
  • 网络insemination technique
  1. 骡鸭生产中人工授精技术的应用研究

    Study on Practice of Artificial Insemination Technique in Mule Duck Production

  2. 利用人工授精技术优势促进我国养鹿业发展

    Development of Deer Farming by the Dominant Position of Artificial Insemination Technique

  3. 程序化人工授精技术(ProgramArtificialInsemination)是商品牛产业化生产中的一项重要技术。

    Program Artificial Insemination is an important technique in the industrialized production of yellow cattle .

  4. 目的:探讨改良夫精人工授精技术(AIH)对提高不育症患者临床妊娠率的影响。

    Objective : To study affect of Improving artificial insemination with husband semen ( AIH ) on clinical pregnancy .

  5. 随着科学技术的发展,人工授精技术(AI)目前已被广泛应用于牛的育种工作,所以得到高质量的精子非常重要。

    With the development of science and technology , artificial insemination ( AI ) has been widely used in cattle breeding , so it is very important to get high quality of sperm .

  6. 利用人工授精技术改良半散放马鹿的研究

    Study on the Upgrading Half-Living Scattered Red Deer with Artificial Insemination

  7. 牛体外授精技术的研究与展望

    Research of Advance of Bovine Fertilization in vitro and Its Prospect

  8. 人工授精技术与自然交配对母狐繁育等方面影响的对比试验

    Effect of Artificial Insemination and Natural Mating on Female Fox Breed

  9. 外种猪人工授精技术的应用与推广研究

    The Application and Expansion Researches of Import Swine Artificial Insemination Technology

  10. 工厂化猪场人工授精技术应用研究

    Studies of Application of Artificial Insemination in Industrial Swine Farms

  11. 不孕不育者对人工授精技术的伦理态度调查研究

    A Study of infertility patients ' Ethical Attitude towards the Artificial Insemination Technology

  12. 狸獭繁殖生理与人工授精技术的研究

    Studies on reproductive physiology and artificial insemination of nutria

  13. 采用人工授精技术推进内蒙古农村牧区生猪良种化

    Improving Fine Breed of Pigs adopt Artificial Insemination in the Countrysides of Inner Mongolia

  14. 体外授精技术研究百年历史回顾

    Centennial Historical Retrospect of in vitro Fertilization

  15. 人工饲养条件下熊科动物的人工授精技术

    Artificial Insemination Technique for Bears in Captivity

  16. 猪人工授精技术在我国北方地区的应用经人工授精传播的猪病及其预防措施

    Application of artificial insemination techniques on porcine in northern China Diseases in swine transmitted by artificial insemination : An overview

  17. 随着家畜人工授精技术的广泛应用,精液保存技术越来越受重视。

    With the extensive use of artificial insemination in livestock technology , semen preservation technique becomes more and more important .

  18. 讨论认为本方法对不育症有实际治疗作用,成功率受到精子处理、授精技术、授精时机、受精妇女生育功能等因素影响。

    The successful rate was influenced by sperm treatment , insemination technic , insemination time , and the fertile function of the receiver etc.

  19. 人工授精技术可以提高养猪经济效益,推广优秀种公猪的精液,加速品种改良的进程。

    Artificial insemination technique can improve the pig economic efficiency , generalize the good kinds of boar semen , and accelerate the process of breed improvement .

  20. 人工授精技术的普及,使优良种公牛的基因在全球范围内迅速扩大,加快了畜群的遗传进展。

    The gene of excellent bull rapid expansion within global range with the popularity of artificial insemination technology , the genetic gains of dairy cattle was accelerated .

  21. 目的:研究不孕不育者与公众对人工授精技术的伦理态度的差异,促进该项技术更好地在临床应用。

    Objective : To study the ethical attitude of infertility patients and the public towards the artificial insemination technology , with the aim of its better clinical application .

  22. 调查结果表明,主要的影响因素有:人工授精技术、推广经费问题、饲料与饲养管理技术、肉牛销售与市场、肉牛屠宰加工技术等等。

    The results showed that main factors were artificial breeding skill , cost , ration and feeding skill , labor difficulty , live beef market , butcher skill , etc.

  23. 猪精液保存的水平,是提高人工授精技术的首要环节,极大地提高公猪精液使用的时间性和地域性。

    The level of preservation of boar semen , is the primary links that improve artificial insemination techniques , and greatly improve the boar semen used in time and area .

  24. 但是,由于体外授精技术成功率极低,以及在孩子的生身父母与养父母之间会产生有关合法父亲的争执,所以对此项技术的争议仍然存在。

    But controversy remains in the very low success rates in IVF , and in the disputes that can arise over legal paternity between a child 's biological and non-biological parents .

  25. 文章对1997&2005年人工授精技术、2002年胚胎移植技术、同期发情技术在盈江县水牛生产中的应用效果进行了总结。

    Proceedings of Estrus Synchronization Techniques in Antlered Deer The artificial insemination from 1997 to 2005 , embryo transfer in 2002 , and synchronized oestrous technology in buffalo production were summarized .

  26. 猪的人工授精技术是现代国内外养猪行业中一项先进的生猪繁殖技术,具有加速遗传改良、降低公猪饲养成本、减少传染性疾病传播等众多优势。

    Artificial insemination is an advanced technology on pig breeding in worldwide , witch has many advantages such as , accelerated genetic improvement , reduced cost for breeding boars , and depressed the risk of disease transmission .

  27. 推广应用人工授精技术,对于充分发挥优秀种公猪的遗传潜力,提高种猪的繁殖效率,具有重要意义。

    The extension and application of new techniques of artificial insemination ( AI ) are very necessary for pig production , since they can improve the genetic potentialities in a great degree and reproductive efficiency of the excellent boars .

  28. 然而,猪的人工授精技术却需要更高的管理水平,如没有严格按照人工授精操作规程输精,将有可能导致病原微生物的入侵,从而降低受胎率和产仔数。

    However , Artificial insemination may require a higher level of management , human if not comply with the Artificial insemination procedure strictly , will lead to the invasion of pathogenic microorganisms , thereby reducing the pregnancy rate and litter size rate .

  29. 通过对黄腹角雉产精的特点以及对精液的系统分析后,所建立的人工授精技术使卵受精率可达85%以上,解决了长期笼养下的黄腹角雉卵受精率低的问题。

    The egg fertilization of the Cabot 's Tragopan can reach 85 percent by artificial insemination . The technique established by Beijing Normal University resolves the problem of the low egg fertilization rate of Cabot 's Tragopan keeping in captivity for a long time .

  30. 猪人工授精技术近年来推广迅速,已经成为科学养猪、实现荞猪生产现代化的重要手段,是培育种猪和生产商品猪的最简单有效的方法。

    Pig artificial insemination technology rapidly develop and quickly spreads throughout in recent years , it has become scientific pig production and realize the important means of modernization of the swine , which the most simple and effective breeding methods of training and production commercial audubon .