
yuē dìnɡ yì wù
  • contractual obligation
  1. 获益是其法定义务之来源,合同则规定了其约定义务。

    Benefit is the source of legal obligation and contract is the source of contractual obligation .

  2. 指出保险人说明义务不是基于保险合同成立后产生的约定义务,而是法律直接规定的法定义务。

    It points out that insurer explanation obligation is not contractual obligation after the insurance contract is signed but legal obligations regulated directly by law .

  3. 发起人如果违反法定义务或约定义务,必须承担法律责任。

    Promoters must burden the liability if they breach legal obligations or promissory obligations .

  4. 第一章界定了经营者安全保障义务的概念,并探讨了其法律性质,指出经营者安全保障义务是以法定义务为原则,约定义务为例外;

    The first part defines the conception of operators ' safety guarantee obligation and discusses its legal nature .

  5. 安全保障义务以法定义务为主,约定义务为辅;

    The obligation of safety insurance is emphasized on the legal duty , and the contractual duty is assistant .

  6. 无因管理是指没有法定或约定义务,为避免他人利益受损失而对他人事务进行管理。

    Negotiorum gestio is defined as the management of the affairs of others without legal or contractual obligation in order to avoid losses of the interests of others .

  7. 前者以违反约定义务为基础,后者则以违反不得损害他人合法权益的法定义务为前提。

    The former is based on breaching the agreed duty , and , the latter is based on breaching the legal duty that anybody should not infringe the others .

  8. 民事责任的归责是指民事行为人违反法定义务或约定义务后,依什么为根据来使行为人承担强制性的不利后果。

    The imputation of civil liability refers to criterion decision by which the party must undertake responsibility for all the serious consequences arising from the violation of legal obligation .

  9. 票据债务人可以对不履行约定义务的与自己有直接债权债务关系的持票人,进行抗辩。

    A person liable for a negotiable instrument may set up defenses against the holder who has a direct creditor - debtor relationship with him and does not perform the obligations agreed upon .

  10. 如果将安全保障义务定位于合同法中的附随义务或约定义务,则会有对人的安全权过于轻视之嫌,由于合同义务向侵权法领域的扩张毕竟是有限的。

    If the security obligations in the Contract Law located in the accompanying obligation or contractual obligation , we will have the right to security of persons suspected of too lightly , because of contractual obligations to expand the area of tort law , after all , is limited .

  11. 在公司有效成立以后,基于设立公司的股东出资存在两种义务,一是股东之间基于契约(包括发起人协议和公司章程)的约定义务;

    After the company is established effectively , there are two kinds of obligations on shareholder 's investment which is used to set up the company , one is the agreement obligation on the basis of the agreement ( including promoter 's agreement and corporation by-law ) between the shareholders ;

  12. 违反前述条款中所约定的义务的,WIRTGENCHINA有权立即与买方完全解除贸易关系。

    Any violation of the obligation contained in the aforementioned sentence gives WIRTGEN CHINA the right to terminate the entire business relationship with the Buyer with immediate effect .

  13. 第四十八条中标人应当按照合同约定履行义务,完成中标项目。

    Article 48 A winning bidder shall fulfil his obligations as contracted and complete the winning project .

  14. 赠与附义务的,受赠人应当按照约定履行义务。

    Where the gift is subject to obligations , the donee shall perform his obligations in accordance with the contract .

  15. 安全保障义务是法定义务,但也可以是合同约定的义务,还可以是合同履行中的附随义务。

    It is a legal obligation , and can also be contractual obligations or accompanying obligations in the performance of the contract .

  16. 在乙方全面履行本合同约定的义务的前提下进行费用支付时,向乙方索取发票或收据的原件。

    To demand originals of invoices or receipts from Party B when making the payments on the premise that Party B has fully performed the contracted obligations .

  17. 医疗故意是指医疗服务者违反法定或约定的义务,从而给患者造成损害后果的医疗事件的行为。

    Medical treatment is to show medical treatment server is disobeyed intentionally legal or conventional obligation , cause the behaviour that damages sequential medical treatment incident to the patient thereby .

