
shòu yì
  • incite sb. to do sth;inspire;suggest;instruct secretly;hint to sb.to
授意 [shòu yì]
  • [instruct secretly;hint to sb.to] 把自己的意图告诉或暗示给人,让别人照着办

  • 这不是我的主意,是他授意我这么做的

授意[shòu yì]
  1. 除企业集团公司外,不直接支付审计费用的任何部门、机构,不得要求或者授意企业委托指定的会计师事务所,也不得给企业委托审计设置障碍。

    Departments or institutions other than group corporations that do not directly pay the auditing expenses shall not demand or inspire the enterprises to entrust designated accounting firms , nor shall they impede the enterprises from entrusting audit .

  2. 总统授意发起了一项救援基金。

    An appeal fund was launched at the instigation of the President .

  3. 这份政策文件是在约翰·梅杰和其他国家领导人的授意下拟定的。

    The policy document was produced at the behest of John Major and other world leaders .

  4. 他这样干,是谁授意的?

    Who got him to do that ?

  5. 是谁授意他这样干的?

    Who got him to do that ? or who put him up to it ?

  6. FDA没有授意公司召回此产品。

    FDA does not endorse either the product or the company .

  7. 它认为,乌拉圭回合谈判在1993年圆满结束,是因为持顽抗态度的欧洲被Apec领导人吓坏了,因此决定重启谈判,在美国的授意下,含混地呼吁建立更紧密的地区间联系。

    It holds that the Uruguay round came to closure in 1993 because Apec leaders scared a recalcitrant Europe into resuming negotiation by making a vague , US-inspired call for closer intraregional links .

  8. 因此,尽管一些袭击可能得到克里姆林宫的授意或默许,例如2006年女记者安娜波利特科夫斯卡娅(annapolitkovskaya)的遇害,但此类情况是少数。

    Thus while some attacks , such as the murder of the journalist Anna Politkovskaya in 2006 , may have taken place on Kremlin orders or with its acquiescence , these have been the minority .

  9. “没人授意我们撒谎。”惠特曼如是说。

    " We were not told to lie ," says Whitman .

  10. 汇率的下跌是出口授意。

    Export have benefit from the fall in the ex-change rate .

  11. 总统授意发起了一项救援基金。

    An appeal fund was launched at the instigation of the president .

  12. 参议会曾经授意建造复制军队吗?

    Did the Council ever authorize the creation of a clone army ?

  13. 那些夸大的统计资料是由政府授意发表的。

    The exaggerated statistics were published at the inspiration of the government .

  14. 在制药公司的授意下,并受之控制。

    At the behest of the pharmaceutical companies that seem to control them .

  15. 今天报纸上的这篇文章似乎是政府授意写的。

    This article in today 's paper seems to be inspired by the government .

  16. 艾迪.伊扎德看来是官方授意的威尔士亲王人选;

    Eddie Izzard looks like inspired casting as Bertie , the Prince of Wales ;

  17. 一次呼吸有两个步骤:先授意,然后咳吐。

    Respiration is composed of two acts , first inspiration , and then expectoration .

  18. 这篇文章显然是在别人授意下写出来的。

    That was obviously an inspired article .

  19. 由政府授意而写成的报告

    The governmental inspiration of a report

  20. 这个艰巨的任务可以通过说服国会采用欧盟授意的平衡预算规则实现。

    One way to square the circle would be to convince parliaments to adopt EU-inspired balanced-budget rules .

  21. 温伯格的担心之一是普京会授意俄罗斯公司拒不偿还外债。

    Weinberg , for one , worries that Putin will instruct Russian companies to renege on their foreign obligations .

  22. 地区领导人肯定得到了克里姆林宫的授意。克里姆林宫再次宣称西方记者搞间谍活动。

    Regional governors are unlikely to stray from the Kremlin 's plans . Kremlin again alleged spying by Western newsmen .

  23. 这些事态的时机引发人们猜测:这些政客们并不是独立行动的,而是获得了克里姆林宫的授意。

    The timing fuelled speculation that the politicians were not acting independently , but had received a nudge of encouragement from the Kremlin .

  24. 今年4月,这个司法部工作组在奥巴马总统授意下成立,但此后一直没什么动静。

    Since it formed in April at the behest of President Obama , very little has been heard from the DoJ working group .

  25. 离创业周的话题再远一些。我想知道,英国财政部授意下的此次活动,仅是对人口结构变化的一种防卫行动吗?

    To veer further off the Enterprise Week message , I wonder whether this Treasury-inspired campaign merely represents a rearguard action against demographics ?

  26. 可口可乐的主席最近授意,在多个发展中国家对数百台“弹弓”进行大规模测试。

    The chairman of Coca-Cola has just agreed to do a major test of hundreds of units of this in the developing world .

  27. 促成共和党入团结的最初的推动力是金里奇授意下由多数党领袖迪克·阿米汇总的“与美国签约”的办法。

    The initial impetus for Republican unity was the Contract with America , inspired by Gingrich and assembled by Majority Leader , Dick Armey .

  28. 各地方、部门、单位的领导人不得强令或者授意统计机构、计人员篡改统计资料或者编造虚假数据。

    No leading members of local authorities , departments or units may compel or prompt statistics institutions or statisticians to tamper with or fabricate statistical data .

  29. 由于中国消费者对消费品的安全性越来越敏感,北京方面授意监管部门越来越公开表达对国民健康的保护。

    Chinese consumers have become increasingly sensitive to the safety of consumer goods , and Beijing has responded by making its regulators increasingly vocal about protecting the national health .

  30. 这是有权势的墓主人生前授意玉人的特意契刻的痕迹,应将这类“凹弧痕”诠释为“玉契符”,说明良渚文化时期确已有玉卜兆及玉契符。

    The concave arc trace , which might be a kind of auspicial symbol , reflects that there are some auspices using jade and jade auspicial symbols in Liangzhu culture .