
  • 网络intentional connection
  1. 单向意思联络应是共同犯罪故意的表现形式之一。

    The unilateral contact should be one of the forms of intentional accomplice .

  2. 无意思联络数人侵权的性质

    The Nature of Plural-party Tort Without Intention Communication

  3. 论共同犯罪人的意思联络

    On intention liaison among the joint criminal persons

  4. 接着对无意思联络的数人侵权行为的构成要件进行了廓清。

    Then elements of multiple persons ' torts with no intention or negligence are illuminated .

  5. 共同犯罪的意思联络是共同犯罪故意认识因素的外在表现。

    Common crime is the focal point of common understanding of crime deliberately performance of the external factors .

  6. 无意思联络的数人侵权行为因果关系的认定&基于案例的分析和对理论的梳理

    The Identification of Causation of Plural-party Tort Without Contact & Based on the Case Analysis and Theory Carding

  7. 而在学界对于无意思联络数人侵权的责任承担也没有统一的归责原则。

    And in the field without meaning to contact several people tort liability and no unified imputation principle .

  8. 意思联络的形式包括明示、暗示或默许三种方式。

    Meaning in the form of contact , including express , implied or tacit approval of three ways .

  9. 第四章是无意思联络数人侵权责任类型与责任认定。

    Chapter 3 is the type and liability assumption of the tort committed by several persons without meaning connection .

  10. 按照不同的分类标准,无意思联络的数人侵权行为可以表现为多种样态。

    According to different criteria , multiple persons ' torts with no intention or negligence could demonstrate different forms .

  11. 但在判断无意思联络数人侵权致同一损害结果时,应以损害是否可分作为认定共同侵权行为的标准。

    But whether the damage made by persons without contract meaning can be divided should be the standard for affirmation .

  12. 第四部分考察了我国对无意思联络的数人侵权的研究现状,对不同学说进行了评析;

    The forth part is to review the current situation of research on tort without contact by analyzing different doctrines .

  13. 我国《侵权责任法》以意思联络作为确定共同侵权的“共同”标准。

    The Tort Liability Act in our country takes communication as the standard of " joint " for joint torffeasorship .

  14. 对无意思联络的数人侵权的认识,直接影响对共同侵权行为的明确界定,这种重要的相关性也体现在民法典草案与侵权行为法学者建议稿中。

    The understanding of the joint tort directly determines the recognition of the tort committed by several persons without meaning connection .

  15. 其次,各共同犯罪人基于意思联络形成犯罪通谋,即使依法被关押者逃离监管。

    Secondly , the co-offender form the criminal conspiracy based on the mean contact , even if the detainees escape regulation .

  16. 不存在意思联络的数人侵权既包括直接结合的共同侵权行为,又包括间接结合的“多因-果”的侵权行为。

    Non-individual tort without idea connection includes both joint injurious act with direct connection and tort with indirect-connection of " several causes and one effect " .

  17. 即使事先帮助的意思联络并没有明确犯罪的性质,帮助者也应当对其所帮助的实行行为的后果承担刑事责任。

    Even if the helper intention liaison has not defined the character of the crime , the criminal helper should bear responsibility for the enterpriser 's act .

  18. 在这种情况下,人们互相之间的侵权行为也就越来越多,尤其是在彼此之间没有意思联络的情形下。

    In that case , people between each other the infringement behavior also more and more , especially in between each other without meaning of contact situation .

  19. 其次,为了能进一步明晰共谋的涵义,论文比较分析了共谋与犯意表示、共同犯罪意思联络、阴谋等近似概念的区别。

    Secondly , for further defined conspiracy implication , I comparatively analyse conspiracy with the concept about expression of criminal intent 、 intention liaison and offense of conspiracy .

  20. 以往在讨论意思联络的理论中,将意思联络仅仅视为主观方面的内容,忽略了意思联络也具有客观预备性。

    In discussing the past , meaning contact theory , the means to contact only as subjective aspects , ignoring the meaning of contact is also an objective preliminary .

  21. 连带责任的扩张适用、共同侵权行为的边界模糊使得无意思联络的数人侵权不断走向衰亡。

    Expanding application of joint and several liabilities together with confused boundary of joint torts jeopardize the situation of the multiple persons ' torts with no intention or negligence .

  22. 在数人侵权体系中,无意思联络的数人侵权行为的理论研究离不开共同侵权行为理论的廓清,两者之间蕴涵着紧张的、此消彼长的矛盾关系。

    In the multiple persons ' tort system , theoretical research of multiple persons ' tort with no contributory intention or negligence connects with the clarification of joint torts theory .

  23. 无论是狭义的共同侵权行为,还是共同危险行为,在概念、构成要件、法律效果上与无意思联络的数人侵权行为均存在着明显的区别。

    The joint torts in narrow sense and the common dangerous acts are distinct from multiple persons ' torts with no intention or negligence in conception , elements and legal effect .

  24. 而共同故意是指各共同犯罪人通过意思联络,对其共同行为会发生危害社会的结果有认识并决意参加,希望或放任这种结果发生的心理状态。

    It has Joint intention means every joint offenders know their common behavior would lead to bane social result , decide to take , hope and permit this result to appear .

  25. 作为法律技术的连带责任解决了围绕无意思联络数人侵权行为而展开的共同侵权行为概念的争论。

    The joint and several liability as legal technology has settled the disputes on the definition of the joint tort which has arisen around the tort by multiple tortfeasors without conscious cooperation .

  26. 作为一个大陆法系上的概念,无意思联络的数人侵权行为概念的界定需要借助于有关共同侵权行为本质的阐释。

    As a conception in civil law system , the conception of multiple persons ' torts with no intention or negligence should be assisted by the explanation of the nature of joint torts .

  27. 在主观要件方面,共同危险行为的行为人可分为实际致害人和非致害人,实际致害人与非致害人之间具有推定的共同过失,并无意思联络。

    In the subjective element , the actors of common risk behaviors can be divided into virulence and non-virulence people , and there is a presumption of concurrent negligence , no meaning to contact .

  28. 通过分析本文认为,侵权责任法中进一步完善了无意思联络的数人侵权规定,不再采用直接结合与间接结合这种类型分析。

    By analyzing the author believes that Tort Liability Law improve the relevant provisions of the tort committed by several persons without meaning connection , this type of direct binding and indirect binding is discontinued .

  29. 第三部分考察了国外的立法例,通过比较可以看出,总的趋势是各国都是从保护受害人的角度要求无意思联络的数人承担连带责任;

    The third part is to make research on legislation and prejudications of foreign countries to reach a conclusion that all countries make the actors assume related responsibility at the angle of protecting the injured .

  30. 在相关法律文件中,无意思联络的数人侵权的概念不明确、调整范围狭窄以及责任承担方式不合理都是有待改进的地方。

    In related legal documents , the ambiguous conception and narrow scope as well as unreasonable fashion of liability assumption of multiple persons ' torts with no intention or negligence shall be improved as soon as possible .