
  1. 他兄弟的榜样激励他行动起来。

    His brother 's example roused him to action .

  2. 行政人格对外功能主要体现在榜样激励、体系维护、社会辐射等功能。

    The external functions are mainly target stimulation , system maintenance and social radiation .

  3. 目标激励、物质激励、精神激励、榜样激励是学校管理中经常运用的激励方法。

    The frequently used methods are material incentive , goal incentive , moral incentive and example incentive .

  4. 方法归结为榜样激励法、灌输教化法、言传身教法等。

    Method summarized to model stimulus method , the inculcation and educational law , words and deeds law .

  5. 三是激励&学生管理工作的手段,即目标激励、情感激励、榜样激励。

    And motivation , effective means of student work , involving goal motivation , emotional motivation and model motivation .

  6. 教师可以用目标激励、荣誉激励、情感激励、危机激励、榜样激励等方法来激发学生的各种需要。

    Teachers can stimulate various needs of students by the stimulations of goal , glory , emotion , crisis and example .

  7. 必须运用目标激励、强化激励、及时关怀激励、树立榜样激励等方法,激发青年教师的积极性。

    So the various methods such as goal incentive , concern incentive and example incentive must be adopted to stimulate the young teachers'enthusiasm .

  8. 他们送你到好学校,老师的鼓励和同伴的榜样激励你更努力地学习。

    They sent you to good schools , where the encouragement of your teachers and the example of your peers helped push you even harder .

  9. 适度运用激励机制,实施人才培养激励、按绩付酬的物质激励、精神文化激励和榜样激励可以激发馆员个体潜能和创造性,更好地实现图书馆工作目标&创建学习型图书馆。

    Set up and apply the encouraging mechanism well , it may stimulate the librarian individual potentiality and creativity , realize the aim of work in the library-the pattern of learning in the library further .

  10. 同时,提出了丰富大学生思想政治教育的四种方法,如愿景鞭策法、情感激励法、情景感悟法和榜样激励法。

    At the same time , put forward rich ideological and political education of college students in four ways , as king drive method , emotional incentive method , situational comprehension method and example excitation method .

  11. 在这一认识基础上作者探讨并设计了高校思想政治教育的激励模式,强调重视并灵活运用政治激励、奖惩激励、榜样激励、情感激励等行之有效的激励方式。

    Taking this cognition as a basis , the author creatively works out the mental motivation model of the political ideological education and emphatically proposes using flexibly the ways of politics , reward , example and emotion .

  12. 在Sun电子计算机公司,40%的董事会成员是女性。诺利斯-格雷女士称,这不仅本身是件好事,也为其他女性提供了榜样和激励。

    At Sun , 40 per cent of board members are women – a good thing in itself , says Ms Norris-Grey , but also a way of providing role models and inspiration for other women .

  13. 后发展国家的优势是有发达国家榜样的激励作用、能借鉴发达国家的经验教训、可以引进发达国家先进的科学技术并进行新的再创造;

    The advantages of late developing country are to make the encouraging effect of developed country for standard , use the experience and lesson of developed countries for reference , introduce the advanced technology from developed countries and recreate it ;

  14. 受到亿万富翁榜样的激励,再加上便利的网络大学课程,他们认为自己是独立自主的先锋。至少对于这一群敢于冒险的特立独行的人来说,退学不再是个人的失败,而是一个明智的选择。冒险?

    Inspired by billionaire role models , and empowered by online college courses , they consider themselves a D.I.Y. vanguard , committed to changing the perception of dropping out from a personal failure to a sensible option , at least for a certain breed of risk-embracing maverick.Risky ?

  15. 受到亿万富翁榜样的激励,再加上便利的网络大学课程,他们认为自己是独立自主的先锋。至少对于这一群敢于冒险的特立独行的人来说,退学不再是个人的失败,而是一个明智的选择。

    Inspired by billionaire role models , and empowered by online college courses , they consider themselves a D.I.Y. vanguard , committed to changing the perception of dropping out from a personal failure to a sensible option , at least for a certain breed of risk-embracing maverick . Risky ?

  16. 运用榜样教育来激励员工;

    Motivating employees by models ;

  17. “帕维尔总是这样,”德尚无奈微笑。“他和德尔皮耶罗一样都是榜样,能够激励队友前进。”

    Pavel is always like that , smiled dd. " he is an example , along with del piero , as their grit spurs the others on . "

  18. 消除这些心理障碍的教育策略主要有情感认同法、认知改变法、榜样教育法、激励法。

    These mental disturbances can be eliminated by some educational strategies such as method of emotion identified , method of cognitive changed , method of example education and method of incentive .