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  • private delicts
  1. 共同侵权制度肇始于罗马法中的私犯和单纯连带责任制度。

    Joint tort system began from committed in the private and simple system of joint and several liabilities in Roman law .

  2. 用工者责任是舶来品,通常认为其起源于古代罗马的准私犯制度。

    The employer liability is an exotic which is considered originated from a system of Quasi-private Offence of the Roman Law .

  3. 罗马法将私犯、契约共同作为债法的渊源其实是一个历史的误解。

    Roman will be private committed , contracts , the origin of the common law as a debt is a historical misunderstanding .

  4. 私犯之恢复性责任盛衰演变的历程表明,恢复性犯罪责任实乃强王权社会前之赎罪刑理念在当代民权与自由法治社会的新生。

    The evolving course of Restorative Criminal Responsibility of private crimes indicates that , Restorative Criminal Responsibility is actually the rebirth of the idea of atonement penalty that appeared before the strong king power society in the contemporary society of civil rights , freedom and rule of law .

  5. 这上面所画的是对那种烧死走私犯和煮死铸私钱犯的火刑的反击情绪,而竟描绘在一张纸牌上,可以说再没有什么比这更阴森的了。

    Nothing can be more melancholy than these reprisals in painting , by a pack of cards , in the presence of stakes for the roasting of smugglers and of the cauldron for the boiling of counterfeiters .