
sī jiā chē
  • private car
  1. 这是一辆私家车。

    It is a private car .

  2. 在Uber的成熟市场,比如旧金山,每天使用Uber可能比拥有私家车更省钱。

    In its long-established markets , like San Francisco , using Uber every day is already arguably cheaper than owning a private car .

  3. 巴士的标牌上写着“私家车:不对外出租”。

    The sign on the bus read ' Private : Not In Service ' .

  4. 该报告严词谴责了那个私家车司机。

    The report hammers the private motorist

  5. Aclima的老板戴维达·赫茨尔说,他们发现污染值高的时候正是旧金山的运输工人罢工而居民不得不使用私家车的时候。

    Davida Herzl , Aclima 's boss , says they have revealed pollution highs on days when San Francisco 's transit workers went on strike and the city 's inhabitants were forced to use their cars .

  6. 加州大学戴维斯分校(UniversityofCaliforniaatDavis)的一项研究表明,在全球范围内以电动自动驾驶共享汽车替代燃油私家车可使2050年的交通运输碳排量减少80%,还能降低40%的交通基础设施和运营成本。

    A study from the University of California at Davis suggested that replacing petrol-powered private cars worldwide with electric , self-driving and shared systems could reduce carbon emissions from transportation 80 % and cut the cost of transportation infrastructure and operations 40 % by 2050 .

  7. 幻想未来的时候很多人都想拥有一辆会飞的私家车。

    When we dream about the future , many like to think of owning a personal flying car .

  8. 为了躲避夏日的烈日,我不止一次地和老公说过要买一辆私家车的事。

    In order to prevent myself from being burnt by the hot sun in summer , I talked again and again with my husband that we should buy a car of our own . In the evening .

  9. 一辆私家车快速驶进主要的LadyReading医院,车厢里坐着一名志愿者和一名伤者。

    A private car sped up to the main Lady Reading Hospital with a volunteer sitting next to a body in the trunk .

  10. 美国国会早在2007年就要求私家车必须安装倒车摄像头,不过美国国家公路交通安全管理局(NationalHighwayTrafficSafetyAdministration)已然数次推迟了强制安装倒车摄像头的法规。但是倒车摄像头对我来说太必要了。

    Several times , the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has delayed rules for rear visibility that would require backup cameras since Congress required them in 2007 , but they can 't come fast enough for me .

  11. 但在国内,GPS车载控制系统虽然在工程市场、公共交通市场取得了好的成绩,但是在容量更大的私家车市场却一直停滞不前。

    In our country , it got good grades in the Truck market and Public transportation market , but in the private car market which have more market capacity , it is in trouble .

  12. 私家车出行者ATIS信息选择影响因素研究&以大连市为例

    Factors Influencing Private Car Travelers ' Choice of ATIS Information : a Case Study from Dalian

  13. Uber可以通过降低私家车保有量来实现上述愿景。交通学者长期以来一直认为这是不可能的事,但Uber有这个潜力。

    Uber could pull this off by accomplishing something that has long been seen as a pipe dream among transportation scholars : It has the potential to decrease private car ownership .

  14. 要理解Uber等服务为何会促使很多人摒弃私家车,首先要弄清楚出租车在城市交通中的作用。

    To see why Uber and its ilk could prompt many of us to give up our cars , it helps to understand the role that taxis play in urban transport .

  15. 苏珊现在开始研究像Uber这样的共乘租车服务是否会有同样的效果,她说,估计这类服务也会降低私家车的拥有率。

    While she is beginning a study into whether Uber-like services have the same effect , she said it was plausible to guess that they would also reduce levels of car ownership .

  16. 事实上,当时的自行车如此之多,以至于在1994年,北京的交通官员联系到当时给联合国担任顾问的美国人丹·伯登(DanBurden),寻求他对如何在私家车激增的情况下管理自行车的意见。

    In fact , there were so many bikes that Beijing transportation officials reached out in 1994 to Dan Burden , then an American consultant with the United Nations , to solicit his opinion on how to manage them all given the new surge in private cars .

  17. 该公司还投资了私家车搭乘服务应用Lyft和游戏制造商Kabam,不过招股说明书只提到了ShopRunner。

    It also has invested in taxi-killer Lyft and game maker Kabam , but only ShopRunner earned the prospectus mention .

  18. 苏珊·沙欣(SusanShaheen)是加州大学伯克利分校(UniversityofCalifornia,Berkeley)交通可持续性研究中心的主任,她发现热布卡(Zipcar)等汽车共享服务以及一些单车共享服务已经导致用户私家车拥有率出现了明显下降。

    Susan Shaheen , the co-director of the Transportation Sustainability Research Center at the University of California , Berkeley , has found that car-sharing services like Zipcar and bike-sharing services have already led to a significant net reduction of car ownership among users .

  19. 希斯罗机场地面交通接驳事务主管克里斯?乔伊斯(ChrisJoyce)表示,使用这种技术有助于减轻发达国家交通中对私家车的依赖。希斯罗利用自动驾驶摆渡车在停车场和5号航站楼之间接送乘客。

    Chris Joyce , head of surface access for Heathrow , which uses autonomous shuttles to link a car park to Terminal 5 , says that such uses of technology can help to shift transport in developed countries away from dependence on private cars .

  20. 上世纪80年代,Maruti推出了Alto800车型,这款动力不足但价格低廉的掀背式轿车让普通人拥有了私家车。

    In the 1980s , Maruti introduced the Alto 800 , an underpowered but inexpensive hatchback that brought car ownership to the masses .

  21. 两名知情人士称,二人可能被拘留最长48小时。他们补充称,指控与Uber在法国的UberPop服务有关,通过这项服务,用户可以选择私家车出行。

    Two people close to the matter said that the pair could be held for up to 48 hours , and added that the complaint related to the company 's UberPop service , which allows users to arrange rides with private cars .

  22. BMCT的数据显示到今年7月底这个城市有多达535万量私家车登记。

    Figures from the BMCT show that as many as 5.35 million private cars had been registered in the city by the end of July this year .

  23. 岛上50万辆私家车帮助疏散,用不了多久,I-95、I-195和I-295公路上将出现史上最严重的交通拥堵。

    Rhode Island 's half-million cars are commandeered . Moments later , I-95 , I-195 , and I-295 become the sites of the largest traffic jam in the history of the planet .

  24. 换言之,如果Uber这类共乘租车服务取得了成功,很多中小城市将可能达到曼哈顿那样的理想交通状况——在这些地方,放弃私家车不光是一种特立独行的生活方式,也是人们青睐的生活方式。

    In other words , if Uber and its ride-sharing competitors succeed , it wouldn 't be a stretch to see many small and midsize cities become transportation nirvanas on the order of Manhattan - places where forgoing car ownership isn 't just an outr é lifestyle choice , but the preferred way to live .

  25. 私家车在当时还是地位的标志。

    The private car was still a cherished symbol of status .

  26. 现在北京很多居民都有私家车。

    Nowadays a lot of residents in Beijing own private cars .

  27. 有辆绿色私家车从你们街区经过。

    There 's a green sedan across the street from you .

  28. 私家车的减少意味著污染和交通堵塞的减少。

    And fewer cars means less pollution and fewer traffic jams .

  29. 大多数私家车是不被允许进入新加坡商业区的。

    Most private cars are not allowed in downtown Singapore .

  30. 私家车在中国普及还是一件遥遥无期的事。

    Private ownership of cars in China is still a long shot .