
  • 网络President of Mexico
  1. 佩德罗·何塞·多明戈·德·拉·卡尔萨达·曼努埃尔·玛丽亚·拉斯喀瑞·裴瑞兹当墨西哥总统仅15分钟。

    Pedro Jose Domingo de la Calzada Manuel Mar í a Lascurain Paredes was President of Mexico for anywhere from an hour to just 15 minutes .

  2. 几周之内,贝尼特斯的父亲——墨西哥总统恩里克•培尼亚•涅托(EnriquePeñaNieto)的朋友——被迫选择辞职。

    Within weeks , her father ─ a friend of President Enrique Pe ñ a Nieto ─ was forced to resign .

  3. 几周之内,贝尼特斯的父亲墨西哥总统恩里克•培尼亚•涅托(EnriquePe241;aNieto)的朋友被迫选择辞职。

    Within weeks , her father ─ a friend of President Enrique Pe & # 241 ; a Nieto ─ was forced to resign .

  4. 他不理睬EnriquePe?aNieto,制度革命党的候选人也是墨西哥总统竞选的领先人物,7月1日任期到期,他认为此人无足轻重,也没有能力解决这个国家存在的问题。

    He dismissed Enrique Pe ? a Nieto , the PRI candidate and front-runner in Mexico 's presidential election , due on July 1st , as a lightweight , unequal to the country 's problems .

  5. 找到墨西哥总统你就可以回家了。

    Find the Mexican president and you 're home .

  6. 墨西哥总统美加之行被参议院否决

    Mexican President 's U.S. trip vetoed by Senate

  7. 墨西哥总统卡尔德龙说,美国经济放缓的影响已经超出了美国的边界。

    Mexican President Calderon said the U.S. slowdown is being felt beyond its borders .

  8. 墨西哥总统表示,目前找到生还者的希望微乎其微。

    Mexico 's president says there is little hope anyone who will be find alive .

  9. 新闻报道说,墨西哥总统责备布什总统试图在两国边界修建围墙。

    Mexican President chided President Bush for trying to build a wall between the two countries .

  10. 布什总统陪同墨西哥总统卡尔德龙参加墨西哥在新奥尔良新设领事馆的开幕式。

    President Bush accompanied President Calderon to the opening of Mexico 's newest consulate here in New Orleans .

  11. 墨西哥总统访问美国,他希望更多的美国人到墨西哥旅游。

    The Mexican president was in town and said he wants more American tourists to visit his country .

  12. 墨西哥总统卡尔德龙在2006年12月份继任后不久即开始了针对有组织的犯罪的战争。

    Mexican President Felipe Calderon began the war on organized crime shortly after taking office in December , 2006 .

  13. 首先,墨西哥总统卡尔德隆对美国进行为期两天的访问。

    First up , Mexican President Felipe Calderon travels north of the border for a two-day visit to the U.

  14. 本周,布什总统在新奥尔良会见墨西哥总统费利佩•伊诺霍萨和加拿大首相斯蒂芬•哈珀。

    President Bush met this week with Mexican President Felipe Calderon and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper in New Orleans .

  15. 墨西哥总统培尼亚·涅托表示,墨西哥已要求美国向墨西哥外交部提供有关这些指控的最新信息。

    President Pena Nieto said Mexico has asked the US to his foreign ministry for immediate information regarding the allegations .

  16. 虽然美国公民对此并不热心,但墨西哥总统福克斯已经积极赞同这一计划。

    Although the response among citizens has not been enthusiastic , Mexican President Vicente Fox has warmly endorsed the plan .

  17. 墨西哥总统恩里克·培尼亚·涅托对和美国之间广阔而多样的关系表示了欢迎。

    For his part , Mexican president Enrique Pena Nieto welcomed what he called the wide and diverse relationship with the US .

  18. 在与墨西哥总统卡尔德龙会晤时,皮莱提到了警察和军人在缉毒行动中受到的指责。

    In a meeting with President Calderon , Pillay mentioned allegations against police and military forces in the war on drug traffickers .

  19. 墨西哥总统今天访问华盛顿。他来干美国总统不愿意干的活。

    " Mexico 's president arrived in Washington . He 's here to do the work that American presidents won 't do . "– Jay Leno .

  20. 墨西哥总统卡尔德龙承认墨西哥面临问题,这将是他星期四与奥巴马总统在墨西哥城会晤时的焦点问题。

    President Calderon acknowledges Mexico has a problem , one that will be a focal point of his meeting Thursday with President Obama in Mexico City .

  21. 布什总统正在新奥尔良接待北美国家元首&墨西哥总统卡尔德龙和加拿大总理哈珀。

    President Bush is in New Orleans , playing host to his North American counterparts , Mexican President Felipe Calderon and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper .

  22. 昨天,43名失踪学生的家长同墨西哥总统进行了6个多小时的谈话,要求政府采取更多措施寻找他们的孩子。

    Yesterday parents of the 43 still-missing students met with Mexico 's president for more than six hours demanding the government do more to find their children .

  23. 南非总统祖马和墨西哥总统卡尔德龙并肩而坐,共赏盛会。他们各自戴着本国球队的围巾。

    South Africa 's President Jacob Zuma and his Mexican counterpart , Felipe Calderon , sat side-by-side overlooking the festivities , each wearing their home team 's scarf .

  24. 周三,墨西哥总统命令从周五开始五天内,所有市民留在家中,停止商业活动,政府服务部门中停止运行。

    On Wednesday , Mexican President Felipe Calderon ordered citizens to stay home , businesses to close and government services to be suspended for five days beginning Friday .

  25. 墨西哥总统利佩·卡尔德龙在参观与美国边境相邻的、暴力事件频发的华瑞兹市时遭遇了强烈的公众愤怒。

    Mexican President Felipe Calderon faced public anger during a visit to his country 's most violent city , Ciudad Juarez , on the border with the US .

  26. 虽然墨西哥总统承认美国有权控制其边境,但修建围墙的计划并不能解决非法移民问题。

    While acknowledging the right of the United States to control its border , the Mexican president said the proposed fence is not the solution to the immigration problem .

  27. 桑多瓦尔是当天早些时候与墨西哥总统恩里克·培尼亚·涅托在总统官邸洛斯皮诺斯见面的数十名学生家长之一。

    Sandoval was one of dozens of relatives of the students who met with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto earlier in the day at the official residence Los Pinos .

  28. 墨西哥总统卡尔德龙已经向议会提出建议,允许私人公司有限度地参与石油勘探和开发,以便开辟新的油田。

    President Felipe Calderon has a proposal before the Mexican Congress that would allow limited participation by private companies in exploration and development so that new reserves could be opened .

  29. 墨西哥总统塞迪略下令军队将恰帕斯叛军赶出其山区根据地后才一星期,突然改弦易辙,召回军队。

    Only a week after ordering the Mexican army to flush out the Chiapas rebels from their mountain hideouts , Mexican President Ernesto Zedillo abruptly changed course and called off the troops .

  30. 墨西哥总统卡尔德龙称,猪流感的爆发已经逐渐减弱,商业活动将会很快恢复,大学和高中计划周四重新开课,更小一点的孩子将会于下周返校。

    There was encouraging news from Mexico , the epicenter of the swine flu virus . Mexican President Felipe Calderon said the outbreak is waning , and that businesses should reopen soon . Universities and high schools are scheduled to resume classes on Thursday , and younger children are set to return to school in Mexico next week .