
mín shì fǎ lǜ zé rèn
  • civil legal obligation;civil legal duty
  1. 进一步完善我国民事法律责任体系的几点思考

    Some Thinking on How to Improve the Civil Legal Obligation System of Our Country

  2. 为此,本文结合其他国家有关港口法的规定及我国国情,就我国港口经营人的民事法律责任问题进行了探讨。

    For this reason , using the legislation of other countries for reference and proceeding from the condition of our country , this thesis has probed into civil legal obligation of the operator in our country .

  3. 论公司财务审计的CPA民事法律责任

    A Discussion of CPA 's Civil Obligation on the Company 's Financial Audit

  4. 关于中国CPA的民事法律责任

    Civil Legal Liability About Chinese CPA

  5. 证券分析师的执业利益冲突及其民事法律责任

    The Securities Analysts ' Conflicts of Interests & the Civil Liability

  6. 论《证券法》的民事法律责任制度缺位

    The Defects in the System of Civil Responsibility of the Securities Law

  7. 环境民事法律责任与环境损害赔偿

    On Environmental Civil Liability and Compensation of Environmental Damages

  8. 企业会计涉假民事法律责任研究

    A Research into the Civil Liability of Enterprises Drawing up Deceitful Accounting Data

  9. 论电子认证服务机构在认证服务中承担的民事法律责任

    On Civil Liability of Certificate Authority in Certificate Services

  10. 股份有限公司董事民事法律责任研究

    The Limited-liability Company Director 's Civil Legal Liability Research

  11. 证券市场信息披露的会计民事法律责任

    Remarks on the Accounting Civil Legal Responsibility of Information Disclosure in the Securities Market

  12. 控制公司在关联企业中民事法律责任问题的研究

    Civil Liability of Control Companies in Related Enterprises

  13. 诱使他人投资金钱的民事法律责任

    Civil liability for inducing others to invest money

  14. 上市公司审计失败的民事法律责任研究

    A Research on the Civil Liability Caused by the Audit Failure of Listed Company

  15. 第三,要加强科研不端行为有关民事法律责任力度。

    Third , we should strengthen the research misconduct related to the intensity of civil liability .

  16. 过失侵权责任是民事法律责任中较为复杂的一个问题。

    The liability for right intrusion by misconduct is a complicated problem in civil law practice .

  17. 其中,民事法律责任是破产管理人承担的基本责任。

    Among them , the civil liability of the bankrupt supervisor beared is the primary responsibility .

  18. 论民事法律责任的概念

    On Concept on Civil Legal Liability

  19. 就市场失当行为须负的民事法律责任

    Civil liability for market misconduct

  20. 自罗马法以来,侵权责任和契约责任一直是民事法律责任制度的两大独立责任。

    Since Roman law , tort liability and contractual liability have been two independent liabilities in civil liability system .

  21. 第二章论述了公众责任保险的法律基础。公众责任保险所承保的是被保险人的民事法律责任,其中最主要的是过失侵权责任。

    Chapter Two discusses the legal basis of public liability insurance , which covers the insured 's civil liabilities .

  22. 分析研究港口经营人的民事法律责任,对于繁荣整个航运经济具有极其重要的意义。

    To research the operator 's civil legal liability , it has a profound meaning in prospering the shipping economy .

  23. 总之,一个清晰的电子认证机构民事法律责任将有助于整个电子商务的发展。

    In a word , a clear standard of civil liability of CA will help the development of the modern E-Commerce .

  24. 第三方提供网络交易平台的模式引发的纠纷也层出不穷,问题的焦点集中在平台提供商的民事法律责任需要明确。

    However , the model of the third-party-provider that is the third party who provides online transactions gives rise to problems .

  25. 目前我国有关独立董事的民事法律责任,由于缺乏相关的具体操作规则,几乎处于真空状态。

    At present , due to the lack of specific operation rules , the civil liability is almost " in a vacuum " .

  26. 第三方网络交易服务平台商之民事法律责任类型化透析&以淘宝网为例

    Typical analysis of the civil liability on the third party of internet trading services & giving the example of " taobao net "

  27. 在借鉴美国证券信用评级民事法律责任的基础上,着重论述证券信用评级对第三人的民事责任。

    With the reference of the American securities credit rating civil responsibility , the author focuses on its civil responsibility for the third party .

  28. 我国《港口法》虽已出台,但此法并未对港口经营人的民事法律责任问题进行规定,而仅仅是涉及港口的纵向法律关系。

    Though the " harbor law " in our country has been enacted , it has no regulations for the operator 's civil legal liability .

  29. 路权的侵犯主要体现在侵犯通行权和违反通行规则,相应的要承担行政、刑事和民事法律责任。

    Violation of right-of-way is mainly the violations of the wayleave and the prevailing rules , which must bear administrative , criminal and civil liability .

  30. 注册税务师的民事法律责任的发生、承担与消灭都受制于注册税务师执业的内容和性质。

    The occurrence , commitment and disappearance of the civil liability of the CTA are all subject to the license contents and nature of CTA .