
mín qíng
  • Public sentiment;public feeling;condition of the people;feelings of the people
民情 [mín qíng]
  • (1) [condition of the people]∶人民的生产、工作以及风俗习惯等情况

  • 熟悉地理民情

  • (2) [public feeling;feelings of the people]∶指人民的思想、意愿等

民情[mín qíng]
  1. 三年不鸣,是在细心观察天下的民情。

    It didn 't cry for three years in order to carefully observe the conditions of the people in the world .

  2. 我们建立健全深入了解民情、充分反映民意、广泛集中民智、切实珍惜民力的决策机制,保证决策符合人民利益和愿望。

    We have set up a sound decision-making mechanism that enables us to be fully aware of the conditions of the people , reflect their will , pool their wisdom and lighten their burden to make sure all our decisions meet the people 's interests and aspirations .

  3. 搞分肥拨款的政客为获得选票、影响民情而发放房租补贴。

    Pork-barrel politicians hand out rents to win votes and influence people .

  4. 他在体察民情方面表现得相当周到和练达。

    He 's shown considerable delicacy and tact in feeling the public mood .

  5. 《今日美国报》头版图片描述AIG商标被掷西红柿,这些都反映了美国人怒不可遏的民情。

    " USA Today " front-page picture described AIG trademarks are throwing tomatoes , which are a reflection of the American people furious .

  6. 绿色节能,政府先行&政府行业UPS电源解决方案要了解政府的政绩只需要观察民情。

    Green and Energy-saving , the Government Takes the Lead & The UPS Scheme by the Government To be acquainted with the merit of ministry , we need only observe the condition of the people .

  7. 上课通常使用扶轮领导学院(RLI)的课程,该课程得加以修正以配合当地风俗民情。

    Conduct courses generally using the RLI curriculum , which may be revised to be consistent with local customs and traditions .

  8. 我们着手调查该社区的民情。

    We set out to investigate the mood of the community .

  9. 第二、民俗民情与乡村建筑旅游;

    2 , folk custom and popular custom and rural architecture tourism ;

  10. 山西省部分省属科技机构民情分析

    Analysis on Public Feeling of Some Provincial Sci-tech Organizations in Shanxi Province

  11. 山西省科技界1998年民情调查报告

    Public Feeling Investigation Report of Shanxi Sci-tech Circle in 1998

  12. 北京市井文化和风俗民情引人关注;

    Beijing 's marketplace culture and folk customs are fascinating .

  13. 它是:地方法官,讲解员,馆长,还是民情调查员?

    Is it : Magistrate , docent , curator , or ombudsman ?

  14. 领导要注意体察民情。

    The leaders should observe the people 's condition .

  15. 由于泰国民情激愤,两国政府都派兵驻守该地区。

    A public outcry in Thailand caused both governments to send troops to the area .

  16. 这样的体察民情的行为要经常进行,不要仅仅是在公司出现危机的时候才深入群众。

    This should happen on regular basis rather than just when company is in trouble .

  17. 当官的应该经常微服私访,了解民情。

    Officials should often wear plain clothes to experience and get to know public life .

  18. 泛舟河上,你能感受到水乡的风俗民情。

    Boating on the river , you can experience the custom of the waterside town .

  19. 街头巷尾的民情可能压倒统治阶层。

    The street might overwhelm the establishment .

  20. 这位执政者试图在公众眼里树立起一个体恤民情的新形象。

    The governor is trying to create a new , caring image with the public .

  21. 那里的民情如何?

    What are the people like ?

  22. 其次是对韦庄忧时伤世、体恤民情为主题的诗歌进行研究。

    Second , when the injury is concerned , sympathize with the people of the theme of poetry .

  23. 阿尔卑斯山绝佳的风景及民情蕴含了许多可供世人挖掘的宝藏。

    The picture-perfect land and lifestyle of the Alps contain many treasures for all the peoples of the world .

  24. 结论各地在开展性教育时应该注意到各地具体情况的差异和不同年龄未婚年轻人的需求,根据当地的特点、资源和风俗民情等开展工作。

    Conclusion Sex education should be provided for unmarried young adults according to their needs and the local situation .

  25. 依托神奇独特的自然景观和绚丽多彩的风俗民情,新疆旅游业的发展令人瞩目。

    With wonderful and rare natural scenery and colorful ethnic customs , Xinjiang has greatly expanded its tourism sector .

  26. 它以外国人视角来观察、分析和评述中国的历史文化,地理风光、风土民情和社会现象等。

    It looks at China 's history , culture , natural scenery , customs and social phenomena through foreigners'eyes .

  27. 同时,聚落又是重要的文化景观,在很大程度上反映了区域的经济发展水平和风土民情等。

    Also , settlement is important cultural landscape . It reflects the economic level and local conditions and customs .

  28. 不管是在网络上还是各项民情调查,公众对住房问题的“关注度”始终名列前茅。

    Whether in the network or the public survey , public housing ," attention " is always among the best .

  29. 他的诗中展示了西域地区独特的民情风俗,让人耳目一新。

    His poems had demonstrated the western region area unique public sentiment custom , making the human pleasant change of atmosphere .

  30. 可以说,网络舆情成为反映民情的重要方式。

    As a result , Internet public opinion becomes an important way of reflection of condition or feelings of the citizenry .