
  • 网络LIST;billboard
  1. 同样在榜单上名列前茅的康奈尔大学所在地伊萨卡情况又如何?

    And what happened in Ithaca , home of Cornell University , which is also high on the list ?

  2. 冰岛、丹麦、瑞士和荷兰紧随其后。值得注意的是,今年中国跻身榜单前20名。2021年度世界最幸福国家排行榜1.Finland芬兰2.Iceland冰岛3.Denmark丹麦4.Switzerland瑞士5.Netherlands荷兰

    For the fourth year running , Finland has come out on top in the annual list powered by data from the Gallup World Poll , with Iceland , Denmark , Switzerland , and the Netherlands following in second , third , fourth and fifth position respectively .

  3. 自拍杆位列《时代》杂志2014年度25大最佳发明榜单。自拍杆如今已成为众多旅行者的必备神器。

    The product was listed in Time magazine 's 25 best inventions of 2014 . The selfie stick is an essential carry-on item for many travellers .

  4. 榜单的一头是苹果,而另一头是通用汽车(GeneralMotors)。

    At one end , Apple ; at the other , General Motors .

  5. 《SeeYouAgain》发布3个月后,依旧稳稳占据美国公告牌榜单榜首之位。

    Three months after its release , the song is still sitting pretty at the top of the Billboard charts .

  6. 她还入选BusinessofFashion网站的时尚界最具影响力人物榜单。

    She 's also featured in the Business of Fashion 's listing for people shaping the fashion industry .

  7. 而在2013年榜单中,“password”排名下滑到了第二位。

    In 2013 it slipped to number two on the list .

  8. 在这份榜单的前二十人中,C罗和梅西是仅有的两名足球运动员,此外,这份榜单上也没有任何女性运动员入围。

    Ronaldo and Messi are the only football players in the top 20 , which also features no women .

  9. 汽车、石油以及工业企业与IBM共同主宰榜单。

    The motor industry , oil and industrials dominate the list with IBM .

  10. 贝蒂·怀特(BettyWhite)在榜单上排名第5位。

    Rounding out the top five is Betty White .

  11. 或许更能说明问题的是,在《哈佛商业评论》(HarvardBusinessReview)最新出炉的世界前100位最佳CEO的榜单上,24人获得过工程学学位。

    Perhaps more tellingly , 24 of Harvard Business Review 's latest list of the world 's 100 best-performing CEOs have degrees in engineering .

  12. 雅虎,谷歌和Twitter杀进该榜单的前五名,而苹果则排在第六位。

    Yahoo , Google and Twitter rounded out the top five , while Apple came in sixth .

  13. ft全球500强排行榜(ftglobal500)这一主要榜单上的所有数值,均以3月31日美元汇率为准。

    All the figures in the main ft Global 500 ranking are presented in terms of the dollar at March 31 .

  14. 排在榜单三甲位置的发明都是医学领域的重大发明或发现。紧随X光机之后的是盘尼西林(青霉素)的发明,以及DNA双螺旋结构的发现。

    The first three positions were filled by medical inventions or discoveries , the X-ray machine being followed by the discoveries of penicillin and the DNA double helix structure .

  15. 两周前,我们发表了NBA高薪低能球员榜单。

    A couple of weeks ago we published our run-down of The NBA 's Most Overpaid Players .

  16. 《职业妇女》杂志(WorkingMother)将远程办公、弹性工时和工作分担等特殊待遇作为评选根据,列出了一份25年来最佳家庭友好型雇主的榜单。

    Working mother magazine has been publishing a yearly list of the most family-friendly employers for 25 years , taking into account such perks as telecommuting , flextime , and job sharing .

  17. 瑞士圣加仑大学(UniversityofStGallen)继续占据管理学硕士榜单首位。

    The University of St Gallen in Switzerland retains its number one spot in the Masters in Management ranking .

  18. Ruby和Chloe在最受欢迎女孩名榜单中分列第二、三位。

    Ruby and Chloe were the second and third most popular names chosen for girls .

  19. 美国财经网站24/7WallSt.在总统日发布的一份报告中披露了美国历史上最富有的十大总统榜单。

    A 24 / 7 Wall St. report , out for President 's Day , reveals the country 's 10 wealthiest presidents in history .

  20. 在MBA榜单上,伦敦商学院、INSEAD和西班牙企业商学院(IEBusinessSchool)毕业生的薪酬相差无几,只有几美元的差距。

    In the MBA ranking , LBS , Insead and Spain 's IE Business School are bunched together with only a few dollars between them .

  21. Zenith机构自2007年开始发布该榜单。

    Zenith has been publishing the list since 2007 .

  22. 过去位居榜首的SAS现在位于榜单第二名的位置,《财富》杂志将其归因为该公司的健康设施较不完善的问题。

    Former top dog SAS found itself in second place , cited by Fortune for its onsite health facilities .

  23. 跻身于《福布斯》(Forbes)最具影响力人物的年度榜单;

    features in Forbes " annual power list ;

  24. 主要榜单“全球500强排行榜”(global500)显示各公司在2008年和2009年的排名、国家、市值、行业、营业额、净收入、总资产和雇员数目。

    The main global 500 table shows for each company : the rank in 2008 and 2009 , the country , market capitalisation , sector , turnover , net income , total assets and employees .

  25. 周三发布的2015年榜单和报告显示,排名最靠前的两家公司,仍是去年高居榜首的苹果(Apple)和谷歌(Google)。

    The 2015 ranking and report , published on Wednesday , shows the top two companies , Apple and Google , are the same pair as last year .

  26. 这家移动解决方案咨询公司创建于2003年,到2007年就入围了《红鲱鱼》(RedHerring)杂志全球私营科技公司排名前100名的榜单。

    Established in2003 as a mobile-solutions consultancy , in2007 Green Tomato was named one of Red Herring magazine's100 top private technology companies world-wide .

  27. 《速度与激情6》帮助其另外两位男演员在我们榜单中获得较高的排名:范·迪塞尔(VinDiesel)和已故的保罗·沃克(PaulWalker)。

    Fast Furious 6 helped place two other actors high on our list : Vin Diesel and the late Paul Walker .

  28. 现在,以16连胜开局的勇士队,终于独霸NBA历史最佳开局纪录榜单。

    Now , with 16 straight wins to open the season , the Warriors own the NBA 's best ever start .

  29. 哈佛大学,哥伦比亚大学还有宾夕法尼亚大学在这个榜单中成为三强,他们一共产出了99位CEO。

    Harvard University , Columbia University , and the University of Pennsylvania topped the list - the three schools cumulatively awarded 99 degrees to the executives .

  30. 最新一期榜单将SilverLakePartners和WarburgPincus并列榜首,“体质分”均为3.0。

    The latest rankings find Silver Lake partners and Warburg Pincus tied atop the rankings , with " fitness scores " of 3.0 .