
  • 网络Timing system;Pnt
  1. 实时在线式GPS授时系统原理与设计

    Principle and Design for Real time and On line GPS Giving time System

  2. 主要讨论了GPS授时系统在七号信令集中监测系统中的应用。

    This paper mainly discusses the application of GPS time receiving system in signaling No.

  3. GPS精密授时系统的研制

    Study of GPS precision timing system

  4. GPS是美国研制的卫星导航定位授时系统,可以为用户提供导航、定位、授时等服务。

    GPS is the satellite navigation system which can provides many serves including navigation , fixing position , issuing the official calendar and so on .

  5. 全球定位系统(GPS)高速发展及其不断成熟的态势,将人防授时系统的同步授时技术推向了一个新的台阶。

    Global Positioning System ( GPS ) and its maturing rapidly developing situation , the air defense system timing synchronization timing technology to a new level .

  6. 因为GPS卫星基本还是待在原来的轨道上,但GPS系统所依赖的精密的授时系统在几个小时内就彻底被打乱了。

    The satellites would stay in roughly the same orbits , but the delicate timing that the GPS system is based on would be completely ruined within hours .

  7. 本文介绍一种新的通过公用电话网(PSTN)为授权用户提供时间信息查询、认证服务的电话授时系统&话路时间校对和认证系统。

    A new time-giving system named PSTN-based time-collating and authentication system is proposed . The system provides services of time information query and authentication .

  8. 多年来,NTSC的守时系统以完美的表现满足了国家大科学装置&长、短波授时系统的发播控制任务的要求。

    Since its establishment , the time-keeping system of NTSC has greatly satisfied the broadcast of time signals of long and short-wave standard time service system .

  9. 关于建立我国卫星电视授时系统的方案

    A Programme on Establishing the Time Dissemination System via Satellite-TV in China

  10. 基于单片机控制的电话授时系统及实验数据分析

    Time Information Dissemination System Based on Telephone and Some Results of An

  11. 长波授时系统相位跟踪点检测的数字化研究

    Digitization Research on Detection of the Phase Tacking Point in Long Wave Time Service Systems

  12. 电话授时系统用户接收器频率修正及实验研究

    Study and Test on the Frequency Correcting for the User Receiver of the Telephone Service System

  13. 值得一提的是,授时系统工程中往往会遇到时间(时刻)跳变之类的问题。

    It should be noted that the problem of time rollover often occur for timing service .

  14. 陕西天文台已经建成我国第一个电话授时系统。

    The first telephone time service system in china has been set up in Shanxi Astronomy Observatory .

  15. 原子频标是空间技术和授时系统的频率与时间基准,直接决定了卫星通信的质量。

    Atomic Frequency Standard is the frequency and time benchmark of space technology and time awarding system , directly determining the quality of satellite communications .

  16. 人防授时系统作为人防建设过程中的一个重要组成部分,它对于时间同步精度的要求也越来越高。

    Air defense air defense system as timing the process of building an important part of it for the time synchronization accuracy requirements are also increasing .

  17. 本文首先从整体的角度介绍了该授时系统的结构框图,然后以章节为单位介绍各个子模块的设计。

    First of all this thesis introduced the timing system structure figure as a whole . Then this thesis introduced the modules design in the different chapters .

  18. 基于Kalman滤波的授时测量系统研究

    Research of Timing Measure System Based on Kalman Filter

  19. 基于GPS高精度授时作为电力系统的同步时钟,实现电力系统高精度数据的同步采样。

    High accurate time service based on GPS is acted as synchronous clock for synchronous sampling of power system 's high accurate data .

  20. 文章给出了基于DSP的数据采集系统,采用全球定位系统(GPS)授时技术对系统进行同步处理,处理后的数据通过TCP/IP网络协议转换模块传到Internet上。

    The paper gives a data acquisition system using DSP and GPS , where GPS is used to the clock synchronization of system , and the disposed data are transmitted to Internet by TCP / IP network protocol conversion module .

  21. 国家授时中心时间比对系统性能分析

    Performance Analysis of Time Comparing System to NTSC

  22. 总的来说,本设计能满足北斗/GPS双模授时站间同步系统产品测试和出厂检测的要求,具有一定的实用价值和推广应用价值。

    In general , this design of the BD / GPS dual-mode inter-station synchronization systems can meet the requirements of the product-detection and the factory - testing .

  23. 授时接收机是实现整个授时系统功能和性能的终端设备,其主要作用是接收授时台站发播的标准时频信息,来实现本地时间信号与标准时间信号UTC(NTSC)的同步。

    Timing receiver is the terminal device which is to achieve the timing system functionality and performance , and has the main function of receiving standard time and frequency information from time ? dissemination station to synchronize local time signal and standard time signal – UTC ( NTSC ) .

  24. 主要介绍网络技术在授时中心守时实验室的守时及授时服务系统中的应用情况。

    The application of the computer network to the time keeping and time service system established at the National Time Service Center ( CSAO originally ) is introduced .