Connor is expecting to have the last laugh on his critics by soaring to the top of the Christmas hit parade .

  18. 大学4年,他考试名列榜首。

    After four years at college , he ranked first in the examination .

  19. 其中,家麻雀数量位居榜首,紧随其后的是欧椋鸟、环嘴鸥和家燕。

    The house sparrow tops the charts , followed closely by the European starling , the ring-billed gull1 , and the barn swallow .

  20. 8月29日,中国军团在东京残奥会上成绩亮眼。东京残奥会中国代表团继续夺金之旅,8月29日当天收获16枚金牌,以46枚金牌和104枚奖牌的成绩继续位列金牌榜和奖牌榜榜首。

    China 's Paralympians continued their gold rush at Tokyo 2020 , pocketing 16 more golds on Sunday and keeping the country atop the medal standings with 46 golds and 104 medals in total .

  21. 《SeeYouAgain》发布3个月后,依旧稳稳占据美国公告牌榜单榜首之位。

    Three months after its release , the song is still sitting pretty at the top of the Billboard charts .

  22. 艺电的动作恐怖游戏《死亡空间3》(DeadSpace3)登上了2月份最热销视频游戏榜首。

    EA had the top-selling video game in February with its action-horror Title dead space 3 .

  23. “Whatever”轻松击败“youknow(你知道)”位居榜首,另有四分之一的受访者称最讨厌后者。

    " Whatever " easily beat out " you know ," which especially grated a quarter of respondents .

  24. 韩国歌星Rain连续第三年高居民众票选榜首。

    South Korean pop star Rain won the People 's Choice vote for the third straight year .

  25. 今年登上榜首的是美国医药福利管理公司SXCHealthSolutions。

    US pharmacy benefit management company SXC Health Solutions takes the top spot .

  26. 还有两只CD唱片碟的成功发行。个人的音乐会巡回演出门票销售一空,另加一部票房收入居榜首的电影。

    Add to that success two char-topping CDs , a sold-out concert tour and a number one movie .

  27. 最引人瞩目的是“杜克企业教育(dukecorporateeducation)”,它连续5年名列定制教育榜首。

    Most notable is Duke corporate education , which ranks number one in customised education for the fifth year in a row .

  28. 尽管第一首单曲“Emotions”攀上了排行榜的榜首,但唱片的销量却有点让人失望。

    Though the first single ," Emotions ," reached No.1 , the album 's sales were somewhat disappointing .

  29. 其次是尼安萨省,该地区的HIV感染发生率在肯尼亚位居榜首。

    The next greatest increase was in Nyanza province , which has the highest prevalence of HIV infection in Kenya .

  30. 哈佛商学院(harvardbusinessschool)连续第二年蝉联公开课程排名榜首,同时还在商学院综合排名中位列第一。

    Harvard Business School enjoys top spot for the second time in a row in the open rankings , and also ranks as the best school overall .