
  1. 根据意大利安莎通讯社(ANSA)报道,他的死讯由意大利出版社邦皮亚尼(Bompiani)确认。

    His Italian publisher , Bompiani , confirmed his death , according to the Italian news agency ANSA .

  2. 意大利安莎通讯社(ansa)早些时候报道称,这位现年75岁的总理将为通过信任投票做最后的努力,以挽救他领导下的中右翼联合政府。

    Ansa news agency had reported earlier that the 75-year-old prime minister would make one last effort to save his centre-right coalition government in a vote of confidence .

  3. 据意大利ANSA通讯社称,其他场景将在罗马有意大利的凡尔赛之称的卡赛特皇宫南部拍摄,而且在塞尔维亚和萨里的松林制片厂也有镜头。

    Other scenes will be shot south of Rome at the Royal Palace of Caserta , known as the Versailles of Italy , as well as in Serbia and at Pinewood studios in Surrey , according to Italian news agency ANSA .

  4. 意大利安莎通讯社报道,今天到达意大利的难民说,他们在来的路上看到了一艘满载难民的船只在利比亚海岸沉没,很多尸体飘在水面上。

    REFUGEES from Libya who arrived in Italy today said they saw another boat laden with fellow refugees capsize just off Libyan shores and many bodies were in the water , Italian news agency ANSA reported .