  18. 既要完善立法和执法,特许双方又要严格按照合同约定履行义务以维护特许经营的健康发展。

    Necessary to improve legislation and enforcement , licensing but also in strict accordance with the contract the two sides fulfill their obligations to safeguard the healthy development of the franchise .

  19. 私法责任制度设定的直接原因是违反了法定或约定的义务,直接目的是要归结出一种法律上的否定性评价。

    The main reason for the formulation of liability system in private law is the breach of legal or agreed duty , the direct aim of which is to set a negative assessment in law .

  20. 本文通过对自助寄存流程的分析及其与人工寄存的比较,认为自助寄存的性质仍为保管合同,超市应当对寄存物承担约定保管义务。

    The thesis considers that the nature of self-service deposit is still contract of deposit and supermarket should take the agreed responsibility of deposit by analyzing the course of self-deposit and comparing it with that of man-made deposit .

  21. 建筑师在执行职务的过程中,因故意、过失,违反业务或约定的义务致人损害,责任主体所应承担的民事法律责任即为建筑师专家责任。

    When an architect breaches the legal obligations or contractual obligations in the course of performing their duties , if it causes damage , no matter intentional or negligence , he should bear the main responsibility for civil liability .

  22. 股东会自行制定公司的自治法规&章程,约定权利义务的配置、利润和风险的分配,立法不做过多的干涉。

    Shareholders will make the constitution , self-organizing rule of their company , to stipulate the distribution of rights and obligations , and that of profits and risks , thus it is not necessary for lawmaking to interfere too much .

  23. 本部分实际上是对项目公司为什么要依据约定履行义务、承担责任的解答,主要是参考了合同法和公司法的相关规定和研究成果。

    This section is in fact about why the project company should fulfill their obligations in accordance with the agreement . This part is primarily in the light of Contract Law and the relevant provisions of the Companies Act and research results .

  24. 确认某一管理行为是否为无因管理行为,取决于管理人是否有法定的或者约定的义务、是否为避免他人利益损失而为管理以及是否对他人进行了管理或服务三个构成要件。

    Confirm whether a certain administration behavior is or not depend on whether the caretaker has a legal or appointed obligation , whether in order to prevent others ' interests from losing but for management and manage others or serve three main components .

  25. 委托理财合同有效时,如果受托人正确、适当地履行了合同约定的义务,无需对委托人的资金损失承担责任,相反还应按约获取相应报酬。

    With a valid commissioned financing contract , if the commission agent properly and appropriately honors the obligations provided in the contract , he need not take responsibility for capital loss incurred to clients , however , he should be paid as agreed upon .

  26. 聘请双方本着友好合作精神,自愿签订本合同并保证认真履行合同中约定的各项义务。

    The two parties , in a spirit of friendly cooperation , agree to sign this contract and pledge to fulfill conscientiously all the obligations stipulated in it .

  27. 在这些当事人之间,存在着错综复杂的法律关系:既有合同约定的权利义务关系,也有法律直接规定的权利义务关系。

    Among the parties there are complicated legal relations consist of the relations of rights and duties engaged in contract and the relations of righs and duties stipulated by law .

  28. 优先购买权是民事优先权的一种,是权利人依据法律规定或者约定,于义务人出卖其动产或不动产时,有以同样条件优先购买的权利。

    The preemptive right is one of the civil priorities . It is a kind of right who enjoys based on the law or the contract when the owner sells his property .

  29. 通常情况下,有效成立的合同对当事人双方都具有法律约束力,双方都必须严格按照合同的约定来履行义务,任何一方都不得随意解除合同。

    Generally speaking , legal valid contract has serious binding forces of law to both interested parties , who have to fulfill obligations in conformity with contract strictly , neither parties has the right of dissolving contract randomly .

  30. 所谓忠诚协议是夫妻双方约定互相恪守忠实义务,不为婚外性行为,如果违反,过错方将对无过错方给予经济赔偿。

    The so-called " loyalty agreement " is both sides of the couple who agreed scrupulously to abide the loyal obligation without extramarital sex . Anyone who violate the agreement , the fault will compensates economic compensation to the no-fault party .