
  1. 虚拟企业的激励方法有:目标激励、信任激励、虚拟企业文化激励、授权激励等。

    This article focuses on several methods of incentive for virtual enterprises , such as objective incentive , trusting incentive , virtual enterprise culture incentive , authorized incentive .

  2. 根据员工的其他需求,本文也陆续提出了绩效激励、职业生涯规划激励、授权激励、薪酬激励等一系列激励机制。

    In accordance with the other needs of the employees , this article has also proposed performance incentives , career planning incentives , authorized incentive , pay incentive mechanism .

  3. 信息成本、分工授权和激励

    Information Cost , Delegation and Incentive

  4. 一些政府已采取授权和激励方式来鼓励开发液体生物燃料&尤其是生物乙醇和生物柴油。

    Some governments have adopted mandates and incentives to encourage the development of liquid biofuels – bioethanol and biodiesel in particular .

  5. 在服务型领导哲学的指导下,结合当代管理实践的成果,可以把服务型领导实践的基本内容确定为建立愿景、建设发展型组织、授权与激励。

    With the guide of servant leadership philosophy , combining contemporary management practice achievements , we can divide base servant leadership practice into building common vision , constructing developing organization , authorizing and stimulating .

  6. 为此,各级领导者必须树立以民为先、执政为民的领导理念,运用授权与激励的手段,形成角色互动的领导过程,进行集体科学决策的行为。

    To this end , leaders at all levels must establish to the people first and governing for the people of the leadership concept , the use authorization means and incentive to form a leadership role in the process of interaction , collective scientific decision-making behavior .

  7. 被称为电动方程式(FormulaE)的赛车锦标赛由国际汽车联合会授权,旨在激励发展电动车技术,吸引新一代的赛车迷,锦标赛分10站进行。

    Known as Formula E , this 10-stop international circuit is approved by the International Automobile Federation and aims to inspire developments in electric car technology and attract a new generation of fans .

  8. 方法在急诊科试行护理组长带班制、弹性排班制,并适度分权、授权,应用激励机制等进行护理管理。

    MethodA series of new management measures were adopted in emergency department , such as nurse team system , flexible work shift system , appropriate authorization , and encouragement mechanism .

  9. 适时的专利授权期能够在激励企业技术创新和增加社会剩余之间取得均衡。

    Optimal patent grand period can reach equilibrium between motivating technology innovation and increasing social surplus .

  10. 其次,要在企业内部建立有效的激励机制,如建立合理的代际传承机制、授权机制和薪酬激励,充分发挥职业经理人的工作热情。

    Second , the corporation should build an effective incentive mechanism , for instance , building a reasonable generation inheritance system , authorization mechanism and compensation incentive .