
mín zú rónɡ hé
  • national amalgamation
  1. 论民族融合的不同类型及中华民族融合的不同状况

    On the Types of National Amalgamation and the Different Conditions of the Chinese National Amalgamation

  2. 浅析先秦时期德治在民族融合中所起的作用

    Analysis of the Effect on Morality-Managing in National Amalgamation in the Early Period of Qin Dynasty

  3. 体现了中华文明民族融合的趋势。

    The trend of national integration of Chinese civilization is shown .

  4. 论朱湘诗歌的外来借鉴与民族融合

    The External Reference and National Assimilation in Zhu Xiang 's Poetry

  5. 论移民开发西部与促进民族融合

    On developing the West and promoting the national merging by migration

  6. 论走向和谐的广西壮汉民族融合大趋势

    The Harmonious Development Trend of Fusion of Zhuang and Han Nationality

  7. 试述民族融合的大趋势在唐朝教育中的体现

    On Embodiment of National-Integration Trend in Education of the Tang Dynasty

  8. 试论商代中原地区的民族融合

    On the Nationality Amalgamation in the Central Region in Shang Dynasty

  9. 从北朝的婚礼习俗看民族融合

    Study on Amalgamation of Nationalities from Wedding Customs of the Northern Dynasty

  10. 第一章交代民族融合的前提条件&迁徙。

    The first chapter explained a prerequisite for national integration - migration .

  11. 辽代的婚姻还呈现出门当户对和民族融合的特点。

    The characteristics of marriage also showed match and amalgamation of nationalities .

  12. 新奥尔良是美国的不同民族融合的地区之一。

    New Orleans is one of the great melting pots of america .

  13. 文化认同是民族融合的先决条件

    Cultural Identity is a Prime Condition of Ethnic Fusion

  14. 从温州地名看浙南人口迁徙和民族融合

    Populace Migration and People Mergence Reflected by Wenzhou Place-name

  15. 宋元之际民族融合下的文学转型

    Literature transformation under national harmony between the Song Dynasty and the Yuan Dynasty

  16. 关于阶级社会中是否存在民族融合的思考

    Existence or Non-existence of National Mixture in Class Society

  17. 试论民族融合与语言融合的关系

    On the relationship between national fusion and lingual fusion

  18. 浅论宋代以前古羌族的民族融合

    Study on the Assimilation of the Ancient Qiang Nationality before the Song Dynasty

  19. 少数民族融合于汉族;

    National minorities merged into the Han nationality ;

  20. 秦汉以来中国南、北方民族融合进程的特点

    The Integration of North and South Nationalities Since the Dynasties of Qing and Han

  21. 初步的民族融合、民族平等思想。

    A tentative idea of the ethnic equality .

  22. 民族融合与中国小说之嬗变

    An evolution of national harmony and Chinese novel

  23. 三峡文明中民族融合趋势简析

    National Blending Tendency of the Three Gorges Culture

  24. 中学历史课民族融合问题的教学

    National blend in middle school history teaching

  25. 种/民族融合是第二次世界大战后在郊外开始发生的。

    Interracial and multiethnic fusion started after World War II and happened in the suburbs .

  26. 民族融合交流的文化地层&关于昭通各民族地名

    The Cultural Stratum of National Mergence and Exchange & On the national information of Zhaotong place-names

  27. 从民族融合看骑士文学

    Approach knight literature from national harmoniousness

  28. 在民族融合过程中,南北方经历了不同的发展道路。

    The north and the south went through different ways in course of the national amalgamation .

  29. 民族融合有三种不同类型,即结合、一体化和同化。

    National amalgamation has three different types : national combination , national integration and national assimilation .

  30. 认为历史上的民族融合和民族同化是两个不同的概念;

    The author holds that the ethnic amalgamation and ethnic assimilation in history are two different concepts ;